Democrats Are Wrong on Title IX – Girls Matter“Facts are stubborn things,” said Ronald Reagan, quoting his early predecessor John Adams. Maine Democrats and activists in the former Biden Administration are simply wrong about sex and gender. This is not a value statement. While the Bible and history corroborate facts, it is pure biology. When it was put into law, Title IX explicitly sought to end discrimination on the basis of sex, or gender, for educational programs receiving federal funding. It was intended to protect girls and women, not males who think they are women. Girls Matter. Before you click…
Author: Robert "Bobby" Charles
Maine’s education system – like that of much of the nation – is in a free-fall, maybe even has already crashed, and must be rebuilt. Serious studies confirm the state’s schools, like schools nationwide, are in extreme distress. In this grim scenario, Maine kids, parents, and teachers have been horribly betrayed. Start with the studies. One by the Maine Policy Institute, from mid-2024 entitled “The Decline of Maine K-12 Education” illustrates how Maine schools went from being some of the top-rated in the nation to the among the lowest. What it describes could be seen in Oregon, Maryland, or New…
Maine is emblematic of a phenomenon occurring nationwide. States controlled by one-party Democrat governments, intent on pushing radical agendas, are simply ignoring the majority. They think they have license. That is why populism, distrust of government, and anger are growing. Hundreds of bills introduced, many passed during that one State’s recent sessions, contradict the majority’s values as well as testimony and polling of Maine citizens. Democrats do not care. The state’s one-party legislature, governor, and attorney general act, as in other one-party states, like the majority is irrelevant. Once in power, they ignore The People, and focus instead on keeping power, big donors, political…
“Set ups” are not right. In Maine and the Nation, law abiding gun-owners – Republicans, Independents, and Democrats – are under attack, being legislatively “set up” for a 2nd Amendment takedown. How? In disguise, confiscation authority is being green-lighted as so-called “red flag laws.” [RELATED: Maine Democrats Sneak in Last-Minute Gun Grab Measure…] Take Maine as a leading example of how the anti-gun ownership lobby works, how they twist the discussion, ignore facts, and push the idea that what is patently bad, fundamentally unconstitutional, inexcusable, and dangerous, is somehow good. [RELATED: Troy Jackson Backs Gun Control After Gun Control Group…
Two amendments to Article III of the Wisconsin Constitution are being voted on this week. They are pivotal for Wisconsin, arguably the Nation. Why? Neither Wisconsin’s founders nor America’s ever wanted elections run by private companies, the process influenced or worse subcontracted to private partisans. Yet, without these amendments, wealthy partisans get to call the shots. By all accounts, from 2020 press releases and tax returns to later news accounts and investigators, America’s wealthy social media mogul Mark Zuckerburg punched $400 million into 49 states during the 2020 election cycle, cleverly in September that year, to help “manage” elections. [RELATED:…
Among radical ideas destined to run aground, “hard rudder left,” are recyclable diapers, solar-, wind-, and Flintstone cars, snowplows pulled by with horses, and mandating electric vehicles in Maine – where logic and facts make electric vehicles a natural fail. No, Maine will not follow California. Thankfully, common sense still lives in places like Maine, and across rural America, despite people like Maine’s Secretary of State trying to cancel the GOP presidential candidate and a Democrat governor, Janet Mills, trying to fast-track illegal aliens, late-term abortions, transgender tourism, and electric snowplows. Last week, Maine’s top environmental regulator, the Board of…
Seldom in American history has a president so boldly insulted the American people, played demagogue, or taken us for fools – the way an audacious Joe Biden did in his beg-the-issues, bag-of-air State of the Union. Frankly, it was – the only word is mortifying. If you did not hear it, he began by comparing himself to FDR in 1941. A starker contrast is hard to imagine. FDR faced real war, with thousands of Americans and allies dead, while Biden failed to deter our enemies, hemorrhages credibility with inaction, condemned tens of thousands of US allies to death by Taliban torture,…
Today, we are all Laken Hope Riley. If the name does not move you, it should. We are losing young people at a record pace. Only in war do we lose more, maybe not then. Truth is, we are at war. Laken Hope Riley was a hopeful, believing, cheerful, smart American woman, 22, who wanted to be a nurse, to help others. She believed in the American dream, worked for it, supported by her family, faith, and friends – was killed by a criminal alien, one of eight million, none of whom should even be here. Laken’s story, in a way,…
Let me ask you, what do you think China would do if President Xi discovered thousands of stealth drones, quiet assassins, entering China, each able to kill multiple Chinese of military age, then discovered they were killing 100,000 Chinese kids annually? Shrug? China does that to us – with fentanyl. Shrug? Fentanyl is China’s assassin in your community, the one you never see. It sneaks up, addicts the user, quickly kills, and checks off another life. Annually, in 2023, it killed 100,000 Americans, with total overdose deaths topping 112,000, real numbers north of that, due to unreported drugged driving, and other drug tiebacks. That…