The systemic racism industry has had its sweet multimillion consulting racket exposed and trumped. The President used his “pen and phone” to order the critical race theory hustle out of the federal bureaucracy. The shrieks and howls from the incredibly undiverse set of pricey diversity consultants kicked off the taxpayers’ dime can be heard in human resources departments and liberal convents across the country.
The picture below, captioned “critical race theory in one image” went viral and possibly triggered the president’s action, which was long overdue. It should have happened after the Smithsonian Institution critical race theory propaganda was revealed earlier this summer, or when these trainings were mandated in the military, the FBI and the Department of Justice.
I am pretty sure that viewing and publishing the picture, and agreeing with the president’s action, will be characterized as a racist act of white supremacy. Social media can and will deplatform anyone, including the president, who dares to publicly question the diversity swindle.
However, it is not going to work. The left’s hypocritical and frequent charge of racism and sexism has lost its power. Systemic hatred of capitalism (as in capitalism is irredeemably racist) is hard to swallow when the diversity divas profit handsomely, some might say obscenely, by teaching critical race theory swill to federal and state employees on the taxpayers’ dime, not to mention “woke” corporations at the expense of their shareholders.
In a delicious case of equal justice, it appears that scores of lawsuits will soon be filed in federal courts at the behest of aggrieved employees who have been forced to attend mandatory implicit bias / white supremacy / systemic racism / anti-racism “trainings.” These required sessions force employees, especially white males, to admit and apologize for their white supremacy and racist behavior and attitudes. The anti-racism credo that “silence is violence” is taught, and submission and “allyship” is demanded (take a knee and raise your fist).
Peter Kirsanow, a Black member of the United States Commission on Civil Rights, has correctly pointed out that these mandatory trainings are clearly creating a hostile work environment for white males, and precedent and federal law on the matter is quite clear: employers are liable for such actions and there is no intersectionality carveout protecting supposedly “powerless” diversity divas and grievance mongers.
In other words, discrimination and racism against anyone is illegal. That will be true until the law is amended to allow the diversity scam to continue.
Reprinted with permission from the September 15 edition of The Machias Valley News Observer.