Google announced early Thursday morning that it was suspending its new Gemini Artificial Intelligence’s (A.I.) image generation ability following widespread criticism of the A.I.’s ultra-woke agenda, which prevented it from generating images of white men in most cases.
Even attempts to generate images of vikings or the American Founding Fathers resulted in the purported AI churning out images of non-white individuals.
“We’re already working to address recent issues with Gemini’s image generation feature. While we do this, we’re going to pause the image generation of people and will re-release an improved version soon,” said Google’s communication team on X.
Shortly after Google’s new A.I., Google Gemini, began to generate images for public users, the company began to receive heavy criticism on social media for the A.I.’s obvious and heavy-handed manipulation of the program, which prioritized not generating white men over historical accuracy.
Even when asked directly, the A.I. would refuse to generate an image of a white man, but if asked to generate images of any other race, it would gladly comply with the request.
Images of the A.I.’s results began circulating on X, and particular standouts included the results when asking it to generate an image of the Pope, or of a 1943 German soldier.
The program preferred to generate an Indian woman as pope rather than create a historically accurate image, and placed a black man and an Asian woman in Nazi uniforms.
Following the circulation of comically woke results, the story began to garner national attention, even receiving criticism from the left-leaning New York Post.
Google promised to fix the A.I.’s historical inaccuracies, while doubling down on its woke diversity agenda.
“Gemini’s AI image generation does generate a wide range of people. And that’s generally a good thing because people around the world use it. But it’s missing the mark here,” said Google.
Google did not reveal a timeframe for their A.I. image generation feature’s return, other than saying that it would be “soon.”
The tech giant also failed to specify how it would fix inaccuracies, or whether it would stop refusing to generate white men in most cases.
The A.I.’s ultra woke agenda is no surprise given Google’s track record, and the previous statements of the A.I.’s director, Jack Krawczyk.
“I’ve been crying in intermittent bursts for the past 24 hours since casting my ballot. Filling in that Biden/Harris line felt cathartic,” said Krawczyk on X during the 2020 election.
Google AI makes Joe Biden intelligent and likeable.
Actually it was only half wrong. Rapi$t, drug dealer, wife beater, rioter, shoplifter, deadbeat dad, career criminal and uneducated came out perfectly correct.