Numerous Democrat representatives walked out of the House on Thursday when Rep. Heidi Sampson (R-Alfred) delivered a speech meant to honor Dr. Meryl Nass, a decorated physician who lost her medical license after she opposed many of the mandates and prevailing medical opinions during the COVID pandemic.
Although Dr. Nass would eventually see here license stripped through violations the Bureau of Licensure in Medicine (BOLIM) discovered during an investigation, the entire investigation began as the result of criticisms Nass made of vaccines and Gov. Janet Mills’ draconian lockdown policies.
Emails later obtained by Nass’s attorneys showed that Gov. Mills’ sister, Dora Mills, who is an executive at a large hospital system, also pressured at least one BOLIM member to investigate Nass for “misinformation.”
In hindsight, Nass was right about the COVID-19 vaccines and alternative treatments like Ivermectin, but she still remains without her license to practice.
During Thursday’s legislative session, several lawmakers spoke highly of Nass, including some who had family members who were treated by her.
“Notably, Dr. Nass became a highly regarded and sought after national expert on epidemics,” said Rep. Sampson, “Dr. Meryl Nass is a treasure in our state, and we are fortunate to have someone of her intelligence and insight who deeply cares for her patients, and those patients understand, and remain deeply appreciative.”
[RELATED: Dr. Meryl Nass, Top Critic of Mills’ COVID Policies, Sees Medical License Suspension Extended…]
Following Sampson’s testimony, two other legislators, Reps. Tracy Quint (R-Hodgdon) and Katrina Smith (R-Palermo) spoke about their experiences with Nass, whose medical intervention, they said, saved the lives of both of their husbands.
“At a time when I feared that I was losing him to a slow death in the height of COVID, she welcomed him into her office, and assessed him. She offered him alternatives to the endless barrage of yet another medication that did nothing,” said Rep. Quint.
Rep. Smith testified that her husband’s life was saved when Nass prescribed ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, drugs which the FDA opposed as a treatment for COVID, but which many doctors, including Nass, believe are effective against the virus.
During the testimonies praising Nass, numerous Democrats walked out in protest.
“Unfortunately, I feel like the story I have to tell is denigrated by the amount of people that just left,” said Smith.
“There were so many who left the chamber, only a handful remained. The level of disrespect for a physician of her caliber is not only astounding but revealing. They walk out on a physician who is contributed not only to her patients in her local area, but has contributed significantly on the state and national level, guiding officials through epidemics and other public health crisis,” said Sampson, in comments provided to The Maine Wire.
She also pointed out the hypocrisy of Democrats walking out on a decorated physician like Nass while supporting radical transgenderism.
“They walk out on a doctor like Meryl Nass being honored for her 40 years of service. Yet they have a physician in their own midst, who believes a child can change their gender/sex just like animals in nature. A horseshoe crab can change their sex. Mammals don’t and he should know that. Would you trust a medical doctor who has this as an ideology?” said Sampson.
Smith also issued a harsh condemnation of the Democrats who left the chamber.
“It is a sad testament that House Democrats are so thin skinned and emotional they can’t even listen to a colleague speak on a subject they don’t like. The Democrats know that the information they propagated during Covid has turned out to be false and they had to run out of the room so they didn’t face the truth,” said Smith.
During the proceedings honoring Nass, only 32 of the 80 current Democrat representatives remained in the chamber, according to two legislative sources.
Following the testimonies, House Speaker Rachel Talbot Ross (D-Portland) followed protocol and requested that Nass, who was in the chamber, rise and accept a round of applause from the representatives who did not leave the room in protest.
Dr. Nass is currently unable to practice medicine after BOLIM revoked her license. The nominal pretext for the disciplinary move was that she prescribed ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine “off label”; however, BOLIM would never have investigated Nass in the first place had she not criticized the COVID vaccines and Mills Administration policies.
Prescribing drugs “off label” is a normal medical practice in which a drug is prescribed for a different condition than it was originally intended to treat.
According to Nass, 20 percent of all prescriptions are “off label.”
