You know you’ve struck a raw nerve when the majority party at the State House swamp blasts out a fundraising email with a subject line like this:
“Breaking: Former GOP Rep Compares ME Speaker to neo-Nazis”
Right up front, let me say I’m flattered that Maine Democrats are once again invoking my name to scare their donors into coughing up cash for the party of Janet Mills and Joe Biden. Thank you. It is an honor.
The trouble is, the unnamed author of the email communication didn’t address much less rebut any of the fact-based arguments set forth in my opinion column, Neo-Nazis or Neo-Marxists: Which Are the Biggest Threats to Life & Liberty in Maine?, published on August 30th in The Maine Wire.
Instead, the anonymous scribbler knit together a string of falsehoods, including the preposterous claim that my “style of rhetoric” is exactly what emboldened a dozen or so self-proclaimed Nazi sympathizers to demonstrate in front of the Statehouse on the afternoon of August 12th.
My column ridiculed them as know-nothings, deadbeats, and losers. That’s hardly the sort of rhetoric that would “embolden” them to organize a demonstration at the state capitol – never mind that my column was published two weeks after the fascist punks staged their obnoxious “sieg heil” rally in Augusta. Whatever. Democrats in Maine have never let facts get in the way of a good fundraising campaign.
The email blast dismissed as “dubious and disturbing” my suggestion that the sudden appearance of neo-Nazis in Maine may be a false flag operation intended to discredit opponents of Janet Mills’ plan, announced on August 2nd, to resettle tens of thousands of foreign nationals in Maine over the next five years with her “Office of New Americans”. As I said, the timing is just too convenient. What better way to poison the well of public discourse on the subject of illegal immigration than video footage of neo-Nazis shouting insults at immigrants?
Sound far-fetched?
One piece of evidence that suggests these neo-Nazis may not be who they say they are is the background of one of the neo-Nazi co-owners of the 10.6 acre compound in the woods 70 miles northeast of Bangor in Springfield. That would be Fred Ramey, 47, who worked on Democrat Andrew Yang’s unsuccessful campaign for President in 2020. Ramey founded “Truckers for Yang,” a super PAC that raised $100,000 to support Yang’s quixotic bid for the Oval Office. (Kudos to Editor-in-Chief Steve Robinson for breaking this story).
The fear-mongering email blast from “The Maine Dems” encourages us to ignore the evidence that the clown show in the woods of Springfield may not be what it appears to be. It’s certainly not the existential threat to life and liberty Democrats claim it is. To be sure, it is dangerous, but only because it’s a dream come true for Janet Mills and the open-borders, foreigners-first, cheap-labor lobby at the Statehouse – and its enablers in Maine’s shamefully dishonest Fake News media. That’s why they keep telling us, pay no attention to that man behind the curtain…
And there’s this:
Democrat-activist-turned-Nazi-ringleader Fred Ramey has a checkered public record that includes multiple guilty pleas to felony charges in Kansas, North Dakota, and Missouri – which disqualify him from possessing firearms. He could get 10 years in the slammer if he’s caught with a gun. That doesn’t sound like someone who’s about to lead a white supremacist insurrection.
In any case, it’s noteworthy that the reference to Madam Speaker in the subject line accuses me of comparing her to neo-Nazis.
Apparently, the paid propagandists at Maine Democrat headquarters were offended that I ridiculed Speaker of the House Rachel Talbot Ross (D-Portland) for her comment on Maine Public Radio in March of 2019 alleging that a Ku Klux Klan parade in Milo in the 1920s was the first time members of the racist hate group wore their hoods in public.
Talbot Ross went on to claim that the founding of the United States was a hate crime, and that Maine’s history of white supremacy “continues to this day.”
If that’s the case, it would appear that we’ve made remarkable progress in the four short years since that interview, given the fact that Rachel Talbot Ross was sworn as Speaker of the Maine House of Representatives last December, the first black woman to ever ascend to the Speaker’s rostrum. How did that ever happen in a state that’s supposedly been a bastion of white supremacy for the past hundred years?
