A new poll by Pan Atlantic Research shows the race for Maine’s Second Congressional District is leaning in favor of the Republican challenger.
Republican State Rep. Austin Theriault, of Fort Kent, leads Democratic U.S. Rep. Jared Golden 47-44 percent with a slight edge among registered votes. (See full poll below)

The survey, conducted from September 5th to 15th, carries a margin of error of 3.5 percent, indicating that the race is very tight. Pan Atlantic Research found just nine percent of likely voters remained undecided in the race.
Although Theriault’s lead falls within the margin of error for the poll, that he’s leading at all is an ill omen for the incumbent Democrat.
In addition to underperforming his polling at similar points in his re-election races, Golden and his allies have also vastly outspent Theriault on television advertising.
According to FCC public file records of political spending, Golden began buying up TV time in July and August.
Theriault and his Republican allies, however, only started buying TV advertising in recent weeks, according to FCC reports for Maine’s broadcast TV stations.
A source close to the Theriault campaign told the Maine Wire that Golden has spent or reserved nearly a million dollars in TV ads, though the Golden campaign declined to comment on the volume of their ad spend.
Golden continues to have a campaign cash advantage over Theriault.
But burning seven-figures on television advertising only to trail Theriault, a relatively low-profile state lawmaker prior to winning the GOP nomination, by mid-September is hardly the bang a campaign expects for its buck.
Unlike some recent nationally released polls, which have heavily over-sampled Democrats, the poll sample’s partisan breakdown appears to closely track the latest enrollment numbers from the Maine Secretary of State’s office: 37 percent Democrat, 30 percent Republican, and 28 percent independent/unaffiliated.
The outcome of this election could depend on broader national politics, such as the presidential race between former Republican President Donald Trump and Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris. However, the outcome of the race could also influence national politics, with both parties looking to secure control of the U.S. House of Representatives in November.
The Pan Atlantic Research poll, which was first reported on by the Bangor Daily News, appears below in its entirety.
This is the best news I’ve heard this week . Great !
It’s time for the Golden Boy to go find a real job in the real world .
Do you suppose he’ll stay in Maine a?
Don’t worry we’ll tweak the rank choice so even if he loses, he’ll win again.
Rural Common Sense
Golden is burnt toast, and he doesn’t even know it…
No one has told me just what ‘Triple Gender ” Theriault has done in to warrant such optimism. He believes that Trannies are a gender unto themselves , He has done nothing except enrich himself and his family at the expense of the Maine Tax Payer , But you Republicucks wanted him but you also love Collins another Aroostook County Crook.
Any person but a Democrat
Esau, Absolutely!
This is Great news,….. Now we have to vote, ‘n make it so,…..
It’s time to strengthen our lead in the House, ‘n take back the Senate,……
Mr. Golden where are 30,000 broader kids which Harris let cross in to the USA?
Sam Brady Maybe you know where the minor illegal boarders are. Do you know where the 30,000 kids are the VP
Now, let’s also look at Pingree. Has anyone taken a look at H. R. 7909? Check out Pingree’s NAY vote on the VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN by ILLEGAL ALIENS ACT. Fortunately, it passed by the Yeas and Nays 266 – 158, but Pingree was one of the 158 NAY votes. It appears that the protection of illegals – even criminal illegals – is Pingree’s utmost priority!
Pinhead pingree should be the first to go. She can ride the rino collins out into the sunset as far as I’m concerned. And while your at it king can go too, independent my ass.
The VP has a gun. What kind? where did she take the courses to get a permit? where does she keep it? Has she taken it to NY or Ma? Does the separate service know the answers? What is she afraid of? OR IS IT JUST A LIE.
Conficius say better to be thought of as republacuck than to be a brady demowhore.
Golden’s staying.
opponents are drug dealer race car driver and fat nightclub wannabe who’ll abuse and corrupt girls
Crackdown coming for all republicans who turned the district into a meth addicted and fentanyl loving hive of little girl touchers. Most of them are going to kill themselves eventually anyway
Still no answer from the VP Harris sa to were are 30,000 kids who crossed the border with out parents are. In whose custody are these kids? Maybe they are working in one of the not raided grow houses in Norther Grow Houses Mr. Golden. Keep supporting VP Harris