U.S. Attorney for the District of Maine Darcie McElwee announced Wednesday that her office collected a total of $24.4 million from civil and criminal actions during fiscal year 2023.
Nearly all of the $23 million collected by the Maine U.S. Attorney’s Office from civil actions was the result of a $22.5 million settlement in July 2023 in United State of America v. Martin’s Point Health Care, Inc.
The settlement with Portland-Based Martin’s Point was the largest Medicare fraud settlement in state history, and resolved allegations that the medical clinic violated the False Claims Act by submitting inaccurate diagnosis codes for its Medicare Advantage Plan enrollees in order to inflate their Medicare reimbursements.
An additional $1.39 million was collected in FY 2023 by the U.S. Attorney’s Office as a result of criminal actions, which includes criminal debts, fines and asset forfeitures.
Forfeited assets are deposited into the Justice Department’s Assets Forfeiture Fund and are used to restore funds to the victims of crimes and for other law enforcement purposes.
“The Crime Victims Fund is a vital resource that helps fund state and local programs that provide services for victims of crime, and it is funded by the work that occurs in U.S. Attorney’s Offices across the country including our district,” U.S. Attorney McElwee said Wednesday.
“Ensuring that the taxpayers of the United States as well as crime victims receive the money that is due to them and that is needed to aid in their recovery is a priority for our office,” McElwee said.
used to restore funds to the victims of crimes? What type of crimes are we talking about here? These funds SHOULD BE going back into the Medicare funds, NOT for the use of the “make the politician and deep state feel good” funds! When are we going to get some people in the government that do what should be done?
I wonder how much of this money will end up going for Democrats pet projects?
I wonder if there will be consequences for the perpetrators of this crime.
The world wonders if anyone at that place is going to be charged with fraud or is it more than likely they are good contributors to political campaigns thus are indemnified from any sort of punishment.
Isn’t this stealing just like robbing a bank or a store is? They are stealing money from the American taxpayers. So is anybody going to be charged with a crime over this debacle?
No there are no consequences and victims won’t see a penny ,all lawsuits for Maine citizens ,go to the few high up offices in Maine we know who they are ,all stakeholders and pharma investors ,and the hospitals cheif organizer is related closely to our highest official ,my son is suffering and has been it’s shocking to the collusions of our highest offices and the horrific crime committed against our son who is still captive all state federal national constitutional state ,supreme court rulings ,ada laws codes conduct codes ethics are all violated we are given no rights falsified documents court and hospital,the few in strategically appointed positions by one person who is in charge of Judicary,treasury ,hospital,all stakeholders pharma investors ,no collusion here lol, where’s the citizens money Maine hospitals got for opiate addictions aren’t they the ones who gave oxycodone to 20 years old whose backs hurt ,lol I feel bad for the family’s who list family members that overdosed ,and to give drug addicts boxes n boxes of kits of crack pipes ,needles ,charboy brillo as screen ,meth pipes , we tc,don’t you know if a drug addict has paraphernalia they will use if it’s there in front of them they won’t quit having the supplies given out free by the governor and they know the truth that they won’t quit that way at all,but continue using the drug cartels ,? Drugs ,! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out ,especially when one high up official got busted driving under influence of opiate and got rid of her own charges ! Are Maine citizens that blind or just don’t care what’s really going on in maine ,anybody get any help during covid with the billions emergency money I couldn’t even get ,,,50 dollars worth of oil for my furnace during covid , keep your eyes and ears open .we did not fall off the turnip truck yesterday like they think we did ,! And I am a mom want justice for Abraham and hundreds of Maine family’s .I might run for Senate or something .bet I got higher IQ.lol.