On October 31, 2019, The Maine Wire will transition to a new email delivery service. If you currently receive The Maine Wire in your inbox each morning, please take the following actions to continue receiving daily content from The Maine Wire (Note: If you were not previously subscribed to The Maine Wire, you can skip Step 1):
Step 1
Unsubscribe from the old email delivery system. Go to your email inbox and click on the most recent email you’ve received from The Maine Wire. At the bottom of the message you should see a button to “unsubscribe now” as shown below.

Clicking “unsubscribe now” will bring you to the following page. Select “Yes, unsubscribe me now” to officially unsubscribe from the old email delivery system.

Step 2
Subscribe to the new email delivery service by visiting TheMaineWire.com and filling out the signup form on the righthand side of the home page. The “Email Address” is the only required field in the form.

After you’ve inputted your information into the space provided and clicked “Subscribe,” all fields in the form will clear and a confirmation message, colored in green, will appear below the signup form. The message reads, “Almost finished…We need to confirm your email address. To complete the subscription process, please click the link in the email we just sent you.”

Step 3
Login to your email account using the same email address you provided in the signup form. You should receive the following email under the subject line: “TMW Subscribers: Please Confirm Subscription.” Click the button that says “Yes, subscribe me to this list.” Be sure to check your spam, promotions and other folders if you cannot find this message in your primary inbox.

After clicking “Yes, subscribe me to this list” the page will refresh and you will be asked to confirm your humanity. Simply check the box that says “I’m not a robot” and click the “Subscribe” button to finish the process.

Once you’ve completed the process, the page will refresh and you will see the following message:

Congratulations! You have successfully subscribed to The Maine Wire’s new email delivery service. You should begin receiving daily content delivered straight to your inbox the following day. The photo below shows the email sent to subscribers on September 25, 2019.

Email content with this service is scheduled to deliver at 7 a.m. daily. For questions or assistance please contact Jake Posik at jposik@mainepolicy.org or (207) 321-2550.