Maine GOP Communications Director David Sorensen clashed with former Democratic Gov. John Baldacci over welfare reform Wednesday morning.
A clearly agitated Baldacci called into WGAN Morning News twice to defend himself against the criticism that welfare reform never happened on his watch.
Baldacci pointed out that, when he was a Congressman, he voted for the Gingrich-Clinton welfare reforms of 1996 that created the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cash welfare program.
But Sorensen pointed out that Baldacci never moved to implement the five-year lifetime limit on the benefit during his 8 years in the Blaine House.
Only when Republican Gov. Paul LePage presided over the GOP-controlled 125th Legislature did that provision, previously enacted by a majority of other states, take effect.
He’s just like the rest of the liberal/progressive/socialist/democrats….incapable of shame or responsibility when confronted with his own record.
Bottom line – Welfare, MaineCare, GFspending, the budget, taxes, fees ALL increased under Baldacci.
SP0908, LD 2283, item 1, An Act To Implement Recommendations of the Governor’s Task Force on Wind Power Development. You, John E. Baldacci, submitted this Bill, L.D. 2283, via Senator Philip Bartlett’s sponsorship, as your “Emergency Bill”, rushed it through the 123rd Maine State Legislature unlawfully. It was referred to the Committee on Utilities and Energy on Mar 27, 2008. NO Public Hearings were held. The people were excluded from public notice, public discussion and public input, and the Bill was hurriedly passed on a voice vote, enacted, & signed into law, by you, John E. Baldacci, on April 18, 2008. This “emergency” was not of sufficient import that the People needed to be excluded, their freedom of speech silenced! Anytime the public is not given proper notice of a bill’s Public Hearing, not given the proper ability to testify, and are thus denied public testimony, as was done with L.D. 2283, the entire Act is a denial of due process of law, thus, blatantly unconstitutional, null and void. This was a fraud upon the People of Maine.
There is no Statute of Limitations on fraud.
The Maine Administrative Procedure Act, which L.D. 1750 attempts to amend, is subordinate to the supreme authority of the national Constitution, the Constitution of Maine, and ultimately the People, as is L.D. 2283 and its successors.
My memory of his Governorship will be his trying to impose sales tax on us such as car repair but insisting the bill would not be signed until golf & skiing were exempted.
you will love it