Secretary of State Shenna Bellows has appealed the Kennebec County Superior Court’s ruling in the case concerning former President Donald Trump’s eligibility to appear on the state’s primary ballot to the Maine Supreme Court.
The Superior Court ruled Monday that Secretary Bellows must revisit her December decision blocking former President Trump from the ballot after the Supreme Court weighs in on Trump v. Anderson, a case concerning the former president’s eligibility to appear on Colorado’s presidential primary ballot later this year.
Friday, a Notice of Appeal was filed by Assistant Attorney General Jason Anton on behalf of Bellows, formally stating that the Secretary will be bringing the issue of Trump’s eligibility to appear on Maine’s ballot before the state’s highest judicial authority.
“Like many Americans, I welcome a ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court in the Colorado case that provides guidance as to the important Fourteenth Amendment questions in this case,” Bellows said in a release issued Friday morning.
“In the interim, Maine law provides the opportunity to seek review from the Maine Supreme Judicial Court – which I requested today,” she said. “I know both the constitutional and state authority questions are of grave concern to many.”
“This appeal ensures that Maine’s highest court has the opportunity to weigh in now, before ballots are counted, promoting trust in our free, safe and secure elections,” Bellows concluded.
According to News Center Maine, a spokesperson for Bellows’ office stated that the Secretary will not be commenting further on the appeal.
Following an eight-plus hour hearing in December, Bellows ruled that Trump was ineligible to appear on the state’s presidential primary ballot under Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment — a Civil War era provision of the Constitution aimed at preventing former confederates from serving in government — due to his actions and inactions on January 6, 2021.
“I conclude,” Bellows wrote in her official decision, “that the record establishes that Mr. Trump, over the course of several months and culminating on January 6, 2021, used a false narrative of election fraud to inflame his supporters and direct them to the Capitol to prevent certification of the 2020 election and the peaceful transfer of power.”
[RELATED: Bellows Boots Trump, Biden’s Top GOP Foe, from Maine’s Primary Ballot]
While a formal conviction is not necessarily a requirement for disqualification under Section Three, it is worth noting that Trump has never been convicted by a U.S. court or the U.S. Senate for any crime related to “insurrection.”
“The weight of the evidence makes clear that Mr. Trump was aware of the tinder laid by his multi-month effort to delegitimize a democratic election, and then chose to light a match,” Bellows concluded.
“I do not reach this conclusion lightly,” Bellows wrote in her decision. “I am mindful that no Secretary of State has ever deprived a presidential candidate of ballot access based on Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment.”
“I am also mindful, however,” she continued, “that no presidential candidate has ever before engaged in insurrection.”
Shortly before Bellows released her decision, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that Trump is ineligible to appear on the state’s primary ballot in 2024, marking the first time in United States history that Section Three has been used to disqualify a presidential candidate.
[RELATED: Colorado GOP Asks SCOTUS to Review Trump Ballot Block]
At the beginning of January, the former president appealed the Colorado court’s decision to the United States Supreme Court, and the Justices granted cert after just two days, scheduling oral arguments for February 8, 2024.
[RELATED: SCOTUS to Review CO Supreme Court’s Decision Blocking Trump from the Ballot]
In light of this, the former president asked Maine’s Kennebec County Superior Court to stay their consideration of Bellows’ ruling until the Supreme Court had the opportunity to weigh in on the matter.
Although the Superior Court agreed with Trump that it would be “imprudent” to continue proceedings in this case prior to the Supreme Court’s decision in Anderson, they also agreed with Bellows that the Court lacks the authority to ignore the statutory deadlines established by Maine law.
Consequently, the Superior Court opted to remand the decision to Bellows pending a ruling from the Supreme Court in Anderson in order to to “promote consistency and avoid voter confusion” leading up to the primary election.
The effect of the Secretary’s December ruling was also been stayed pending a final opinion from the Supreme Court in Anderson, meaning that the former president’s name would not be removed from the ballot unless or until further action was taken requiring it to be.
It remains to be seen how Bellows’ appeal of this decision to the Maine Supreme Court will ultimately impact what what the state’s primary ballot looks like with respect to the former president come March.
Omg. Bellows really screwed this one up. She just needs to take ownership of the decision that she made. She’s trying to pass the ball off to someone else, but it keeps coming back to her. She made a very terrible biased decision based on her own personal beliefs and now she’s having a hard time passing it off as if someone else made that stupid decision. Can you say “Job Opening”????