“I’m perfectly within my rights to prescribe drugs off label and 20 percent of all prescriptions are written for off label drugs, which means they’re fully licensed drugs, but they were approved for one diagnosis and you’re using them for a different diagnosis,” said Nass, speaking to the Maine Wire.
Nass believes that the suspension of her license was an attempt to punish her for standing against the prevailing medical practices and narratives surrounding COVID.
It is unclear when, if ever, Nass will be able to return to practicing medicine.
In December, the BOLIM voted to extend her license suspension until April 2025, but it is likely that the suspension will be further extended once the new suspension deadline is reached.
Updated to add a correction clarifying that Rep. Quint’s husband was a patient of Dr. Nass, but was not suffering from COVID at the time.
Dr. Meryl Nass sets the highest medical standard of her profession, the way it used to be in an ethical societal time where doctors took the same Hippocratic oath, to do no harm. Dr. Nass saved my life during the horrifying COVID plandemic times when Ivermectin prescriptions were refused to be filled by pharmacies, per governmental mandates and manipulations, across Maine and the Nation.
Unlike the new generation of medical doctors who don’t shake hands or bother to look you in the eye when they enter the exam room, but rather head directly to their dependent computers and ergonomically comfortable swivel chairs to get their allotted 20 minutes insurance time over with the patient, Dr. Nass sincerely cared by extending the very best of her medical knowledge in a respectable manner. New doctors no longer take the ancient Hippocratic Oath anymore. They actually make up there own “whatever” oath, truly!
Dr. Nass is an exemplary physician and it’s a sick culture we’re all in that has treated her so very shamefully, particularly these cowardly mentally ill Marxist Maine legislators, all bound to be fired from their powerful jobs when We the People and the Silent No More Majority get the voting chance! Thank you Dr. Nass!
I cannot wait till these brainwashed, sub-social hillbillies are run out of town. This is not who Maine is.
Those female dems (including males without testosterone) stomped their feel like little children and walked out. Grow up, dems.
Maine Democrats are disgraceful.
I watched several of the brilliant Dr. Nass’s Kangaroo court style hearings via Zoom with her top-notch attorney, Gene Libby. The jackals on the Board were inattentive, rude, obnoxious and WAY out of their league medically and intentionally. The corrupt Fauci Cabal is gradually being exposed and so will all the Democratic political hacks who supported the death jabs and the hospital protocols murdering patients with Remdesivir. My only hope is to soon see them all in orange jump suits.
How many people have died because of the covid vaccine? How many will die? Everything Democrats touch turns to crap.
Democrats hate it when you’re right over the target and drop the big one. Meryl was right from the start and the democrats follow in lockstep to the tune of the CDC, FDA and any other completely corrupt organization that they think assists them in their cause – CONTROL.
Thank you, Dr. Nass, for standing on principle in spite of the power of the state descending upon you.
Meryl Nass, MD is a Maine treasure. I have followed the events that she has been subjected to because she commented accurately on our state’s political reaction to Covid. All of us Mainers are now living under democrat authoritarianism that most of the first district continues to heartily endorse.
The truth about Covid is slowly emerging, but it’s ever-so-slow because we have major media that are cheer-leaders for the status quo declaring day after day that everything in Maine is wonderful and nothing bad ever happens that our elected officials can’t handle. Read the Maine Wire, folks!! We have a group of self-righteous legislators who know what’s best for all of us. It’s frustrating to me that more people are unwilling to let go of their belief in “all knowing” government bureaucracies which seems to be ever-ready with punitive, restrictive and expensive measures that aren’t solutions.
Many were harmed by those Covid jabs! Read the data research done by Steve Kirsch and Ed Dowd and a growing number of researchers world wide. Start off by reading what Peter McCullough, MD; Robert Malone, MD; Aaron Kheriaty, MD; Pierre Cory, MD and many other doctors and researchers are saying! For heaven’s sake, yes: Do your own research! Don’t allow yourself to become a sheep doing whatever some government “authority” tells you to do just because they claim to have power over your own bodily existence! Don’t you wonder why federal bureaucracies don’t want to release results that they know are bad news? We were supposed to wait 75 years for information on these shots. Much has been released now because of repeated FOIA requests. These shots were injurious to many and the data proves it.
