Falmouth Elementary School is celebrating “pride month” by raising money for nonprofits that support Democratic Party policies in Augusta, including late-term abortion.
The Falmouth Elementary School Parent Teachers Organization (PTO) and the school’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee announced the fundraiser over the weekend.

The groups will be selling “Hate Has No Home Here” yard signs and giving the proceeds to left-wing groups that lobby for Democratic policies at the State House. Money raised by Falmouth’s kindergarten through fifth grade school children will be split between PFLAG and Equality Maine.
News of the joint fundraiser was first disclosed to parents by school officials in the “Principal Notes” mass email, a newsletter or sorts run by school administrators.
Started as an advocacy group to legalize same-sex marriage in Maine, Equality Maine has transformed into a catchall left-wing political group and an activist partner of Maine’s Democratic Party.
On gender ideology, the group has backed LD 535, a bill that would allow 16- and 17-year-olds to obtain sex-change drugs over their parents’ objections. The nonprofit has also opposed attempts to ensure that biological males cannot participate in women’s sports.
But the organization also uses its resources and connections to advocate for myriad Democratic Party priorities, from fighting election reforms and school transparency bills, to backing late-term abortion and extending Medicaid benefits to illegal aliens.
When it comes to public school policies, Equality Maine has opposed efforts to create a Parents’ Bill of Rights and mandate curriculum transparency.
The group supports keeping obscene material in school libraries as well as the expansion of social workers’ role in schools through a Maine Department of Education rule known as Chapter 117.
The organization has lobbied this session against a bill to ban the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in Maine’s public schools.
[RELATED: Falmouth Teacher Lectured Elementary Schooler on “Misgendering” Non-Binary Peer: Emails…]
Equality Maine has deep connections to Maine’s Democratic Party and current Democratic lawmakers.
Rep. Matt Moonen (D-Portland), former House Majority Leader and husband to Gov. Janet Mills’ Chief of Staff Jeremy Kennedy, is the former Executive Director of the group. Moonen also worked as Mills’ Deputy Campaign Manager in the 2022 election.
In 2018, the group raised nearly $650,000 through the Equality Maine Foundation.
In addition to support from Falmouth’s elementary school children, Equality Maine enjoys the backing of Bangor Savings Bank, Central Maine Power, Bank of America, General Dynamics, LL Bean, Maine Health, Hannaford, Idexx Laboratories, and WEX Inc.
It is disgusting and disgraceful that Bangor Savings Bank, Central Maine Power, LL Bean, Hannaford, Idexx Laboratories, and WEX Inc. are funding a left-wing extremist organization that lobbies for, among other atrocities, the chemical castration of minor children.
Thanks to TMW for shining a bright light where the Fake News media dare not tread.
Imagine being such a hateful troglodyte that you criticize elementary school children for caring about others. Get a life, Steve.
“News for conservatives, by conservatives”…so you’re saying that conservatives really suck at finding and reporting news? Steve couldn’t get a real big boy reporter job so here he is working for the Maine News Wire twisting the headlines and picking on elementary schoolchildren because they have better critical thinking skills and capacity for empathy than he does or any of the readers that believe this garbage.
Why is it that these idiots always give to the Democratic Party and there’s money going out for “equality”, yet nothing for “straight ideation”? If you want “equality”, give to the Republican Party too and give to straight organizations as well.