The Portland City Council voted against an order to legalize homeless camps in public parks through the winter months after hours of public comment pushed the Monday evening Council meeting into the early hours of Tuesday morning.
The order in question would have amended the city’s ordinances to permit loitering and camping for Portland’s homeless population in public parks and other areas, with few exceptions.
[RELATED: Portland May Legalize Loitering, Camping in Parks for Homeless Population…]
The proposed ordinance changes were estimated by the city to cost over $1.2 million in unappropriated funds across several departments.
City officials including Police Chief Mark Dubois, Fire Chief Keith Gautreau, and the heads of Parks, Recreation and Facilities wrote memos in opposition to the proposed order, citing numerous public health and safety concerns posed by the homeless encampments.
Chief Dubois presented data on the number of calls for service and crimes committed at the city’s various encampments since their formation.
He began with an encampment that was previously present at Portland City Hall — over a three-week period, there were over 80 calls for service, according to Dubois.
There was an aggravated assault where someone was hit in the head with a hammer, and somebody shot at with six rounds outside City Hall.
The two-month long Deering Oaks Park encampment resulted in 410 calls for service, 22 overdoses, with two of those being fatal, Dubois said, adding that one overdose by someone driving a vehicle resulted in a bystander being struck and killed.
The Fore River Parkway encampment, which was cleared in September after eight months, had 13 overdoses and a homicide committed at the encampment.
The four-month-long Bayside Trail encampment resulted in 788 calls for service, 25 overdoses, with three being fatal, and an “extremely significant” stabbing in which “a male’s stomach was cut open,” the police chief said.
Over a six-month period at the Marginal Way Park and Ride encampment, there were 467 calls for service, 36 overdoses, three overdose deaths, and two stabbings, one of which was done with a machete.
Police also responded to a report of a man chasing someone around with a sledgehammer on the same day.
The Maine Wire has also previously reported about local business owners discovering machetes, loaded firearms, and other weapons on or about their properties.
At the most recent large encampment in Harbor View Park, there have been 188 calls for service, and this week a man’s scooter was stolen by a man with a machete, and Monday morning there was a robbery where a man’s two front teeth were knocked out.
“So, I guess my point is, is that it doesn’t really matter what encampment we’re talking about, we see a significant amount of crime that occurs down there — violent crime,” Dubois said.
“And this is not including all the secondary theft from residences and businesses, and all the quality of life issues that we respond to on a daily basis in any of those encampments,” he added.
Following Dubois’ presentation, Fire Chief Gautreau presented on the risk of fires at the city’s encampments.
“We’ve seen a significant increase in outside fire calls, just recently, just with the weather being colder — particularly at Eastern Promenade and Harbor View Park,” Gautreau said.
The fire chief said that the encampments have resulted in the burning of inappropriate and toxic materials, causing smoke to negatively impact bridges and roadways.

Highly combustible materials, propane tanks exposed to nearby flames, and possible carbon monoxide poisoning from heaters being used inside poorly ventilated tents were among the issues raised by Gautreau.
Public comment began on the order at around 8 p.m. Monday evening — three hours after the start of the Council meeting — and did not finish until after midnight.
The final vote on the order did not occur until after 1 a.m.
The majority of speakers during the public comment portion spoke in opposition to the order, with many who live near the Harbor View encampment saying they no longer feel safe in their neighborhood.
“I don’t want to live in Portland anymore, because I feel unsafe,” said Alison Hawkes, who lives a block away from the Harbor View encampment. “And I don’t think it’s fair at all to have people feel that way.”
Cumberland County District Attorney Jackie Sartoris was also present at the Monday evening meeting and offered public comment.
Sartoris spoke to the issue of women’s safety at the homeless encampments, describing how she had met with several women who had lived in the encampments, all of whom had been coerced into sex or offered money or goods in exchange for sexual services.
She said following this discovery, she looked into the police logs from interactions at the encampments.
