Is It Chilly in Here?
The United States Department of Agriculture threatened to cut funding to Maine’s food stamp program over the state’s policy of putting photographic identification on EBT cards. While the USDA has accused the state of requiring the photos, the Maine Health Department insists that the photo I.D.s are entirely voluntary and points to approximately 100 SNAP participants who have opted out. Federal officials insist that the photos have a “chilling effect” on those seeking SNAP benefits.
MHPC’s Future
On Thursday, The Maine Heritage Policy Center’s CEO, Matt Gagnon, put forth his agenda for the organization over the next year. Gagnon told supporters that they could expect MHPC to refocus on research and analysis in the coming months. Read a write-up on the event here.
Not So Fast
In a memo to Portland’s Financial Committee, Corporation Counsel Danielle West-Chuhta warned the city against a proposed increase to the minimum wage. While maintaining that such a move may be legal under Maine’s Constitution, West-Chuhta warned the committee that a municipal increase of the minimum wage had no precedent in the state and enforcement of the law may be an issue.
That’s High Praise
Governor Paul LePage received compliments from a fellow governor at a meeting of the Republican Governor’s Association last week. In a discussion with fellow governors Mike Pence (IN), Rick Perry (TX), Bobby Jindal (LA), and Scott Walker (WI), Governor John Kasich (OH) said ” I’m for Paul LePage. For whatever he wants, that’s where I am!” Watch the whole video here, or skip to the 67th minuted to see the reference.
I’m Just A Bill
You might have heard that last Thursday, President Obama announced an executive order to protect 4 million illegal immigrants from deportation. Over the weekend, Saturday Night Live skewered the president’s action in their opening skit. Watch the full skit below, as the President shows what he thinks of the democratic process.