On Saturday the Bangor Daily News published an article from opinion contributor and former Washington Post reporter Gordon Weil in which Weil compares former President Trump’s CNN townhall performance to Adolf Hitler’s “Big Lie.”
“Because Adolf Hitler operated so far below civilized bounds, it may seem unfair to say anybody else is like him. But some people continue to use his strategies,” Weil says in the article.
This opening disclaimer, however, did not deter Weil from going on to equate Trump’s claims of election fraud in the 2020 Presidential election to the dictator of Nazi Germany.
“While the situation is far less dire in this country than it was in Nazi Germany, the U.S. faces a political leader who willingly exploits the rights from which he benefits to undermine and potentially destroy them,” Weil says.
Weil claims that Trump’s use of Hitler’s “Big Lie” strategy “seriously threatens” free society.
Specifically, Weil levies criticism against CNN for platforming Trump in its recent televised Republican Town Hall event in New Hampshire.
While Weil acknowledges the value of news organizations providing access to all political views, he says “there comes a time to recognize that by providing a platform to a person who seriously threatens that free society, a media outlet can be dangerously naive.”
“The Big Lie is not entitled to big coverage,” Weil says.
In Weil’s view, CNN should not have given Trump a platform to make claims about the 2020 election and other matters that could not be adequately “fact-checked” in real time.
“The media should stop treating Trump as if he is entitled to a level playing field and must continually demonstrate its innocence of his charges that it broadcasts ‘fake news’,” Weil says.
Weil warns that some Trump supporters “agree with his distrust of government”— a statement which on its face seems ridiculous in the face of the findings of the Durham report, which revealed collusion between members of the media and FBI in creating a narrative of Trump working with Russia to undermine the 2016 presidential election.
[RELATED: Christopher Steele Defends Debunked Dossier After Durham Report Lays Bare FBI’s 2016 Deception]
The Bangor Daily News published just one article on the findings of the Durham report, a reposted report from the Associated Press.
Though the report demonstrated the use of false and uncorroborated evidence to justify the FBI’s investigation into Trump-Russia collusion, the Bangor Daily News seems far less concerned with that “Big Lie” than Trump’s.
Annddd….Since cnn’s fiasco (which is apparently ALLLLLLLLL TRUMP’s FAULT?) Trump’s followers and all other libertarians, conservatives of all types, religuios folks (except…MUSLIMS?) are now reguarded as TERRORISTS? Seriously? Good thing George Carlin is no longer with us, you COWARDS up in D.H.S. would get a humoungus EARFUL 24/7!
Soo…whats next? Platoons of black clad antifa arresting/beating/maiming/KILLING those of U.S. who will NOT take the “shot” nor REPENT for our SINS of NOT voting for Joebama/following the “scheduled” agenda???
FEEL and watch what happens next.