A city councilor from Maine’s largest city has blamed the single largest shooting of white people in Maine’s modern history on “white nationalism.”
“As the statements begin to roll out,” City Councilor Victoria Pelletier said in a Friday Instagram post, “make sure you peep which one of your representatives actually calls this what it is: an act of violent, white nationalism and domestic terrorism.”
As of Friday morning, every publicly known victim of Robert R. Card’s Wednesday night shooting spree has been white.
Law enforcement has refrained from commenting on Card’s motivations, but they have revealed that Card was sectioned for two weeks in a psychiatric facility because he was exhibiting signs of schizophrenia, including hearing voices.
That’s hasn’t stop Pelletier from confidently proclaiming that she knows the motive: “The motive is he’s white, he has a gun and he can enact terror and violence on innocent people because the world has awarded him the privilege to do so.”
Well Portland you get what you vote for. this is a perfect example of a close minded, bigoted and dare I say privileged individual. This explains why Portland has all the issues it has.
She is a racist! No mention of mental health from her, just that he’s white, that’s why he did it. A typical liberal female racist.
I called Portland home for many years, and after years of working in storm damaged areas in and out of the US I returned first in 2003 through 2007, and then in 2010. The Portland that I returned to was not the same, and in 2013 I moved away from the area to western Maine where I still live. Portland in my opinion did not change for the better, and a city that I once loved, I avoid now like the plague. Representatives such as this woman are an excellent example of Portland’s decline.
And regarding her racist comment about Neo Nazis wanting Maine to be a white state: we were a predominately white state until about three decades ago with the exception of when Loring Air Force base was in Maine with its compliment of African Americans, and other non wnite races. How is it that this white racist state allowed all of those who are not white to become part of our society if we were all such terrible racist?
It must be terrible to be filled with such hatred such as this woman seems to be, and sadly Portland is well on its way to becoming another left body politic crap hole with this woman being a leading shining example of that.
Imagine if the script was flipped any time there is black gun violence.
“The motive is he’s black, he has a gun and he can enact terror and violence on innocent people because the world has awarded him the *culture* to do so.”
This sounds about right considering the mentality of the people who actually get elected to Portland’s or South Portland’s city council. Is there a secret dumbing school hidden somewhere in Maine where these elected officials go to dumb down in order to reach the below the average intellect.
Could anyone imagine if a person man or woman (my apologies to the other 87 and counting imaginary sexes) who happened to be white made this same comment about black excellence. How do you think they would be treated?. Liberals=double standards++++++++++
I would have to second (axylos’ statement) “Well Portland you get what you vote for. this is a perfect example of a close minded, bigoted and dare I say privileged individual. This explains why Portland has all the issues it has.”
The disappointing but not shocking thing from someone like this is her conveniently failing to mention the mental health issues the shooter has.
Instead she just wants to get likes and clicks by saying “he’s white, that’s why he did it.” A very typical and expected liberal response.
Another point is she doesn’t look old enough to really know the facts before spouting off hatred an divide comments like hers.
The mainstream media never tells the truth of black on black crime. They also never tell you the truth of how white males are killed by police everyday in America. Those numbers are a lot larger than the Mainstream Media will ever tell you. Because then their narrative can’t exist.
There are a couple of grammatical errors in the article. I’m hoping they get fixed because this is an important topic. This isn’t a racially driven shooting. And the fact that Ms. Pelletier is trying to make it an issue of race only highlights the biggest issue surrounding racism: black, white or brown we are all pointing fingers yelling “racism” just to stir up more animosity and anxiety driven by a racist history this country should want to forget. We need to stop blaming and start healing. And the one thing you must do before you can heal is you must forgive.
I love when white people are afraid their privilege is in question and attack a well written statement full of the truth. You invalidate your point by asking her to discuss his mental health. That’s the entire point. If his skin held a little more melanin you would instantly think terrorist. Tori has spoken the truth. Accept it and move on.
I love when white people are afraid their privilege is in question and attack a well written statement full of the truth. You invalidate your point by asking her to discuss his mental health. That’s the entire point. If his skin held a little more melanin you would instantly think terrorist. Tori has spoken the truth. Accept it and move on.
Do you love it Amanda S? What an ignorant comment. Why don’t you tell the people in Lewiston to move on? Those that lost loved ones? This is why Portland is such a mess….people like you and Ms. Pelletier. I’m quite sure that if any of the victims were victims of color, this state would be mourning them as well. Your flippant comment is uncalled for.
Victoria Pelletier was elected by the cultural Marxists polluting my hometown. I cringe every time a visitor says how beautiful Portland is. My response is always that it’s geographically beautiful but has become a political cesspool.
Apparently, Pelletier is auditioning to be a future member of the brain trust known as “The Squad” who are by far the most racist dimwits in the U.S. House even exceeding California’s sweetheart, Maxine Waters.
Sounds like she should check in to a mental health unit
YOU are the problem lady. What a dumb f*** response to a tragedy. A white guy who killed a bunch of white people. Must be race related right? Stupid F’ing moron. Seriously pull your sh** out of your ears and mouth. That is absolutely PATHETIC. As is that POS’s actions. May you all burn slow. F that guy. And furthermore F that lady. So dumb. My sincere condolences to the families who lost someone for no reason but dumbass hate. Keep giving them guns though. Sounds like a great idea. QUIT BLAMING RACE YOU IGNORANT ASSHOLES. There is one race and we’re all in it. Deal with it or turn it on yourself before others. TIRED OF THIS SHIT.