“Most of the police officers at the encampments aren’t making arrests, I want to be super clear about that,” Sartoris said. “We were seeing on the logs report, after report, after report of encounters that never led to arrest, even when it was technically illegal conduct.”
“What I realized after doing this deeper dive, is that if we increase or maintain the encampments in their current status, we are placing people who cannot call the police and ask for help — because ‘snitches get stitches’ — we are placing them in increased risk of harm,” she said. “That’s not the work that I set out to do as district attorney.”
Supporters of the order argued that the encampment sweeps were dangerous and dehumanizing, and that allowing for smaller and more spread out encampments would mitigate the public health and safety risks posed by the larger encampments.
Elizabeth Capone-Newton, one of the final speakers of the evening and a former District 5 School Board candidate, berated Portland Mayor Kate Snyder and the City Council and appeared to accuse them of wanting the city’s homeless population to die.
“I think the hardest question that you all face as the elected officials who are in charge of upholding democracy, is how do we get rid of, disappear, kill, or otherwise get out of our problem, people, without explicitly ordering their death?” Capone -Newton said. “How do we do it?”
Capone-Newton went on to compare the sweeps of homeless encampments to colonialism, and criticized the Council for allowing certain businesses to get tax breaks and developers to build housing “only for wealthy and upper middle class people.”
After her allotted three-minute public comment was expired, Capone-Newton continued to yell at Mayor Snyder and the Council.
“I got kicked out of the City Hall encampment leadership because I said ‘what the f— are you doing’?” she screamed. “What are you doing letting people not have a place to take a poop, and not have a place for needles?”
“You don’t know what I do in this city,” she yelled, telling Snyder that she was “gonna take a tiny bit more time” in response to her public comment time being expired.
“You’re in violation of Council rules, this has gone way—” Snyder told Capone-Newton when she continued yelling.
“You’re in violation of every important thing about the Portland charter, Mayor Snyder, I’m glad you’re going,” she shouted before sitting down.
The order failed to pass by a vote of 6-3, with Councilors Roberto Rodriguez, Anna Trevorrow, and Victoria Pelletier in the minority supporting the order.
Directly following the vote, Capone-Newton climbed up onto the City Council dais and laid down, causing panic among Mayor Snyder and the City Council members.
Snyder called for the assistance from an officer to remove the overweight woman from the desk as someone in the crowd sang “Portland Town” by Schooner Fare.
Two Portland Police officers, including Chief Dubois, removed Capone-Newton from the dais, and a total of five officers were needed to carry her off the floor and out of the Council chambers.
Capone-Newton was charged with criminal trespass, refusing to submit to arrest, and obstructing government administration.
She was taken to Cumberland County Jail.
— The Maine Wire (@TheMaineWire) November 21, 2023
What a surprise, they’re fat, ignorant women.
The Socialists are just going to pass this next month when they have a majority. The DSA won’t stop until they ruin Portland. Rent control failed the first time and they just kept at it until they got the votes. Get out while you can.
Sanity won, sort of.
I’m surprised the officers weren’t accused of “fat shaming”. Thankfully, after Chief DuBois and others presented their data, sanity prevailed on the vote….for now.
Set up a fenced and locked community with tents, proper facilities for toilets and showers, a mess hall, educational facility, medical facility and security. IF the homeless gain a skill that would be taught there, THEN they can leave and work to support themselves. IF that fails for them, THEN they go back and start over again. This will NOT be easy street inside the fence. There would be required duties, classes to attend, gardens to attend to, and specific hours that must be kept – could be partially based on Boys Town methods. There are laws against living on the streets, so yes, they are breaking the law.
The Socialists are just going to pass this next month when they have a majority.
They cannot pass i next month. It has been referred to a committee that the current chair has said won’t meet in December.
Have been seriously considering moving to Portland area in a few years. This sounds ridiculous. This will keep people like me away.
