In November, 20 Romanian citizens were detained illegally crossing the U.S.-Canada border into Hodgdon, Maine. Two of them were held as international criminals, the other 18 were released into the state.
“The remaining 18 were simply released into the local community,” said Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) in a speech from the U.S. Senate floor.
[RELATED: Border Patrol Apprehends 20 Romanian Nationals Who Illegally Crossed US-Canada Border into Hodgdon…]
The group of Romanians, 10 minors and 10 adults, rushed across the border in four vehicles. They were apprehended by border patrol.
The foreign nationals were transported to Fort Fairfield Station, where two were held for expedited removal, and the rest were released.
“An out of control border, which is what we have now, poses a very real threat to our homeland and our people,” said Collins.
Collins’ address comes as illegal immigration has surged this month, with tens of thousands attempting to cross into the country every month.
President Joe Biden seems unwilling to address the crisis at US borders as 2023 is on track to mark a new high in annual illegal border crossings.
How long has Collins been in Congress? And now the border is an issue? Shame on her for doing absolutely to secure our borders. The citizens have been begging to secure the border and no one listened or cared. Shame on Canada to allow this too, think we could storm their border and then be given housing, food, phone, money etc?
Well, they can always work at the Machias Chinese pot farm
“An out of control border, which is what we have now, poses a very real threat to our homeland and our people.”
What an absolutely brilliant assessment of the situation. Collins for President! No, wait…Collins for UN Secretary General! Better yet, Collins for prison along with all the other useless, traitorous political hacks in DC!
So…these Roumanians came over from Canada? …had they been legal in Canada, or did they enter Canada illegally, also? Where were they before that? How did they obtain those 4 vehicles–were they licensed in Canada? Roumania? The U.S.? Did they buy, lease, rent, borrow, or steal them? What became of those vehicles? Are they still driving around Maine in them, only now w/ U.S. plates? Have the remaining 16 now applied for U.S. passports? How did they finance their expedition (I mean, invasion) in the first place? Did they bring anything with them? Not even clean underwear? Did they fill their pockets w/ sandwiches? EUs? leus? gold coins? loonies? US dollars? (Were they subjected to ‘civil asset forteiture’?) Or did they charge everything to American Express? Yeah, Congress & Collins are disgraceful, but there’s A LOT MORE to this story that isn’t being told. Why is that? Could the whole narrative of “invading illegals” be a ploy to keep the folks at Homeland Security comfortably employed?
Collins did a little urging for someone else to do something and then went back to doing what she does best—- nothing.
Flush this useless Democrat in disguise and replace her with a real Republican— if they still exist.
my question is, if there are 20 illegals crossing illegally, why were only 2 picked up and sent back and the rest released back into Maine??? Doesn’t illegally mean they are all illegal, ? Oh, or should I be calling them just immigrants ? It’s really hard to keep up with all this new narrative that the Biden admin, and co. keep shoving down our throats. I’m sad for these people, being used as pawns in this polictical circus.
Good job Joe. All the Democrates are on your side . Our senator, The Independent, as not said a word. When is he going the the majority of Americans? Vote him out.
“[The nuclear family, never mind the extended family, is for all intents and purposes dead. But this is after society was taken over and completely shattered by the jews and their gentile servants. Historically, the alienation we experience today was not the case.]”
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This goes beyond ignorant, allowing 18 go free? try crashing the southern border going to Mexico, it’s very likely that you end up dead! As with any number of countries through out the world you crash the border the border crashers home country can request the bodies be returned. Here they push citizens aside and give them housing and $2,000 a month! I not sorry compassion starts at home and citizens that are in need come right after Veterans in need and illegals should be sent back! And the $2,000 a month is more than 90% of retired Mainers receive in Social Security! At what point does this register as a sick absurdity? It is time to take care of those that have paid the bills and send the freeloaders packing!
What a hypocrite.
She’s done and said nothing about the open borders until now.
She advocates for the illegals from Africa coming here because she, like Mills, thinks Maine is too white.
God forbid you just let Americans live where they want to regardless of skin color. You want third world, lazy ne’er dowells imported.