Do you think public education is important? Then join the Maine chapter of StudentsFirst for lunch in Portland or Bangor so that you can share your ideas and concerns!
The mission of StudentsFirst is to build a national movement to defend the interests of children in public education and pursue transformative reform, so that America has the best education system in the world.
Governor LePage has signed two important bills into law that will help develop an excellent teaching force. One will recruit more talented individuals into the teaching profession through alternative certification programs and one will recognize great teachers and support those who need improvement through meaningful teacher evaluation.
Next legislative session, StudentsFirst will fight for an open-enrollment policy that will enable every Maine student to attend a great school.
StudentsFirst strives to make sure that Maine’s education policies put the interests of students first. Join the conversation and share your thoughts, concerns and ideas for future action. Whether you want to get involved now or just learn more, come to the luncheons and bring your friends!
Share some good food with educators, parents and concerned citizens who care about education in Maine. Tell StudentsFirst how you think we can keep great teachers in the classroom and increase the number of quality public schools in our state.
The first luncheon is Monday, October 15 from noon to 2 p.m. at DiMillo’s Restaurant, 25 Long Wharf, Portland, ME 04101. RSVP here:
The second luncheon is Tuesday, October 16 in Bangor from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Sea Dog Brewing Co., 26 Front St., Bangor, ME 04401. RSVP here:
StudentsFirst’s key issues in Maine:
Teacher and Principal Evaluation. We must evaluate teachers and principals in a fair and meaningful way so we can reward effective educators and support those that need improvement.
Open School Enrollment. Kids should not need the right zip code to get a quality education. All parents deserve quality school options.
Alternative Teacher Certification. To recruit the best teachers into the profession, we need new alternative pathways to teacher certification.
For more information, see