Mainers statewide have been experiencing sticker shock when reviewing their property tax bills for the upcoming fiscal year, and Republican lawmakers are laying blame for rising taxes squarely at the feet of Democratic lawmakers and Gov. Janet Mills (D).
Legislative Republicans held a press conference in Gorham Wednesday addressing this issue and providing a platform for one resident to share her own experiences with the effects of rising property taxes.
From higher rates and higher valuations to decreased exemptions and stretched household budgets, Maine residents — especially those with fixed-incomes or lower incomes — are feeling the pressure.
Considering Maine already has the fourth highest tax burden in the country — and the highest property tax burden of any state — the impact of property tax hikes are being felt more painfully than ever.
[RELATED: Sticker Shock — Maine Homeowners Burdened by Property Tax Hikes Following Recent Revaluations]
Wednesday’s press conference was held outside the home of Laura Lossie, a Gorham resident who has personally been impacted by the rising property tax burden imposed upon homeowners by the town.
Also speaking at the conference were several Republican legislative leaders — including Rep. Amy Arata (R-New Gloucester), Sen. Trey Stewart (R-Aroostook), Rep. Billy Bob Faulkingham (R-Winter Harbor) — Alan Livingston, candidate for Maine House Distict 109, and Scarborough Town Councilor Don Hamill.

Pictured from Left to Right: Rep. Amy Arata (R-New Gloucester), Sen. Trey Stewart (R-Aroostook), Don Hamill, Laura Lossie, Alan Livingston, and Rep. Billy Bob Faulkingham (R-Winter Harbor)
Sen. Stewart highlighted in his remarks how many Maine families are forced to ask themselves “tough questions” about how they will afford to cover basic necessities, yet government spending continues to rise.
“The reality is we’re spending more and more in state government and at the local level for an education system that’s not moving in the right direction,” Stewart said. “We’re sliding backward, all the while spending more and more and more.”
“In the last couple of years, the State Legislature has really taken the breaks completely off of this race car that is increasing taxes by doing things like repealing the cap on property tax increases and by repealing that senior property tax freeze,” he continued.
[RELATED: Janet Mills Signs Bill Repealing 2005 Limit on Municipal Property Tax Hikes]

Concerns over spending were also raised by Councilor Hamill, suggesting that the government ought to be approaching their budgeting process in the same manner that households do, taking into account how much is being spent, what it is being spent on, and “how much are those things worth.”
“In Scarborough, we’ve tried to take an approach of addressing this as a spending issue,” he said. “It’s a very simple equation. It’s the equation that people follow when they’re doing their own economics for their home.”
Rep. Faulkingham noted in his remarks that Mainers bear the highest property tax burden in the country, as well as the fourth highest tax burden overall.
[RELATED: Mainers Bear Nation’s Highest Property Tax Burden, 4th Highest Tax Burden Overall: WalletHub Study]
“Property taxes are going up all over the state. That’s why we’re here today,” Faulkingham said. “We’re hearing this from everybody.”
“It’s the same story playing out in every town,” he continued. “According to Zillow and the tax assessor, your house might be worth fifty percent more, but are you earning fifty percent more?”

Livingston, a candidate for the Maine House of Representatives, urged leaders to “make tough decisions” and look “diligently” for ways to “alleviate the burden of taxes” on residents, both in Gorham and throughout the state.
Rep. Arata focused her remarks on the Legislature’s move earlier this year to repeal a 2005 cap on municipal property tax increases, as was previously referenced by Stewart.
“At a time when many Mainers can barely afford the cost of living, Augusta legislative Democrats repealed a reasonable, necessary, and compassionate limit on property tax growth,” Arata said.
“This property tax growth limit was based on average income growth,” she continued. “Common sense says that taxes shouldn’t rise faster than incomes do.”
“We want to have reasonable property taxes and empower voters,” Arata concluded. “We are committed to reasonable, compassionate, and fair property tax growth limits.”

