The Maine Secretary of State revealed Monday the final design for the proposed state flag upon which voters will be asked to decide in November.
The selected design was one of more than four hundred submissions sent into the Secretary of State’s office as part of a contest hosted earlier this summer.
State lawmakers passed a bill last year that — pending voter approval this November — will replaces Maine’s current flag with a version of that which was used from 1901 to 1909.
The legislation eventually became law without the signature of Gov. Janet Mills (D) in January of this year.
The official description of this design — as written in this bill — reads: “buff, charged with the emblem of the State, a pine tree proper, in the center, and the North Star, a mullet of 5 points, in blue in the upper corner; the star to be equidistant from the hoist and the upper border of the flag, the distance from the 2 borders to the center of the star being equal to about 1/4 of the hoist, this distance and the size of the star being proportionate to the size of the flag.”
Not included in the legislation, however, was a specific visual of how these guidelines would look in practice on a state flag.
During an event held Monday morning, Secretary of State Shenna Bellows announced Adam Lemire of Gardiner as the winner of this summer’s contest that was held to find an official design.
Unlike the flag design that has been seen on souvenirs and other merchandise in recent years, the winning design features a more realistic pine tree at its center with sixteen branches, representative of Maine’s sixteen counties.
[RELATED: These Five Questions Will Be On the Ballot in Maine This November]
An image of the final flag design will not be included on the ballot alongside Question 5 this November.
The dumbing down of our flag. Let’s just change the flag because some younger people can only handle really simple things with bright colors and no letters. Big Bird would be proud.
I bet the guy who designed this is a lib.
Sixteen branches for sixteen counties ?
Oh gee … cute is that !
And we even had a little contest ….how AMERICAN is that ….and boys can be girls if they want to …Are these the same bitches who changed Columbus Day to ……..Indigenous Peoples Day ….?
Can’t the malcontents and busybodies LEAVE THE FLAG ALONE ….WE DONT NEED A NEW FLAG
Go screw around with something else ….go to your book club meeting ….go cook some vegan recipe
Go wave a Ukraine Flag if you want to play with flags ….
Get a real job
But somewhere “ somebody” gets a huge contract for a zillion ugly license plates …WHO is that ?
The wisdom of the old statement “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” comes to the forefront of my thinking whenever I ponder the forced issue of changing the present flag of the great state of Maine. Maine has a very rich history that is so much more than the story of a tree and a star. In addition to displaying the revered pine tree and star, the present flag well depicts the seafaring and farming traditions which have served our people well since the early days. So, why must there be a change here? That is an important question. I for one am very proud of the flag that has represented us for 113 years and firmly believe there is absolutely NO rational reason for eliminating the current design. In fact, when comparing the proposed design with the current one, I wonder why such a lovely representation of Maine’s “story” should essentially be “erased” and replaced with what appears to be nearly a “clean slate.”
That design is hideous. The tree is even more pathetic that Charlie Brown’s Christmas tree but he was an innocent child. These excuses for adults such as Bellows pushing this abomination should know better, but nothing surprises me anymore with these dimwits.
I like the old one!
We will.stick with the one we already have. This changing of State flags is a trend in other progressive states as well. Minnesota just changed theirs for a similar reason.
I see a lot of naysayers here, but this represents a return to tradition as it so the flag our state originally selected as opposed to the generic state seal version we currently have. It also has an unexpected bonus of being free from depictions of people which safeguards it from tampering by liberals who have in recent years sought to add diversity to our current flag. I welcome this change and hope it passes so we can return to a more traditional banner for our state while preventing liberals from ruining our flag the way they are ruining our state.
I love our Maine flag. This another Marxist move to destroy erase our history. The star reminds me of something communist China
This is the most idiotic thing I have seen done in quite some time. When are the citizens of Maine going to get rid of these DemocRATs-Marxists? What are they waiting for or has the state been so polluted by out of staters that it’s not even Maine anymore? Maybe they should combine the state flags of Massachusetts, New Jersey, Connecticut and New York as the Maine state flag instead?
Make the star red and call it the Bellows flag !
The current flag represents those who work the land and those who work the seas.
This is not even realistic.
It’s the Bob Ross flag.
If I were to have a public flag burning I would start with this one.
Our governor and legislature apparently think they have taken care of all Maines problems and now are looking for ways to stay busy by proposing a new flag. By the way the new flag for the state of Minnesota looks a little like the flag of Somalia. The governor of Minnesota is now running for Vice-President of the US.
I suspect this design was submitted from ogunquit as it appears to be a modern interpretation of a buttplug. Something the blaine house understands all to well.
Only if they also embroider “An Appeal to Heaven” on that flag!!!
whats the single star for? communisim? one world government?
glad mainewire finally included how long the old flag was in play…. 8 years…. our current flag 113!
Geez, Maine politicians don’t have any more important things on their docket than the changing of the Maine state flag, are they in the same reality that I live in?
Looks like the Lebanese Flag to me more Islamo Fasict Sharia Law from “Crack Head” Mills and Pin Head Bellows.
The only reason why the Mills regime wants to change the flag is because the current flag has two white peoples in it.
the fascist dems, an invasive species from the flat lands, have infected the once great state of maine like a drug resistant virus and turned it into a vapid wasteland
they should be true to who they are and add a swastika or hammer and sickle to that abomination