In a Wednesday statement marking Juneteenth, a federal holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States, U.S. Senator from Maine Angus King (I) said that “the path to freedom isn’t complete” and more work needs to be done to make the country “more inclusive, more welcoming, and more just.”
“For more than 150 years, Juneteenth has reflected the contradiction inherent in America’s identity – it is both a celebration of the freedom that defines our national character, and a reminder that we are only a few generations removed from the inhumane institution of slavery,” Sen. King stated. “But the path to freedom isn’t complete. It wasn’t complete in 1865, and sadly, it’s not complete today.”
Maine’s junior U.S. Senator then called upon Mainers to “meet the promise of America,” and to “provide more than rhetoric” by working together on “actions and policies to make our society more inclusive, more welcoming, and more just.”
“It is fitting that this day be recognized as a national holiday, providing all Americans with the opportunity to reflect upon how much progress we have made, and all the unfinished work ahead of us,” King continued. “If we are to truly craft a more perfect union, we must mark today’s holiday as a step in the path towards that better future.”
Juneteenth was recognized as a federal holiday in 2021 when President Joe Biden signed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act into law.
The holiday commemorates U.S. Army Major General Gordon Granger issuing an order of enforcement for President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation on June 19, 1865, in Galveston, Texas.
King, although a political independent, caucuses with the Democratic Party, and serves on the Senate Armed Services Committee, the Select Committee on Intelligence, the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, and the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.
Angus ought to spend a week living in a Chicago housing project to get a better idea of how the government has entrapped the very people it claims to help. It’s well past time for the government to stop “helping” black Americans.
“King, although a political independent, caucuses with the Democratic Party.” King, when he first ran long, long ago, was afraid to run as a democrat because at the time, socialism and Marxism were unpopular in Maine. Thus he ran as an “independent”; however, he has voted with the demorat/socialists for most of his too lengthy career.
So says the censorious tyrant
Does anyone know who is running against him?
Rhetorical question
Republican designated loser Doe
I’m curious as to exactly what the “unfinished work is” . Can Senator King be specific and provide a few examples on things left to do? Other then using vague and empty rhetoric to virtue signal?
I’ve always wondered why the democrats are never happy with all they’ve done for inclusivity, fairness and justice. Then it came to me.
What a tremendous asshole.
I guess voting for democrats is not working out for the oppressed, maybe they should vote differently. Voting for Angus, Chellie and Golden is not working.
I urge all Democrates like Rep. Pingree who are elected or just party members in Maine and Ind. like Sen. King or all who consider them selves Ind. to Urge Joe BIDEN who we elected and support by our votes to account the 85,000 underage illegal boarder crossing kids he took in to our country and are unaccounted for in hands unknowns placed there by NGO paid for by our JOE and elected leaders in DC and Maine that these kids are safe.
It is documented that Angus King and Charles E. Schumer have agreed on 96 percent of votes in the 118th Congress (2023-2024). Yet, King insists that he is an “Independent.” If he wants to “make our society more just,” let’s start by being forthright about our voting habits. Let’s call Angus King what he is, a Democrat, not an Independent.
King what have you done about this; “A March 2023 report by the Council on Foreign Relations think tank stated that more than 152,000 unaccompanied minors were found at the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal year 2022, an all-time high, separated from friends or family.”
Did you sign them up to vote?
Yesiree– keep that victim status fresh and supporting the DNC !
“the path to freedom isn’t complete” and more work needs to be done to make the country “more inclusive, more welcoming, and more just.”
Notice he only speaks in platitudes/generalities, and does not sight any real examples to back up the comment he made. Vote Dr. Demi this fall, and get this carpetbagger outta there.
Why is this fossilized completely out of touch less than zero politician still in office?
Speaking out of his butt as always. He ought to just keep his liberal mouth shut and not embarrass himself over and over and over. He is as worthless as teats on a boar hog.
Angus is an ass. He never does anything for anyone. Why the people of Maine keep voting this leech in is beyond me.
Keep in mind that he is claims to be an “Independant” but always votes with the dems. He gives them a slim majority in the Senate. He has always been a wolf hiding in sheep’s clothing. He is a lifetime liar in his political career and does not give a damn what we think of it. He has money up the ying yang and thinks that is all that matters. A confirmed liar does not have ANY assets that I want any part of. Politics is a terrible career as you have to be a liar and a crook to hold onto power and become wealthy. As far as I am concerned Maine would be a better place if this liar crawled back into the weasel hole he crawled out of a while ago. He is just garbage just like all the dem/communists in Maine.
Our ever so thoughtful, independent senior senator Anus King is a fraud.
Work to vote him out
Says the man born and raised in the former slave/ segregated state of Virginia and still would be if not forced stop it’s abhorrent behavior.
Retire already you bloated blow hard! And leave you pension in d.c. , you donr need it, you’ve grafted enough!
“meet the promise of America,” Let me keep my money stop the government take away!!!!
A speech full of pandering platitudes that has no substance and little reality about how far our country has advanced away from slavery with equality of opportunity as the watchword. Time to retire Mr. King.
“Inclusiveness” does NOT include combat vets & elderly Mainers. Dead last before Illegal aliens many of whom may be High level terrorists. The Virginia born “Senator” is a true, out of touch democrat working against the needs of common Mainers
Dingus King can stick his fake independence up his anal pore — he’s a Democrat sycophant.
A true commie