Data on the Oxford Street homeless shelter in Portland, discovered by X user TheUninquirer, revealed that the vast majority of homeless people filling the shelter are not Maine residents.
[RELATED: Portland’s Homeless Services Center Reports High Number of “Out-of-State” Intakes…]
“Democrats will look you in the face & tell you it’s not happening. Then when you have proof, they will tell you why it’s a good thing. Why did hundreds of Californians go to Oxford Shelter in Portland,” said TheUninquirer on X.
According to data from February and March 2023, the taxpayer funded Oxford Street Shelter took in significantly more out-of-state homeless people than actual Mainers, meaning that Maine taxpayers are paying to house the homeless population of other states.
In February 2023, the shelter took in 86 people, only 22 were from Maine, and only six were from Portland, but 61 came from out-of-state, with 48 hailing from California.
March saw a similar trend; the shelter had 115 total intakes, with 24 from Maine, only 11 of which came from Portland, compared with the 90 out-of-state intakes, 50 of which hailed from California.
These numbers suggest that out-of-state homeless people are largely fueling the astronomical rise in Maine’s homeless problem in recent years, and that the out-of-state homeless population in Maine is only growing.
[RELATED: Taxpayers Have Spent More Than $114 Million on Portland Homeless Shelters Since 2019…]
Oxford Street data from February 2022 shows that, just two years ago, only 19 of the 93 intakes hailed from outside Maine, and none of them came from California.
Many of the homeless people designated as hailing from California could actually be illegal immigrants who entered the U.S. then traveled to California before coming to contribute to Maine’s homelessness crisis.
California allows illegal immigrants to receive drivers licenses, meaning that any homeless person identified by a California license could be an illegal immigrant rather than a lawful resident or U.S. citizen.
The Oxford Street shelter is not the only Portland shelter which has seen a rise in out-of-state intakes.
The Homeless Services Center saw an increasing number of out-of state homeless between August 2023 and January 2024, with January seeing the highest number of such intakes during the six-month period.
Too easy to get on welfare here in Maine.
Mills took LePage’s limits off as soon as she took office.
Over the years SF was on a path to slow ruin due to extremely generous services. Word gets around so if one is homeless it only makes sense to go to where the benefits are best. Liberals seem to like duplicating policies that have failed elsewhere. If people are so dumb to keep electing the same leaders then they get what they deserve.
We used to go to Portland often but no more.
Well the democrats seem to want to.emulate California, so why not import some homeless people from California. Who paid for them to get here?
Portsmouth Police were taking bums down there to the bus station where they would give them a ticket to Portland, and tell them the benefits were better there. What they should do is anyone on “public” money should be required to drug testing in order to keep receiving taxpayer money.
Elections Have Consequences!!!! This is what the people of Maine want, enjoy!!!
“every ting free in Amerika”… but even a better deal in Maine… hmm .. why do they want to raise property taxes by 26% in Yarmouth? Probably similar in your town? People: Stop 🛑 voting for these crazy socialists.
Ha Ha, just keep voting for the democrats and it will just keep getting worse. Voting for these democrats over and over again and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. Maine continues its slide into becoming another third world s—hole. Are enough ever going to see the connection between who they vote for and the results? Apparently not. To receive public money in Maine you should have to be a Maine citizen-period.
Never forget this: General Shills wants another 75,000 of these parasites to come here. Isn’t diversity wonderful?
Many other cities including San Francisco have proven that the more benefits they receive the more that will come. There needs to be a residency requirement before they receive benefits and strict time limits on how long they can receive taxpayer funded benefits.
Our Governess no longer has to worry about be re-elected as governor as she is term limited. Thus she no longer needs to hide her socialistic agenda. She wishes to bring in the lower classes as they tend to vote Demorat and keep her leftist schtick going. Just one problem, the lower classes pay very little, or nothing, in taxes. Thus the rest of us should prepare for our taxes to increase to pay for the Governess’s socialism. The more successful she is at this, the better her chances of moving to the Demorat National level.
Not new. 30 years ago I had a home less Mother with 2 kids tell me she came to Maine after looking for “BEST BENIFITS” on the inter net, ran out of $ in Boston and was given a free bus ticket to Maine. We have been suckers to long.
Let the elected officals take them in.
Never forget: General Shills and her Democrat buddies want to import 75,000 more of these parasites.
When you feed sea gulls, you get more gulls.
First: where on earth IS this data from? Any reputable paper should do the due diligence of confirming its sources before publishing something. Second: I regularly volunteer at the new Homeless Services Center, and I can tell you that the vast majority of clients are not newly immigrated individuals–though some do utilize the facilities. Third: why are you publishing this? What exactly are you trying to say with these speculations? It would be one thing if you were simply reporting data from confirmed sources, but you are not. Just reporting the facts is clearly not your primary concern, so what is it you wish to accomplish? Personally, I do not care about the origins of whoever I am helping. If I see someone hungry, unsheltered, and in need, I feel obligated to help, and it is as simple as that.