The Maine State Housing Authority will be financing the construction of 105 new affordable rental units in several towns throughout rural Maine.
These one- and two-bedroom units will be constructed in Hallowell, Newcastle, Rockport, Rumford, Sanford, and Waterville.
According to a press release published by Gov. Janet Mills (D) Tuesday, funding for this project comes from the state’s biennial budget, as well as from the recently approved bond cap expansion.
LD 2209 — approved unanimously by lawmakers earlier this month — allows the Maine State Housing Authority to have an “aggregate principal amount outstanding” in “mortgage purchase bonds” of $3 billion — an increase of $850 million over the agency’s previous statutory limit.
Increasing the Housing Authority’s bonding capacity was intended to bring this limit into alignment with the state’s current housing production needs, according to testimony offered during the bill’s public hearing.
Gov. Mills signed LD 2209 into law late last week.
“As a result of a law I signed last week,” Mills said in a press release Tuesday, “MaineHousing can move more aggressively to alleviate the housing crunch impacting urban and rural communities in every corner of our state.
“My Administration will continue to work to increase the availability of comfortable, affordable housing options across Maine,” said Mills.
“This funding and this law ensures we can keep our foot on the housing-production accelerator for the rest of this year, next year and for years to come – as we should and as we must,” MaineHousing Director Daniel Brennan said in Tuesday’s press release.
“We have a long ways to go still, but this Governor, with strong bipartisan support in the Maine Legislature, is ensuring we continue the momentum, started in 2019 – that our batteries remain charged and carry us into the better housing future Maine deserves,” Brennan said.
Click Here to Read Gov. Mills Full Press Release
Construction of these units is expected to take 12 to 18 months to complete, and each development will have between 16 and 18 units.
Mills also noted in her press release Tuesday that the state is also funding the construction of 100 new homes across Bath, Belfast, Madison, Norway, Presque Isle, Rockland, and Waterville through the $20 million Rural Affordable Rental Housing Program.
Funding for this project came from the Maine Jobs & Recovery Program — Mills’ plan to invest nearly $1 billion in federal funding that was intended to help Maine recover from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mills has also suggested in her proposed supplemental budget to direct $10 million from the state’s unappropriated General Fund surplus to the Maine State Housing Authority for their Affordable Homeownership Program.
According to Mills’ press release on Tuesday, this recommended allocation would provide funding for the construction of an estimated 130 additional new homes throughout the state.
All of these places will be given to foreign invaders and you’ll pay for it
Mills despises Mainers and wants us to be replaced by unvetted, unvaccinated criminals that will be welfare recipients forever. Most will be aggressive single males of fighting age that will drive up crime rates and drug use. I bet no mainers will get these apartments, they can all go off and die in a snowdrift. Thanks Janet!
Our enemies are importing Africans into one of the Whitest places on earth. That doesn’t just happen randomly. Our enemies aren’t importing them into diverse areas. They are doing this to White areas because they seek to destroy us. That’s it. It’s very simple. It’s time to start listening to White Nationalists and it’s time for all White people to become White Nationalists.
Wisen up fellow Americans. This is NOT a race war. You can contest the legal, illegal immigrants invasions without contributing to digressing generations of equality that our ancestors fought and died for. That, and this gender theory rhetoric pushed down the throat of YOUTH and students is all propaganda… in my opinion. WAKE up. We are all United as one, regardless of race, sexual orientation, political views or status. Don’t allow them to divide that by distracting and creating hate towards your fellow man. This isn’t the cultures nationality to blame, this is our country lack of securing our borders. Honestly, who can blame anyone who desires free, free, free offered on a silver platter? We would all take such incentives if in those shoes, so let’s be two steps ahead, the wiser, and comprehend that. Don’t let them create ugly in us, let Christ move and be still. Pray fervently, and speak out CONSTITUTIONALLY, revealing the hidden and bigger picture. Rest assured in blind faith that victory is Jesus is ours, as God has already conquered. 1 John 4:4 we belong to God, our Sovereign Creator.
Tax payer funded housing, what it is.
Jennifer Navarro lives in la la land. How can anyone sit their with a straight face and say that this is not a race war? Our enemies are specifically attacking White people solely because of our race. It is White areas that are being targeted with a non-White invasion. Unless White Americans start acting in the interests of their race, we will be completely overtaken and overrun with feral savages.
“Affordable Housing”…for Maine people who qualify. Question: Are illegal immigrants (aka non U.S. citizens) going to be eligible to live in these?
I’d love to know the answer to this question.
How much do you want to bet that this will only drive up the cost of housing for everyone not receiving government assistance… Biden is paying off student loans, and Boston Colleges and Universities are breaking the $90,000 per year amount to charge students…
Of course Colleges and Universities always say they give out student aid, so it’s OK that they screw people… If that’s the case, why is Tuition Debt a problem?
Maine Housing employs an army of bureaucrats none of whom can pound a mail; that is why housing is so expensive. Analyze the percentage of inside and outside paper pushers compared to the actual number of construction workers.
Democrats buying more votes with our hard-earned tax dollars as well as those they print.
These aren’t immigrants and we should stop calling them that. They are illegal alien invaders. They should immediately be sent back to where they came from. Ryan M is right on every point. First of all they should have never been allowed in. Sorry Jen but this is a race war.
Not one of these will go to a veteran. Not one of these will go to a Mainer. All will go to illegal immigrants. FU&*ING Mills and her Marxist legislators at the statehouse.
The ONLY place illegal invaders should live is OUT of the USA! Vote ALL Democrat rat legislators OUT of their positions!
Great reporting, as usual!
I’m sure your readers would like to know exactly where, in those towns mentioned, the housing will be situated, at this point. I’m sure the lefties will put up a discrete fight saying, “Not in my backyard”…so typical🙄
How about giving taxpayers a break on insanely-expensive utility bills, instead of more freebies to who knows who?
Priorities MATTER.
More freebies for illegal aliens
These are EXACTLY like the ones built in Brunswick where 100% of the people who moved in are Criminal Aliens/illegal immigrants.
You pay for it, you pay for them. They will be given grants for free education, free food, free training, free vehicle, and then placed into positions of the Government and/or jobs using DEI (Diversity Equity & Inclusion) practices.
All part of the plan to reduce and replace white people. Seems to be working.
Gotta put all those brown illegal aliens somewhere. Oh, and make whitey pay for it.
There goes the neighborhood!!!
I could support this if the units first went to teachers or first responders, then veterans