The Maine State Government’s “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Specialist” told the Chronicle of Higher Education last year that libraries were designed to advance white supremacy.
“Modern American libraries are rooted in a history of white supremacy and exclusion; the lack of diversity in the field today is a consequence of that design,” said DEIB Specialist Shiva Darabandi, an employee of the Department of Administrative and Financial Services.
“True change will only take place when leaders are willing to make sacrifices, relinquish power in pursuit of equity, and center Bipoc [Black, Indigenous, and people of color] voices,” Darabandi said. “This is difficult for some to hear, but all the other small steps only serve to appease the guilt of the privileged.”
“Token scholarships and decolonized collections mean little when most institutions have yet to hold themselves accountable in more important structural areas like recruitment and hiring practices,” she said.
A handful of liberal academics have also alleged that libraries are white supremacist bulwarks. As evidence, some point to the Dewey Decimal System, a common library classification system Melville Dewey invented in 1876.
Biographers have shown that Dewey was a notorious womanizer, anti-Semitic and racist.
Darabandi made the remarks sometime last year when she was the director of the Joanne Waxman Library at the Maine College of Art & Design.
Shortly after the comments were published, she was hired by the state.
According to a biographical page on the state employee intranet, Darabandi’s state job involves making sure state government is hiring the preferred blend of races and ethnicities.

As a white supremacist simply because I was born white, I can’t wait to see who the state also hires to lead the new migrant resettlement office. Better pack my bags now.
Actually, this is my state too and Portland is my hometown (I don’t normally reveal that to strangers) so I’ve decided to stay and do my best to make their screwed up Commie lives as miserable as possible.
To paraphrase Chris Rock, “Books are like Kryptonite to a n!&&{$.”
Author and Famous Youtuber Mark Dice states;
When people hear about “racism” they’ve been conditioned to (wrongly) think that it’s always aimed at black (or brown) people *from* White people, as if it’s a one way street. Many people even call anti-white racism (if they’ll dare even denounce it) “reverse racism,” perpetuating this myth. This is why the term antiwhiteism should be used to describe anti-white racism, to avoid the false connotations with the term “racism” always being viewed as something White people do to non white people, and antiwhiteism should become a part of the modern lexicon.
Antiwhiteism is a unique kind of bigotry. It stems from jealously and is fueled by the mainstream media, the Democrat Party, and an entire industry constructed to exploit those who are duped into believing there is “systemic racism” in America today against black people.
Also, Critical Race Theory is a deceptive term which only obfuscates, or masks what is really going on. It makes people think it’s just a “theory” that there’s anti-white racism. At least people are finally denouncing anti-white racism, and admitting it exists. But the issue needs its own word: antiwhiteism.
Recently the ADL is actually tried to change the definition of the word racism. On their website they literally defined it as, “The marginalization and/or oppression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people.” Their very definition of racism, is racist! All the more reason why the term antiwhiteism should be used, to more clearly illustrate what’s happening.
Obviously Dewey was thinking of racism and the disenfranchisement of women when he came up with his book cataloging system. Why haven’t we noticed this before? O the humanity!
Wait a minute! Didn’t some national black leaders declare math to be racist a few years ago? And Nancy Pelosi once declared that walls are racist (referring to the wall that Trump was building on our southern border), although she lives in a walled community.
When we focus incessantly on racism, racism, racism, all we will get is more racism, racism, racism. The woke have established (because we have let them) a racism lens through which we are now all required to filter the rest of our world.
How much more hand-wringing must we engage in before we tell these perpetrators of crap to get a life? Their sole purpose in messing with the rest of us is to get attention. The idiocy and absurdity of their statements don’t matter, as long as they get attention. This whole woke and DEI crap is nothing more than a temper tantrum – a very dangerous one, but a temper tantrum, nonetheless. What happens when you try to appease a toddler in a temper tantrum by giving it what it wants? You prove that the toddler has control and that temper tantrums work.
Let’s stop being enablers and start being the grown-ups in the room. The emperor has no clothes.
Our taxes at work? At least in NH (not a far move) the government is constrained to sin taxes and higher (not compared to Yarmouth!) property taxes. Interesting to see what they are spending my new 1% tax on payroll and the grab back of my tax stabilization tax freeze as an older Mainer. We are seriously looking to GTFOH to stop paying for this crap…. John Galt style.
some people just shouldn’t be allowed to breed.
What has this state/country come to be? I feel more confined by all the idiot rules, laws, enforcers, people trying to make problems out of nothing every day. It is high time to change this government and get this state back to having a very small, sensible group of public servants – focus on the state, keep pressure on the general government to do the same. Leave personal matters to the individual and church. WE do NOT need a diversity specialist or half the people “working” for the state!
God grant me the confidence of someone who knows absolutely nothing about libraries, systemic racism, or history to jump into the comments section with my thoughts on libraries, systemic racism, and history.
So if you are a person of color or an indigenous person who is poor and cannot afford to buy books, you should be denied the ability to borrow books from a library, whereas the wealthy white person can just buy them from Barnes and Noble. Yes that sounds like the solution to racism 🙄
okay where to start? There is so much Marxist garbage in her statements. How can one person spew so much drivel unless their brain has been destroyed by years of indoctrination?
Maine citizens:
You are literally allowing looney tunes nutcases into positions of power who blatantly and unapologetically do NOT have your interests at heart. They are telling you what they are going to do. They are numerous examples nationwide, even worldwide, of the devastating results of these types of actions.
Stop them now before you are living in nothing more than a heavily wooded Marxist Banana Republic. It’s not 20 years away. It’s 5 to 10 and 75,000 additional 3rd world residents will only hasten the transition.
The only racism in Maine is brought to you by the communist Democratic Party run by Marxist Mills.
Diversity = no white men welcome.