Certainly doesn’t seem like Bellows is mandated by Maine state law to pull this stunt and appeal the court ruling. So disingenuous. What a phony, crooked democrat. She thinks this stunt will get her to socialize with the national loony dems on CNN or MSNBC. When this is overruled by the US Supreme court, this pudgy little loser will have to crawl back to the ACLU or some green energy firm for a do-nothing job.
“…I am Bellows! Hear me roar!”
(Is her 15 minutes up yet!?)
Bellows is a great ally to Maine DSA. She will be your next Governor and there is nothing you can do about it. We control all the institutions and are currently busing in thousands of New Mainers. Meanwhile you’ll sit online and scream and stomp your feet while we steamroll all of you.
Connor is just a troll. He’s actually a republican, I know him. I’ve read his other posts. He’s just trying to get everyone worker up. Good job Connor, keep it up!!!
So little Miss Priss, unelected, and not answering to the people, but only answering to the democrat apparatchik,is having a tantrum because it did not go quite as she wanted it to go. Suck it up sweetie more bad news is soon to come your way I am sure.
Vote dumbocrat and prepare your children to fight a foreign war, Its that simple. Wouldn’t it be ironic if Bellows and her partner had a draft age child, brilliant.
Dear Maine,
We need to exclude ourselves from the U.S A. We are ALL communists. Canada is right down the street. Vote Justin Trudeau!!!
Maine has changed for the worst. Vote often this fall.
I moved out of Maine because of Mills vaccine policy. I don’t have myocarditis, unlike most residents of Maine because I have natural immunity. You all took the 666 vaccine, and now you are paying the price. You get what you ask for. Stop voting for democrats.
Trump 2024
Looks like Bellows bit off a tad more than she could chew with this moronic asinine move. She’s probably been talking with Ethan Strimling discussing, “what else can we do???”
We will be voting all of the Demorats out this fall. We will then be expelling all of the illegals (including the Chinese) and eliminating all of the social service programs for any able bodied person over 18 and below 55. Next, we create a special tax bracket at 20% for people that move into Maine and make over $100k individually or $150k combined a year so that wealthy liberals moving here will have to really think if Maine is right for them.
Also, immediately stop Mills program that pays internet companies a million dollars per 100 people to provide internet access because they live in the middle of nowhere as well as her retarded green energy policies that are driving electricity prices higher than any other state in the country besides California. And finally eliminate all of the ignorant restrictions on the fishing and farming industries.
We need civil war.
@Feed up, You don’t want that. You’d lose.
Does Conner’s acronym DSA stand for DEEP STATE ALLIANCE? All of these so called legal actions by NY, Georgia, Colorado, Maine, and DC are nothing to be concerned with as they are part of a much bigger picture. I am from a family with a very long history of military service, and my uncle, aunt, and sister were all in military intelligence with my sister working in the pentagon with a top security clearance for nearly a decade. None of these ever shared any details directly, but as an example when I asked my sister on her thoughts on 911 she provided me with this answer: any position that I hold, or contract that I sign includes agreeing too, and signing non disclosure agreements that would not allow me to discuss any information that I might put eyes onto, hear directly, or indirectly, however with information publicly available it is my opinion that 911 was not organic, and was done to serve a political agenda. Read between the lines on that response.
Now with this in mind please understand that these legal actions are necessary to bring out the information that proves the corruption of, and allows for prosecution of the deep state apparatus along with the international players that are also subverting the US at every opportunity. The NSA collects ALL data such as cell phone, text, email, and satellite communications, however this information can not be used directly as it is a violation of constitutional provisions such as the rights of the citizens to be safe with their own papers. I know that is paraphrased, but the point is made.
So the question is how to introduce this information legally? Before I go further on with that thread understand that the military has run AI battle simulations on most any subject that one can imagine, and then some. President Trump is the bait to flush out these traitors, and common criminals, and these court cases being put forth by partisan politicians ((deep state operatives)) is part of the AI possibilities war gamed out by the military. Please remember as well that then citizen Trump was asked/invited to run for the office of President by these same peoples as he was the right person for this incredibly difficult roll.
Every case brought against President Trump is one that has already been identified as a possible outcome by the military AI, and has a planned for response. Since every one of these cases is based on President Trump lying about election fraud, or inciting an insurrection, military intelligence along with information from the NSA can now be introduced into the court record without violating the constitution. President Trump declassified any information needed for this process while still in office so it can not be stonewalled by the deep state apparatus when needed.
