Maine Governor Janet Mills’ Office of Policy Innovation and the Future (GOPIF) is paying $12,500 to a California-based nonprofit that will advise state agencies on how to transition all Maine K-12 public schools to zero carbon emissions in order to address the “changing climate.”
Passed and signed into law during the 131st Maine Legislature, LD 1606 directed the Maine Department of Education (Maine DOE) and GOPIF to “assist public elementary and secondary schools in the State with achieving energy efficiency and maximizing the use of clean energy.”
That guidance also includes advice for public schools to contract with “clean energy” providers to develop contracting guidance in order to “assist the schools with saving money through energy efficiency, clean energy and clean transportation projects.”
Under the bill, the Maine DOE and GOPIF are required to submit a report of its activities and guidance for public school green energy policies to the Legislature by Jan. 31, 2025.
According to a state contract document published Wednesday, the Mills administration will be paying $12,500 to the San Francisco-based nonprofit Undaunted K-12 to satisfy the directives given in LD 1606.
“The selected vendor is uniquely qualified to advise on both state and federal funding to support Maine’s K-12 public schools to make an equitable transition to zero carbon emissions in the face of a changing climate,” the contract reads.
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“The vendor and staff have recognized experience and expertise synthesizing guidance and curating relevant resources to help districts understand and make the most of both new and legacy school funding sources in order to achieve energy efficiency and maximizing the use of clean energy,” it reads.
In September, the Mills administration hired Glenn Cummings, a longtime Democratic politician and government employee, into a $121,000-a-year position as the director of the Maine DOE’s new “Green Schools Program.”
As “green schools director,” Cummings is tasked with coordinating the Maine DOE’s initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at the state’s public schools, a goal that GOPIF states will be achieved by being more energy efficient and “adopting cleaner technologies.”
The green schools director position was initially proposed last year in a bill, L.D. 612, from Rep. Marc Malon (D-Biddeford). That bill, passed by the Maine House and Senate along party lines with support from Democrats, died on the appropriations table in late July 2023.
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Funding for the position was included, however, in the Maine DOE budget approved by the 131st Legislature at the end of the session.
Zero carbon meet reality
Address “changing climate.” Climate change, j mills here nice to meet you. Here have some tax payers money.
The kids can’t read or write and the state is a billion $ behind but hey, spend more to teach the kids that the climate hoax is real.
Mills & Co are so destructive and I don’t think it’s because they’re stupid. I think they just really want to make Maine a socialist/communist “paradise”
Janet Mills and the idiots in Augusta should worry about kids being able to add 3+ 2 and spell any six letter word and NOT carbon neutrality.
Gimme a break . Go ahead Janet…… blow some more of my money .
More taxes.
Perhaps our idiot governor should actually take a good hard look at California. Are the successful at ANYTHING? Another attempt to pander communist votes.
In a nutshell that even an Ivy League college student can understand:
Class dismissed.
This Governor is insane.Get her to the nearest drug rehab center for evaluation. What she is doing is child abuse and if the evaluation shows she isn’t completely bonkers, then indict her, put her in front of her peers and let justice rule.
Only one place left to guide Maine public education: where it s already headed. The toilet
Mills, and all the other ugly lesbian cat ladies running this disgrace of a state work for satan, not taxpayers
Mills conclusively proves that you can’t fix stupid.
Janet Mills fantasy is to be just like California
Because it is working so well in California…
Ms Mills… a question – How much Carbon is currently being emitted from Maine schools?
I do not think that you will find that there has been any increase in emissions for the past decades.
The climate hoax needs to be addressed and put to bed, once and for all! We need CO2 for plants and trees, they in turn provide O2. Basic biology and chemistry, something that the kids in Maine are lacking in their education.
Spend Mainers taxes on things that matter!!!!!
Banning the use of private jets, Congressional junkets etc would do wonder for the climate, lets start there.
This is just a form of political grift, we a state run doge
Lets just light our money on fire. Thanks Mills.
If children are harmed by freezing cold they should be able to use her .
For God’s sake Mills, drop the green energy bunk. The scam is over. These kids need to learn the basics, math, science and reading.