Author: James Broughel and Jacob Posik

James Broughel is an economist and author of the new study “A Snapshot of Maine Regulation in 2018,” published by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University in Virginia, and Jacob Posik is director of communications with the Maine Heritage Policy Center in Portland.

This piece first appeared in the Portland Press Herald. During her recent inaugural address, Gov. Mills warned Maine residents that a recession could be on the horizon. While to some extent recessions are inevitable, the next economic slump could be entirely manmade. That’s because, according to a new analysis, regulatory requirements in the state are piling up by the tens of thousands. All this red tape could hit the state’s economy like a regulatory tsunami. To get a sense of the complexity of the Code of Maine Rules – Maine’s regulatory code – it would take an ordinary person about 450 hours, or…

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