Maine’s left-wing Attorney General Aaron Frey announced on Wednesday that he has filed a civil complaint against a couple from Bath, Maine, who allegedly engaged in racial harassment of their black neighbors.
The civil complaint has been filed against perpetrators Andrew Pinkham, age 44, and Ranada Pinkham, age 43, under Maine’s Civil Rights Act, and AG Frey is requesting that the court ban the Pinkhams from having any contact with the alleged victims.
The alleged victims are a black family from the Democratic Republic of Congo who moved into an apartment next to the Pinkhams in April.
Frey’s statement does not name any of the victims and gives no additional information on their situation.
According to the complaint, the Pinkhams allegedly used racial slurs to refer to the Congolese family.
“I don’t want dirty [racial slurs] living near us,” the Pinkhams said, according to the report.
“I’ll tell you what, I can’t wait for the [racial slurs] to come out,” said Ranada Pinkham in a video recorded on a cell phone.
Frey’s announcement did not, however, make it clear whether the statements were directly addressed to the family or were simply made about them.
The complaint also alleges that the Pinkhams would bang on the walls adjoining their neighbor’s apartment at all hours and that their hostile behavior left the Congolese children afraid to play outside.
According to Frey, the Pinkhams acted in violation of a new part of the Maine Civil Rights Act, which was added in 2023, and which prohibits “engaging in conduct that would cause a reasonable person to suffer serious emotional distress,” if that conduct is directed based on race or other protected characteristics.
illegals over citizens…. this a fear campaign to keep people from saying anything about the “new mainers” they are importing…. death by taxation, stealing elections, inflate the house of reps.. etc etc all a big scam paid for by the people getting scammed.
only takes a couple hundred people to take to the streets and bath pd will run away! rise up!! fight! fight! fight!
White people shouldn’t be forced to live with blacks and access to White people isn’t a right. We need more of this. These black invaders need to understand that they aren’t welcome and need to go back where they came from.
They could always move to a black county where they wouldn’t have to worry about racist whitey
Was anybody killing a goat in the backyard ?
Were they raising chickens in the living room ?
Were the kids screaming and yelling all night ?
Were strange odors coming from the apartment ?
Whatever could be the reason for this unfortunate situation ?
Who’s paying for all of this ?
I’m betting there is another side to this story; one not quite so favorable to these “victims”.
Not happy about illegals from a third world dump?
Shut up and pay the higher taxes to give them a free ride or face the weaponized state govt.
This is all Dirty Dems can do. Obey them or their thuggery comes out.
Scratch a liberal and expose a tyrant.
With all the drug crime, robbers, etc the AG picks this as important? What is being left out? I only see one side and not the other side. Maine is becoming a joke like California and New York. Great work DemocRATS-Marxists and the low information citizens of Maine. You voted these people in so enjoy the ride.
this is what happens when you turn your government over to fascist