Lossie, a Gorham homeowner, told the Maine Wire that she has lived in the town for fifteen years and saw her property taxes begin to increase substantially three years ago when a revaluation was conducted by the town.
The following year, she saw her taxes go up an additional $1,000, and Lossie is now prepared to face yet another increase in the coming fiscal year.
“I definitely have to be a whole lot stricter in the budget, make choices of have-tos instead of want-tos,” Lossie said. “The want-tos aren’t even an option anymore.”
Lossie also said that she doesn’t think those who are responsible for developing the town’s budget “have an understanding at all” of how rising property taxes impact the daily lives of residents.
“The budget is out of bounds. It’s more than what it should be. We’re not getting more for our money. They’re cutting programs at the schools,” she said. “But yet, it costs more money.”
“I’m definitely not getting my money’s worth on these taxes,” Lossie added.
I just don’t know how to say it any clearer. Republicans are late to the party again as are the citizens of Maine, each of them allowed this to happen. Mainers sat back and ignored what was happening to the state and Republicans don’t make an effort to fight, they do lip service. Democrats are Communists plan and simple and only care about power and money for themselves, they worship government. This upcoming election will determine the direction of Maine and America only a total moron would choose the communist democrats to lead. Sadly I have zero faith in Mainers and Americans to make the correct choice.
How many complaining didn’t bother to vote? Do not vote, do not complain. People had better get out and vote this time around or we can kiss the USA as we knew it goodbye.
80% of our property tax goes to schools. Schools who are begging for more and more to support immigrants who were invited here by janet and her coven.
Drive through the little town of Damariscotta .
Look at the hundreds of Harris posters on residents lawns .
They stand on the bridge downtown and wave signs for democrats .
Is there something in the water there that is making all these people nuts?
How can people be so blind to the obvious collapse of of our state that is happening all around them .
They hate trump more than they love their way of life .
It is all going to change in November .
Normal vs Crazy . The voters will decide .
I pray he people wake up and vote out these democrats.
Property taxes on your primary residence are the most regressive tax of all, since you have to pay it even if you don’t have an income. Try taxing the ppl who have ALL. THE. MONEY.
It’s the Maine Democratic Party’s “ great replacement plan “ .
Raise Mainer’s taxes to the point it drives them from their homes .
Let the people like Chellie Pingree come into our state and buy them all up .
Old Mainers need to pack their bags .
Time to move .
Just wait, Janet will creates another “task force” to study the problem.
To I.M.Broke, call them what they are illegals. And all those folks with Harris signs on their lawn should take them into their homes, support and care for them.
What are we getting?
Illegals living for free, shopping at Macy’s with the cash they take with the ebt cards we pay for.
Republicans have made this problem. They have been voted in to office again and again on anti spending policies. You want cops, teachers and garbage pick up? Then you can’t count on Republicans. They’ll take the money and they will run… and then they’ll come back 4 years later and ask you to vote for them to do it again.
And for years, Republican voters have been so scared of their what FOX NEWS does to their own imaginations they keep voting for Republicans to rob them.
BERNIE SANDERS VOTERS know what I’m talking about.
Hey Issac, who has been in charge of the country the last 12 out of 16 years? Who has been in charge of Maine, Mass, CT, NY.. Let us know when you have the answer.
Yo you can legally oppose any revaluation.
Property taxes calculated by mil rate. Your taxes cannot ‘go up’ without rate going up. You can calculate your own tax using the mil rate. If your number doesn’t match theirs, call the lawyer.
Don’t let these town and city people make your taxes subjective, they are objective only, easily calculated, and known to all. Don’t let them raise your taxes to balance their budget, which in most cases is because of schools and teachers which are no longer needed. All schools should be closed, taxes should be financing mostly law enforcement, something everywhere in Maine needs waaaaaaay more than schools, school buses, gross school lunches, and disgusting pill head and double-dipping teachers.