Democratic Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (ME-01) on Thursday released a statement praising the Biden administration’s move to expand background checks on gun show and online sale of firearms.
“More Americans die from misused firearms than car crashes every year, and yet America’s gun ownership laws are far more lax and allow weapons to get into the wrong hands,” Rep. Pingree said.
“I have supported expanding background checks since coming to Congress, but only the Biden Administration has succeeded in closing dangerous loopholes that have enabled the illegal acquisition of firearms,” Pingree said. “Now, Congress must build on this effort and pass long-overdue universal background check legislation to protect our communities—from Lewiston to Uvalde.”
[RELATED: Maine Dems Use Snowstorm, Power Outages as Cover to Move “Red Flag” Gun Grab Bill…]
Rep. Pingree’s statement comes after the Biden administration announced the Department of Justice is implementing a new rule under the 2022 Bipartisan Safer Communities Act cracking down on the sale of firearms without background checks.
The new rule, the first significant expansion of background checks on firearm sales since the 1993 Brady Bill, expands the criteria under which a person needs to become a federally licensed firearm dealer and run background checks on customers to include online sales, sales of firearms at gun shows, private sales out of a home, and other means.
“I’ve spent hours with families who’ve lost loved ones to gun violence. They all have the same message: ‘Do something,’” President Joe Biden said in a Thursday press release announcing the new rule. “Today, my Administration is taking action to make sure fewer guns are sold without background checks. This is going to keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers and felons.”
“And my Administration is going to continue to do everything we possibly can to save lives,” Biden said. “Congress needs to finish the job and pass universal background checks legislation now.”
[RELATED: Editorial: History Shows Gun Control Inevitably Becomes a Political Weapon…]
Previously, only sellers who were “engaged in the business” of dealing firearms were required to register as a federal firearm licensee (FFL), which would in turn require them to conduct background checks.
The Biden administration’s rule expands the definition of “engaged in business” to include anyone dealing firearms to earn a profit, meaning those dealers will now be legally required to register as FFLs.
Fine Pingree…. here’s a can of worms AND the elephant in the room:
2023 death by shootings 40,000, read it and weep…and note how many decided to exit this f’ed up world on their own:
Now Pingree the elephant:
2023…abortions…511,000, read it and puke. “And my Administration is going to continue to do everything we possibly can to save lives,” Biden said.
And they say guns kill people, yeah I got a bridge in Maryland to sell you……
What has become of the Saco shooters? They could be illegals who were not cough at the boader. The one Chris Rae , FBI director is talking about. Maybe planing to bad at large summer gatherings of tourest.. Will OOB be safe? No one is talking. No federal , State or local leaders. They have not been coughyet.
What hsppened to the Biddeford resident with a NY drivers licence?
Trump just asked why doe not Bidden shut down the boarder. Have you asks Pingree to shut down the boaders there guns and knives coming to Maine that way.
What have you done to stop the growing of weed in Maine with Federal Banks lending the money. The HUD homes could be used to house the homeless and Bidens illegals don you know! insted of Federal agencies supporting weed growing Chines..
Pingree gets her data from the Violence Policy Center which include data that should NOT be included in their numbers. They include the number of deaths from justifiable police actions, citizens protecting their life and property, and more that just does not belong there. Yes, IF she just includes 14 states with a lot of gang related deaths, THEN those 14 states have more gun deaths than car related. This is ONLY 14 states, most with very large cities – and IF you compare the rest of the states, her numbers are totally bogus.
Pingree the pinhead hasn’t figured it out yet that criminals and deviates will always get the guns they want one way or another. For all you legal gunners in Maine, this will just make life more expensive and miserable. Thanks pinhead. If Bidey boy and pinhead want to save lives they should stop sending billions to Ukraine. That would save a boatload of people.
Ahhhh, Rep. Pinhead surfaces to give us her valuable input.
Here’s some tasty tidbits from history:
“To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens.” -Adolf Hitler
“All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist [Democrat] party must command all the guns, that ways, no guns can ever be used to command the party.” -Mao Tse Tung
“I don’t believe people should be able to own guns.” -The Muslim/Marxist Messiah (Barack Obama)
“70 million people have died from gun control.” -Lisa Haven, from an article in The Millennium Report, “So What Exactly Does History Show About Gun Confiscation?”