The biggest tax in decades will be coming to Maine on January 1st, 2025, as Maine’s new paid family leave program will kick into gear.
Maine Wire digital editor Alicia Farmer explains the details:
VIDEO: Paid Family Leave Tax Will DECREASE Your Paycheck in 2025
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I told you before I do not work so no tax for me. Maybe the Governor will pay my shair.
Maine has become corrupted by moonbats and loonies .
What happened to this place .
We are going to hell .
When can we win our state back from these crazy losers ?
Thanks to Maine Wire for excellent coverage of issues Maine’s mainstream media covers up. Retirees like myself might feel unaffected by this sweeping program – however increased operating costs will be passed along to consumers. As a supervisor in Maine for over 45 years it was a constant issue instilling proper work ethics and abuse of sick leave (in my case 12 days per year) was always a potential issue. When an employee is out “sick” coworkers must either work extra hours or do double duty to maintain coverage. The tax is bad enough but the lost productivity and added burden employers face is even worse.
I bet everyone is going to need that time off during the summer months. I have a feeling this will not be taxed enough to pay for itself… or Janet will use the extra money on illegals
Just “ another “ reason why you don’t want to start a business in Maine .
Taxes taxes taxes and people who get paid to stay home .
Too much overhead up here .
Florida or Texas here we come !
This has just slid down from socialist Canada where it has been in effect for several years. But, hey, whatta deal! Any girl can get knocked up and then receive three months of full paid vacation come baby time. And her baby daddy can get the same. That way they can get together to work on having another three months off year after year after year!
Just look how quickly this will turn into 5%! F..K you Mills!!!!!!