I have a hard time believing some guy actually slept with this psycho more than once and she now has a couple of kids. Too bad Pineland wasn’t still operating as a psychopathic mental institution because that is where she should be living. And if the cops wanted to get her fat ass out of there, all they had to do was dangle a twinkie in front of her fat face.
I’m also surprised nobody is attempting to find out exactly where these “homeless” people are from. My guess is they’re not from Portland and most are not from Maine.
How many of these “homeless” people is Ms. Capone-Newton taking into her own dwelling? I’m betting the number is real close to ZERO.
Something happened to Maine Laws after 2020…
You can now freely use drugs anywhere
You can now camp anywhere
You can grow marijuana illegally, just have to pay off the local PD
You can murder your children (and get maybe 4 years of free health care, free food, room and board, cable tv…)
You can get arrested multiple times and be back on the streets in less than an hour
You don’t have to pay taxes
You don’t have to pay outstanding warrants
You can ignore “Protection Orders”
You don’t have to register your vehicle , inspect it or insure it, just keep changing the expired temporary tag forever
You don’t have to follow traffic rules
You can get your entire education off of social media
You do not have to provide a legal ID for obtaining free needles at Hannaford
You can sit in the front of Hannaford and proposition old men for sex
You can have you drug dealer deliver to Hannaford, where you just got free needles and money for sex
You can shoot up drugs in front of Hannaford as children ask Mom what are they doing?
You can deal drugs 24 hrs from the local Big Apple Store right down the street from MSP
You can squat on someone’s property with no consequences
You cannot go to jail even if you commit multiple crimes
You will never see the inside of Maine Correctional’s 143 million dollar prison, it’s empty
You can steal children’s bicycles and wagons or anything else on people’s front porch
You can have a “front” business and no one goes there
You can contract Hepatitis from any local restaurant who employs drug addicts with open wounds
You can rule the world if you are the lucky new “unhoused”
You can employ a former drug addict to control the millions from Washington to solve the drug crisis
You can employ an elderly man to supervise said former drug addict and both be bewildered with what to do
You can observe in all those encampments; cigarette smoking, local fast food remnants, empty alcohol bottles, needles, needles needles, trash, trash, trash
You have no right to ID any of these miscreants, no database on who they are and where they come from so called parental units are featured on the news, local hometown heroes they are…
Happy Holidays
Yet people keep voting the ones causing and continuing the problem into office. Why onEarth would anyone want to follow the failed policies of places like SanFrancisco. It’s too easy to get free services in Portland and it attracts others to come here due to the favorable freebies and treatment. The mental health social service folks subtly encourage it cause it expands their business and power. If Portland does not elect leaders who think and act differently than this current go along crowd it will in the not too far future lose the atmosphere and charm that it still holds for many.
Which towing company hauled her away?
The media doesn’t even call them “unhoused” anymore. The new propaganda is; they are “campers”. The media’s orwellian propaganda is cause of most of America’s problems.
Not sure why the Maine Wire deletes my post?! Cowards!
I’d rather spend the money on setting up an “asylum court” that can expediently expedite all these claims from “asylum seekers!” Get these asylum frauds the F Outta our country.
What a joke the left has become…
Quarantine and reeducation? Where have I heard that one before?
1. If they are committing crimes as the article insinuated than charge them, convict them and jail (room and board) them.
2. Pass laws that reduce and limit future short term rentals like air b n b which has donated millions to the blm terrorist group. Short term rentals reduce overall housing options and drive long term housing costs up.
3. House homeless in the dormitories of colleges that do not provide education in the trades. On that note, the marxist college in unity failed and is operating out of their basement at pine land farms. Last I heard the entire campus is available. Including, Cinbro Hall.
4. Fire janet Trustfund mills and cancel her idiotic plan to import 75,000 “new mainers’ in the next five years.
Why would a homeless person choose a part of the country that drops below zero in the winter…
…Oh I know: free stuff from stupid Democrats.