Following the Maine Wire’s Report on the Illegal Marijuana grow facilities throughout the state operated by Chinese criminals, Rep. Michael Soboleski (R-Phillips) made a proposal to Maine’s legislative committee designed to combat these illegal grow facilities.
The proposal was rejected, and unanimously opposed by committee Democrats.
The Proposal read “An Act to Provide Investigative Authority to the Maine State Police, Sheriffs and Local Police Regarding Maine’s Recreational Cannabis Laws and Ordinances to Ensure Proper Enforcement.”
Rep. Soboleski believes the bill to be extremely important to Maine’s well-being.
“This is a serious issue and we need action. “ said Soboleski
He has decided to appeal the decision not to consider the proposal, and submitted a formal request to Senate President Troy Jackson (D-Aroostook) for his proposal to be considered at the legislative committee’s next meeting on November 16th.
“Our cannabis laws are in place for a reason, and as such need to be properly and throughly enforced and an investigation would give us the data to examine which laws are not being followed.” said Soboleski, In his letter to the committee.
The bill is intended to address inconsistencies in the enforcement of Maine’s Cannabis laws throughout the various towns and cities in Maine, and to ensure that those laws are properly enforced.
A similar bill, proposed by Rep. Billy Bob Faulkingham (R-Winter Harbor), which would have prevented non-citizens from participating in Maine’s cannabis industry, also failed.
Can someone explain the D’Souza rationale for not wanting to enforce the law?
The Democrats’ rationale…. Spell check added the Souza!!
Obviously they don’t live in close proximity to these grow houses and get to watch and hear the goings on all night . Im sure if the us Mainers were to have operations like the Chinese do it would be a whole different story! What are they afraid of .? The lawmakers should stop passing the buck
It’s hard to soar with the eagles when you work with turkeys. Follow the money, you may end up in a democrat’s bank account.