The Portland Press Herald, one of Maine’s news websites, published a letter Sunday asking whether former President Donald Trump faked the second attempt on his life in order to raise campaign donations.
“Is it possible that he staged the latest event to bamboozle gullible supporters into giving him even more cash?” asked Leonard Freeman of Falmouth.
“Could it be true? Just wondering,” Freeman wrote.

It’s unclear why the Press Herald, which is owned by the George Soros-funded Maine Trust for Local News, decided to run the letter, which could easily be debunked with some basic journalistic fact-checking.
Ryan W. Routh, the would-be assassin, left ample evidence behind on social media suggesting his antipathy for Trump, as the Maine Wire has documented extensively.
On Monday, the Biden Department of Justice revealed that Routh had left behind a letter explicitly stating his intention was to assassinate Trump.
In the letter, Routh offered a $150,000 payment to anyone who did, in fact, kill the president.
Despite mountains of evidence, Mr. Freeman denies reality. Somebody is a “gullible supporter”
Mr. Freeman most likely is one of those that think Biden is as sharp as a tack, the economy is booming and is glad that 10 million illegals have crossed the border so he can get his lawn mowed on the cheap.
Mr. Freeman would vote for the dog if he had a “D” after his name without even learning actual policy.
Harris didn’t receive one single vote in the primaries. The DNC rigged it so only Biden could run. Then the DNC appointed Harris.
That’s not democracy, that’s what dictators and tyrants do.
Harris can’t even speak clearly about policy because her plans and the plans of her masters are anti-Constitution. You can see her plans in past video clips and articles.
The Maine daily newspapers have been a sort of settling tank for the dregs of society; violent, unhinged lunatics that any number of should be on a watch list. The editors and owners of both the PPH and the BDN must be proud about the number of halfwits (being generous here) each “news”paper has collected. I question the economics to advertisers considering running ads in either of these horrible publications appealing to readers who mostly should be institutionalized.
the perfect DemocRAT-Communist and he lives in Falmouth a bastion of open thought and discussion, NOT. Maine newspapers, local media are nothing but prostitutes for the DemocRATS-Communists.
Does the Portland press herald FAKE printing news? Inquiring minds want to know. No kidding I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a story about a two headed space alien impregnating mills with Elvis’s cats DNA on page two. Rag, meet PPH.
Somebody needs a kick right between the pockets. Hummmm, let’s see…. maybe…. OH how about Leonard Freeman.
The PPH is complicit in printing falsehood idiocy that the media rag should know is not true from current investigative reports from federal agencies. The PPH has kowtowed to the DumboCraps, DemonRats, or whatever you prefer to call them.
Would some kind citizen living in the democrat controlled bastion of Falmouth please go and bitch slap this moron Mr. Len Freemen back into reality? It appears that Mr. Freeman has been sipping too much of the democratic koolaid recently and needs a dose of truth.
Dems like dystopian fantasy…It’s all around us and being peddled as truth.
The guy is from Falmouth ? I’d have guessed Damariscotta .
These people are delusional .
Here is a textbook case of Trump Derangement Syndrome .
They can only be defeated at the ballot box .
Vote like your home and your life depends on it .
Vote for republicans this time .
He’s just asking questions. And even if it isn’t true. He got people talking about it.
JD Vance