Of course, none of this makes any sense. It’s just another installment of the Big Lie.
The dirty little secret Democratic flunkies will never acknowledge is that the Democrat Party is the party of slavery, segregation, eugenics, Nazi sympathizers, and the Ku Klux Klan. That malignant historical influence continues to this day, right up to and including last fall’s statewide legislative and gubernatorial elections. Here’s how.
As most readers on this platform know, Margaret Sanger was the founder of Planned Parenthood, previously known as the American Birth Control League, which she founded in 1921.
But not so many people are aware that Sanger was an unrepentant racist with close ties to the Ku Klux Klan. Two of her closest associates were notorious Nazi sympathizers and admirers of Adolf Hitler. In a letter to her friend and associate Clarence Gamble, Sanger explained why she recruited black clergymen as her ambassadors to the black community:
In 1933, Sanger’s magazine Birth Control Review published an article titled “Eugenic Sterilization, an Urgent Need” by Ernst Rudin, chief architect of the Nazi sterilization program and mentor of Joseph Mengele. Writing in 1938, when the Nazi sterilization was in full swing, Sanger urged America to follow the Nazi lead: “In animal industry, the poor stock is not allowed to breed…In gardens, the weeds are kept down.” She concluded with an admonition that Americans could learn something from the Germans about getting rid of “human weeds.”
Fast forward to the 2022 election cycle in Maine, when Democrat candidates for governor and the Legislature were the beneficiaries of huge “independent expenditures” by the political action committee (PAC) of the organization Margaret Sanger founded a century ago.
Looks like dirty money to me, considering the racist, Nazi-tainted history of Planned Parenthood.
Talbot Ross would likely not be Speaker today but for the gobs of money Planned Parenthood’s PAC spent on behalf of Democrat candidates for the Maine House of Representatives in last year’s midterm elections. Janet Mills was also the beneficiary of hundreds of thousands of dollars from Margaret Sanger’s hideous progeny.
The stench of the swamp clings to all of those politicians, but especially to those who signal their virtue the loudest.
The irony is if one goes into Left wing Wikipedia Margaret Sanger is portrayed as a model citizen and great American. The Democrats always deflect anything negative about them as they did deflecting and accusing Lockman of being the racist.
I would not be surprised if it was the democrats in untraceable manner that funds this hate group on neo-nazis from the north. Look for them to reappear to divert the attention whenever anything harmful appears about the power mongers in the Democratic party. Would that surprise anyone?
Thank you, Larry, for continuing to have the courage to write truth about the powers that have taken control of the once Great State of Maine. This U S Navy ‘Nam era vet supports you.
Another case where you can’t tell who is the good guy or the bad guy. I have to assert that if these folks are white supremacists, the tendency would be to brag about their asserted superiority – not hide from it. The bigger concern would be if a faction from the left has undertaken to play the role of Nazi in such a way as to make it seem like Republicans were lighting the fuses.
Whichever it is, it is stupid that people could be adults and still act out like teenagers. Show some maturity. No need for name calling and property damage. You aren’t getting the reactions you seem to want. Why not be smart and focus on well worded letters to the editor? Why not buy space on the page of your choice for posting an intellectual dissertation that has facts and substance.
If you are trying to incite anger and trouble, you are failing. Voters in general don’t want that approach – although some are lacking a moral compass and desperately struggling to gain attention. Nastiness doesn’t get the result you hope it will and it leaves you at a deficit when it comes to climbing back into the fight in a healthy way.
As they say, opinions are like (fill in the blank), everyone has one and they all stink. The conspiracy of Democrats funding White separatists is utter nonsense. Neither the Democrat nor the Republican parties care about the problems faced by White Americans in today’s society. Nice try though but the uninformed will always believe what suits their confirmation bias.