Many will say that the courts have already heard election challenges, and found them to be without merit. This is not true with most all of the challenges being dismissed as having no standing as in the Supreme Court ruling with the Texas case that was conjoined by sixteen other states if I remember that number correctly. The court system corruption has now been laid bare for all to see, and with the upcoming trials the suppression of this evidence will no longer be possible as President Trump is guaranteed under the constitution the right to present evidence in his defense.
There are over two hundred thousand sealed indictments in the US currently which is unheard of in its entire history. These cases have been building since the fall of 2017, and continue to this day. I have said this before, and stand by my comments that what is playing out here is the greatest RICO sting operation ever witnessed.
It is my personal opinion that Mills will be included in some of these indictments for various crimes including forcing an experimental (vaccine?) onto the people’s of Maine which is a direct violation of constitutional protections, international treaties such as the Geneva Conventions which the US is a signatory too, and the Nuremberg protocols. This particular action is considered crimes against humanity which is punishable by death. Bellow’s actions violate the oath of office to uphold the constitution, and will most likely be considered treason…only time will tell.
So please do not get worked up over these minions actions, and remember the words that whom the gods destroy, first they drive mad.
TLDR Boomer
Conner, whereas your recent garble follows directly under my comment, I assume it is directed toward me, and therefore if so I would like to thank you for the boomer label!! I say this because it was my age group that was the last to get a good public education where we were taught critical thought process, knew the difference between men and women (spoiler: one has a penis, and the other a vagina), have fantastic work ethics, personal responsibility was not an option, we know how to use the English language, we were not butt hurt by loosing a sports game, given a participation trophy to ease our crying eyes, and common sense was not a super power as it is in todays world.
So thank you again for recognizing us..the boomers, and keep up the good propaganda work!! Cheers mate.
Just the next stupid action by a dimwit commie useful idiot.
‘US Navy Seals missing in Red Sea declared dead’
The Cradle . co
22 Jan 2024
The Navy claims one slipped and fell into the Red Sea and the other jumped in to help him. However, they were “missing” for ten days before being declared dead. That’s some fall.
The day before that “mishap” the Houthi’s fighting to end the genocide in Palestine at the hand of invader jews fired drones and rockets at a US warship.
@thinking it through
I was in the Under Water Demolition (UDT) program in the Navy, and Navy Seals do not just fall overboard and drown. UDT, and Seals have some of the same training, and part of that is treading water for extended periods of time. Both UDT, and Seals learn how to jump from a helicopter into the sea, and if any personal on a ship goes overboard a flotation device is tossed over first, the ship slowed to a stop if not in hostile conditions, and a RIB is deployed to retrieve that personal. You are correct in smelling something wrong here. And as an FYI; I spent over six years at sea commercial fishing after leaving the Navy, and man overboard procedures are pretty much the same with the first response being deploying a life ring flotation device.
r. GIOVO on January 20, 2024 12:44 PM
“We will be voting all of the Demorats out this fall.”
Don’t make us chuckle Giovo. You boomers say this every local and state election. Inch by inch, bill by bill, day by day we are moving Maine to a single-party State.
Maine’s officially blue now. Even if you somehow got a majority Republican one day, it would be impossible to dismantle the stronghold we built here. Now that Maine is fortified, we have move out sights to New Hampshire and Vermont. The Blue Coalition is going to lock down the entire North East as a Blue Socialist Empire.
The reality is we got lucky with covid. The amount of New Mainers and out of staters we received has made it virtually impossible for Republicans to do a damn thing ever again here. Your representatives and Republican mouth pieces will always be a tiny minority screeching and triggered on social media.
We’ve locked down the entire West Coast. Colorado and the Great Lakes Region. We are currently finishing locking down the North East. Inch by inch, day by day, bill by bill we continue to transform this Country. One day you will wake up and Texas will have changed from Purple to Blue. We will also take Florida eventually. Then after the border states are locked down under our control, we’ll finish off the few remaining southern states.
Suck it up buttercups. You lost.
Janet Mills has announced she has created a system to bring in over 100,000 asylum seekers to help Maine. Article explains how.
Great job Janet. We have too many old white men who have zero skills.
Connor, we plan to make it so uncomfortable for you libs that you will move out on your own. MAGA hats, Trump flags, diesel pickups everywhere (even parked in the EV charging stations), target shooting from our back porch, fireworks all summer long, cooking beef and pork on the BBQ all the time, men dating girls, homeschooling our children, drag racing not drag shows,……..
Why does everyone take me so seriously? I’m just messing around on the comment section. So, I admit, I’m a republican. Im just trying to get everyone worked up to vote Republican that’s all. Stop teasing me please.
Trump 2024
Stupid, stupid little brained woman.