The converse is true. Despite the fact that white men are the group that receives the only state-sanctioned discrimination, black men commit the most violent crime at a rate ten times the rate for white men. We should be assessing why that is. Why do people of all races develop serious mental illness, but why do black men commit so many violent crimes. Why are white men from the working classes turning increasingly to drug abuse, alcoholism, suicide, and violence? The medical system has utilized phapacotherapy as the primary treatment for mental illness for fifty years. Is it working?
If citizens capable of critical thinking ran for office in Portland they wouldn’t have much of a chance because most voters capable of critical thinking don’t bother to get out and vote against the lunatic lefties. For this sad situation you can thank half a century of DemocRat control of education and the effectiveness of the DemocRat controlled propaganda outlets formerly known as news media.
Talk about force-fitting a narrative, no matter how much you have to twist “your truth” to get there.
I’m beginning to think rain is racist, bigoted, and white supremacist. In Maine, 95% or more of the rain and snow fall on white people. What more proof do you need?
Did you know that most numbers are odd? Let’s see…..1 is odd, 2 is even, 3 is odd. So within empirical tolerance levels, numbers are indeed odd.
Hilarious, her under privilege, repressed, marginalized victim class is “not so slowly” being replaced by the new democratic immigrant slave class and she’s to traumatized to see it. Some people just don’t want help.
SHES A BIGGIT AND A RACIST AND SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM THE STATE GOVT. PERIOD!! How much black on black murders are committed daily in Chicago , or Maryland, or.. pick a democrat run city.
City Councilor Victoria Pelletier has conclusively proven that you can’t fix stupid.
And so it starts. This racist woman is just one of the first to use this tragedy to push their political narrative. It’s time we recognize that racism exists within every demographic and work together to combat it instead of giving a voice to bigots like her. This was the result of the mental health crisis we have in this country, it wasn’t racism, or a firearms problem.
How about a “Who is Victoria Pelletier” story. I am interested in her life story, and where she formed her belief system. Other than the name Pelletier, there doesnt seem to be a connection to Maine. Not that there is anything wrong with that, just curious.
…so, is Councilor Victoria’s claim to fame a ‘Best 2022 Instagram’!? Does that make her an ‘influencer’!? These remarks make her a racist! The ones who cry racist the most, are in fact the racists. She has good company with the likes of Joy Reid, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Cornell West, Lewis Farrakhan, Obama…
When you have ignorant idiots making statements you get idiotic ignorant statements.
Her agenda, let’s make this racial even though the are no facts to support this. Some white people are racist, some black people are racist. She is racist..
If Victoria Pelletier is so smart that she knows what Robert Card was thinking, shouldn’t she have stepped up and identified him before he committed this atrocity? In effect, by claiming to know his motive, she is saying that she was capable of preventing this situation. Why, then, did she not step up and do so, as a responsible citizen (to say nothing of being a representative of the people)? Hmmm …
Monday morning quarterbacking is very easy when you have no skin – black or white – in the game.
Isaac Asimov warned us fifty years ago about the American propensity to glorify ignorance. We would do well to heed it. Stupidity can’t be fixed; ignorance can.
“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’ ” -Isaac Asimov, scientist and writer (2 Jan 1920-1992)
Another Portland Prog Lib DSA candidate from the Strimling Animal Farm!
A consequence of RCV in the Peoples Republic of Portland where we are saddled with these sad excuses of Public Servants.
Tell us O Wise “Tori”, just what have you done to improve Portland?
Have you solved the Tent City issue?
Have you solved the drug issue?
Have you solved or mitigated homeless people defecating in the middle of Park Avenue?
Have you solved the crushing influx of “asylum (welfare) seekers” draining our tax dollars?
Just where are your accomplishments other than running your racist bigoted pie hole?
You’re just another DSA Prog Lib parroting the Comrade Talking Points.
Get back to us when you have proof positive of your value as a Portland City Councilor !!!
‘Diversity’ destroys everything it touches. Portland is turning into a black cesspool and unless White people take a stand and force blacks out, it will get worse. Victoria belongs in Africa. It’s very simple.
What an ignorant or intentionally obtuse person. There are mass shootings every day by blacks in every major American city. 30-70 blacks are shot by other blacks every weekend in Chicago alone. This genius lives in one of the whitest states in the country that had 22 murders last year. We have very lenient gun laws and a moderately high rate of gun ownership. Where are all of these white male terrorists she is talking about? By comparison Baltimore which has a population about half of Maine’s had 322 murders last year committed almost exclusively by people who share her skin color. This was such a clear case of mental illness. As disgusting as what Robert Card did is, it is still sad that not one person or institution helped him with whatever was going on inside his head.
Send this bish back to her home country, she only spews hate for this great nation and its people. This vile animal has no place in public office, especially in America, especially in Maine!
She’s CORRECT, The FACTS show otherwise!
She’s CORRECT, The FACTS show otherwise!
I saw a TV clip of the Mass held at the Basilica of the “community coming together”. Very moving and sad.
Unfortunately, I didn’t see any tributes by the Muslims or blacks who live in the community. Maybe I missed them?
💡 Most mass shooters are black
I’m sure he woke up and said “I am white and I have a gun so I’m going to shoot people” last I checked black people have that same priveledge. The race card is getting old.
I wonder what she says about inner city crime in places like Chicago, Memphis, New York, etc. A black convicted felon just shot 15 people at a Halloween party in Chicago… was that another case of the motive being “white”?
Personally, I’m happy these people are showing us who they truly are. For years they’ve been deceiving us with talk about “equality” and all. Not anymore. Same thing with the anti-semitic hate. It’s now all out in the open. The modern left is upfront about its intentions.
The Affirmative Action hire needs to keep her blue gums shut.