And what about information from life insurance company actuaries? The huge increase of all-cause mortality since the introduction of the vaccine? And morticians? Many report the appearance of very large veinous blockages that they had never seen in decades of work prior to Covid; but who have recently removed large blockages while embalming folks who did not die of Covid, but had received Covid shots. Anecdotal, yes, but also concurrent with the shots.
Stay alert! Not everything our government likes to force upon us is good for us! They may be an “authority”; but, first of all, you are your own authority over your own life. Best regards to all.
Thank you Dr. Nass.
To all our Republican legislators who serve under hostile uncompromising conditions. I and many of us thank you. I can’t imagine what it is like showing up to work with a group of Democrat legislators that somehow have given up their integrity, honor and duty to serve all Mainers in order to serve the self interest of special interest.
Dr. Nass, God Bless you for standing up for what is right….
So much for scientific inquiry and “follow the science” these conehead dems were so fond of screaming at the rest of us who saw through the hoax.
I’m sure these same Democrats fawned over Dr. Shannon Carr when she testified in favor of LD 1619. The residents of Maine so need to wake up to the fact that elections have consequences. We are privileged to have someone like Dr. Nass. Someone who stands by their oath to do no harm.
The Maine Wire does not permit links in this Comments section; so, anyone wanting search strings for articles substantiating any of my comments below, please simply reply to this comment requesting such search criteria..
1) Dr. Nass was well within her rights to prescribe Ivermectin to alleged Covid-19 patients. The Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine appeared to be clueless of this fact.
Regarding using Ivermectin to treat “Covid-19, the title of this March 25, 2024, Children’sHealthDefense article explains it all: “‘Blood on Its Hands’: FDA Will Remove Anti-ivermectin Social Media, Website Posts Under Lawsuit Settlement Agreement” —
Earlier an August 10, 2023, EpochTimes article titled, “Doctors Can Prescribe Ivermectin for COVID-19: FDA Lawyer”, began with the following two paragraphs:
“Doctors are free to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID-19, a lawyer representing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said this week.”
““FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID,” Ashley Cheung Honold, a Department of Justice lawyer representing the FDA, said during oral arguments on Aug.8 in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.”
2) The Nobel Prize recipient inventor of the RT-PCR procedure, Kary Mullis, is recorded on video stating that the PCR procedure cannot be used to diagnose any disease. Even Anthony Fauci is on video stating that with regard to Covid-19, any number of PCR amplification cycles over 35 will result in over 96 percent of PCR tests being false positives.
My understanding is the Maine CDC employs 40 PCR amplification cycles or higher.
The Maine CDC, under the Janet Mills administration, misused the fraudulent PCR test to produce high numbers of false positive test results, each of which was then erroneously called a Covid-19 disease “case”. These high numbers of disease “cases” were used to justify shutting down “non-essential” businesses.and imposing other restrictions and mandates on the population of Maine, which resulted in loss of income and revenue, health injuries and disabilities, and seriously improper medical treatment of such “cases”.
My husband and I had Covid and our physicians would not treat us ! We kept calling the office for help and at one point I was on hold for over 45 minutes with no results. So we searched for help and thankfully found Dr Nass . We are in our 60 and she treated us and saved our lives ! I thank God for her bravery and the medical profession should be the ones who are investigated! WHY DID THEY JUST KET PEOPLE DIE ? WHY DID THEY TELL PEOPLE GO HOME STAY THERE AND WHEN YOU CANT BREATHE THEN AND ONLY THEN GO TO THE HOSPITAL? WHY ARE THEY CRIMINALIZING A DOCTOR WHO HAS SAVED SO MANY PEOPLE THIS SHOULD BE ANSWERED! WE ARE LIVING IN VERY DANGEROUS TIMES !
It is good to know who our enemies are when the civil conflict necessary to oust these tyrants inevitably arrives. Party democrats brazenly support medical experimentation without informed consent and murder by big pharma of our citizens. I’m glad they are this careless in exposing themselves.