The United States had just 86 million full-time private-sector workers in 2012, compared with 148 million recipient of welfare benefits, according to U.S. Census numbers highlighted by CNS News.
Terence P. Jeffrey writes:
In 2012, according to the Census Bureau, approximately 103,087,000 people worked full-time, year-round in the United States. “A full-time, year-round worker is a person who worked 35 or more hours per week (full time) and 50 or more weeks during the previous calendar year (year round),” said the Census Bureau. “For school personnel, summer vacation is counted as weeks worked if they are scheduled to return to their job in the fall.”
Of the 103,087,000 full-time, year-round workers, 16,606,000 worked for the government. That included 12,597,000 who worked for state and local government and 4,009,000 who worked for the federal government.
The 86,429,000 Americans who worked full-time, year-round in the private sector, included 77,392,000 employed as wage and salary workers for private-sector enterprises and 9,037,000 who worked for themselves. (There were also approximately 52,000 who worked full-time, year-round without pay in a family enterprise.)
As Jeffrey notes, the Census also measures welfare enrollment. According to the Bureau, there were roughly 147.8 million Americans living in a household with one or more individuals accepting payments through a means-tested benefit program
“Eventually, there will be too few carrying too many, and America will break,” writes Jeffrey.
I think things are a little more complicated than these numbers show. I personally know quite a few people who both work in the private sector and receive various government handouts. (Many Walmart workers do both).
One thing that is missing in this and that’s context, seriously, how many years has it been like this?
“America will break.” writes Jeffrey”. His opinion is more doom & gloom. I’m really not interested, especially since he bases it on so little information.
The introduction doesn’t compare the same numbers. It talks about individual workers, but the entire household of welfare recipients. What are the numbers of individual welfare recipients and how many in households of workers?
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