Democratic Reps. Michael Michaud and Chellie Pingree voted Friday against legislation designed to ensure Americans can keep their old insurance plans that have been cancelled or jeopardized by the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.
Thirty-nine House Democrats joined all but four Republicans in voting for the bill, which was sponsored by Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich), who chairs the Energy and Commerce Committee.
Democrats described the bill as an attempt to undermine the controversial health care law, but the bill’s supporters said it was a way to help President Obama keep the broken “if you like your plan, you can keep it” promise he made to the American people.
Obama vowed to veto the bill shortly after announcing Thursday that his administration would selectively enforce the health care law in order to accomplish a similar end.
[RELATED: White House offers “fix” for insurance plans cancelled due to Obamacare…]
It was unclear Friday exactly what effect – if any – the president’s constitutionally-dubious declaration will have, as the Maine Bureau of Insurance is still reviewing the proposed policy change.
In Maine, more than 10,000 individual policyholders have lost their insurance because of Obamacare.
Steve Robinson
Maine Wire Reporter
This is not a “fix”-this is kicking the can down the road past the election! Wake up people!! How will waiting until next year make it any different-people will still be losing their policies and it will be both those with individual policies and employer policies by then. This idea (ACA) is designed to fail so that the public will demand a real fix and Hillary can come riding in on her Big White Horse and save us all with a single-payer plan. By the time we get to 2016-we will all be ready for that because it will sound better than the nightmare that is Obamacare!
The tide of public opinion is turning to the point where the only viable option should be #FullRepeal
Michaud and Pingree once again come down on the wrong side of an issue, proving all they really care about is being partisan hacks who care little for the country or the people of Maine.
You would think the Michaud would at least try to look good to help is run for Augusta. This is just a few more lost votes and a gain for the man that says “Actions Speak louder Then Words” Mike Michaud these actions speak for you. Pingree is no better.
Being political about people’s health and acute care needs is unacceptable and not consistent with the core values of Mainers.