Donald Sussman, owner of the MaineToday Media newspapers and husband of Maine Congresswoman Chellie Pingree, spent last weekend scheming in the lap of luxury along with a cadre of billionaire financiers, according to a story posted on The Washington Free Beacon.
Sussman is a founding member of the ultra-left Democracy Alliance, along with the notorious billionaire George Soros. The DA is a funding consortium that gives to progressive political causes, including Media Matters and the Center for American Progress.
From the article:
Attendees roamed the grounds at the 150-acre tropical resort on their way to cocktail gatherings, salsa dance lessons, and workshops such as “Occupy the Voting Booth” and “The 1 Percent Rule.” Local police guarded entrances as members attended a “partners only” meeting in the hotel’s Country Club Courtyard.
Other attendees of the democrat-strategy planning retreat included Van Jones, Obama’s former “Green Czar,” and Andy Stern, former president of the SEIU (Service Employees International Union) as well as the vice president of Media Matters for America, the Soros funded group.
The goal of the closed-door meeting was to talk strategy for the coming elections, according to the story. At least one attendee of the meeting is a major bundler for Barack Obama, having bundled him at least half-a-million dollars already for his re-election bid.
Reporters were denied access to the event, so it’s unclear whether Sussman spent time discussing strategies for his new chain of newspapers here in Maine. With critical elections taking place this fall, from the Presidency to the Maine legislature to gay marriage being on the ballot yet again, Maine’s newspapers will undoubtedly play a role in shaping how the public views the issues and how they vote in this November’s elections.
Sussman has said he does not have a hand in managing his Maine newspapers. It is clear from his attendance at this conference that he will have at least some hand in democrat strategy for upcoming elections.
This might be interesting if you also reported all the ALEC and Republican policy/strategy meetings.
Those meetings are on Dirigo Blue.
It would be more interesting to see Donald and chellie salsa dancing
When you own a congressional seat and have a strangle hold on the Maine media, of course you have to hob nob with the lib-think leadership.
Maine and mainers deserve better than this act but on the upside it clearly shows that the dems are in trouble campaign wise, as they regroup to defend against the homosexual marriage support mistake and the subsequent falling poll numbers.
..or how many bills Tom Allen sponsored that originated from his close relationship with the ASPEN INSTITUTE and its week long indoctrinations at 5 star resorts around the world?
..or Chelly Pingree’s sponsorship of legislation advocated by Planned Parenthood?
OK, so the Democrats have their “Notorious Billionaires” and the Republicans have their “Notorious Billionaires” (e.g. the Brothers Koch, to name two), but isn’t that the point?
Whether Donald Sussman or Richard Mellon Scaife shows up at a political strategy weekend isn’t really relevant. What matters is that we have, as a society, allowed wallets to trump (no pun intended) ideas in the political arena.
If Americans aren’t going to address real campaign financing reform then harping about who spends what is a just a charade.
Haven’t you heard? MONEY TALKS.
For years ,as a society we’ve been fed such a bunch of bunk and lies-by-ommission by the lamestream media that no wonder folks have “allowed wallets to trump ideas”– they were uninformed,but ,heck,they were going about their business…until now. Thanks to the internet investigative news and the rise of the Tea Party,Glenn Beck,like him or not, and Maine Heritage Policy Center,among many other excellent sites. How many years did the US faithfully watch CBS and swallow Walter Cronkite’s spin?Americans are basically trusting people,but “they”(the liars) over-played their hands.
I am unfamiliar with Congressman Allen’s affiliation, but of course the difference with Rep. Pingree is that she is a vocal, ardent, public support of Planned Parenthood.
On the other hand, ALEC has attempted to operate without publicity, and those sponsoring it’s legislation do not mention that it was authored by a trade group. Likewise, ALEC and it’s supporters do as much as possible to keep it’s membership, operations, and legislative priorities low-key.
It’s only really a question of transparency. In an ideal world, these lawmakers would all write their own stuff. But that appears to not have been the case for the last few decades.
“Reporters were denied access to the event, so it’s unclear whether Sussman spent time discussing strategies for his new chain of newspapers here in Maine.”
It is equally true that it is unclear whether Sussman spent time discussing strategies for the development of a cat/dog hybrid.
GOOD ONE, Naran!
Billionaires choose to convene at a luxury resort rather than stay at the Holiday Inn Miami.
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