The Penobscot Sheriff’s Office is investigating a fire at an abandoned home in Eddington that was allegedly started by a group of juveniles.
The Sheriff’s Office says they received a report shortly after 3 p.m. Wednesday that a group of juveniles were observed walking into one of two abandoned homes on Clewleyville Road in Eddington.
The two adjacent properties have been targets of vandalism in the past and have been unkept by the property owners for several years, according to the Sheriff’s Office.
A deputy sheriff alongside other deputies responded to the report, and upon arrival the deputies observed subjects fleeing into the woods from the rear of the abandoned home.
Deputies observed smoke coming from the home, and entered to locate the source of the smoke.
The Sheriff’s Office says the deputies discovered that the subjects had attempted to light a section of the home’s wall insulation on fire, damaged numerous things inside the residence, and set off fireworks inside the home.
The deputies located a 15-year-old male juvenile hiding in the basement of the home during a search, and a search of the area located additional juveniles the Sheriff’s Office says were involved in the incident.
According to the Penobscot Sheriff’s Office, the parents of the juveniles were notified of the incident and took custody of their kids.
The juveniles are being charged with crimes related to the incident and will be referred to the Juvenile Community Corrections Office, the Sheriff’s Office said.
The Maine Fire Marshall’s Office was called to the scene due to the possible attempted arson, and the Penobscot Sheriff’s Office is continuing to investigate the incident.
It was an adult who burned down heritage99
Heritage 99 burnt for churrance money
already burnt bank outta 750,000
Outta Stater did it, hides out at 473 mann hill holden, slippery, disguises, hard to catch, has crupt area fishuls helpin
yeah, it the same outta-statah that learned up those egg stand attendants in fronna stoney ridge to say, “OH IF WE WAS GETTIN FENTANYL MONEY AN STEALIN OIL WOULD BE HAVINTA RUN A EGG STAND LIKE THIS?” –stoopit flatlandah bullcrap like that juss show he think mainahs are way stoopiter than he is
Heritage99 arsonist has decades of FD experience and knowledge, also has knowledge of Maine fire agencies. Pics online clearly show there was never a remodel, merely a cover-up.
They get us busted for something, then offer a way out in exchange for helping them. Been going on for decades.
. . . and you can notice the eggers are addicts who get their stuff in exchange for watchin the area because the ones who caused all this aren’t from Maine and even though they try to make it look like they live nearby in this place or that place they don’t really live here and have other stuff more important in other states to take care of
Continuing to investigate the incident means you let the teens ride around as doordash delivery drivers?
Who are they? The fire.marshall’s kids?
By intercepting mail destined to the owners of the heritage99 restaurant that was destroyed by arson the day before independence day, I now know who the insurer is.
Sure is taking a long time to attain local drone video which would identify the arsonists.