Just hours before leaving office, President Joe Biden issued presidential pardons for retired Gen. Mark A. Milley, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Anthony Fauci, former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
“This issuance of these pardons should not be mistaken as an acknowledgment that any individual engaged in any wrongdoing, nor should acceptance be misconstrued as an admission of guilt for any offense,” Biden said in the statement.
“Our nation owes these public servants a debt of gratitude for their tireless commitment to our country,” he said.
Neither Milley nor Fauci had been charged with any crime.
However, both individuals had drawn intense scrutiny for actions they took during President Donald Trump’s first term in office.
News of the pardons was first reporting by CNN’s Manu Raju on X.
In Milley’s case, the former military commander has faced broad criticism for communicating with Chinese military officials while Trump was in the White House in a manner that undermined Trump’s role as Commander-in-Chief.
Milley admitted after the 2020 election that he communicated directly with his counterparts in the Chinese government in Oct. 2020, claiming that he told Chinese military commanders that the military would not allow Trump to issue strike orders on Chinese targets.
He has since defended his decision to secretly communicate behind President Trump’s back with America’s top geopolitical foe.
For Fauci, the allegations of potentially criminal conduct relate to steps he took during the COVID-19 pandemic when Trump and, later, Biden elevated him to a role of high significance in national policymaking.
Subsequent revelations, driven by congressional and media investigations, have revealed that Fauci helped cover up the Chinese origins of the COVID-19 virus, as well as his office’s role in funding the so-called “Gain of Function” research that is suspected of contributing to the virus.
At the same time, Biden granted preemptive pardons to Milley and Fauci, he also granted legal protections to current and former Members of Congress who sat on the controversial “Jan. 6 Committee,” a committee nominally aimed at investigating the Capitol Hill riot on Jan. 6, 2021.
The committee and its members, including former Republican Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, has also faced searing criticism for destroying evidence, perjury, witness tampering, and using subpoenas to target members of Trump’s inner circle.
Biden has granted clemency or issued pardons to more individuals than any U.S. president in history, including his son, Hunter Biden.
The first instance of a preemptive pardon being issued for crimes that were potentially committed, rather than for crimes an individual had been charged with or convicted of, occurred first in 1974. This happened when President Gerald Ford pardoned President Richard Nixon for any crimes he “committed or may have committed” during his time in office.
Joe Biden is finally gone .
The WORST president in our long history .
He did more to ruin the United States of America than any other man .
He is a true enemy of the American people .
The “ media “ who enabled him will now begin sweeping his destructive policies under the rug .
Time to Wake Up !
Maine Democrats had better understand that Biden’s Party vision of the destructive rules , mandates , and crazy woke ideology is NOW over .
The people here in Maine will awaken SOON to their governor’s insane tax and spend policies , and THEY WILL BE SOUNDLY REJECTED .
Trump will not be bending over to the current financial woes of the Mills regime . Donald Trump does not want to smell Janet’s hair .
The fun money is going to dry up and stop .Our state’s anti trump vote will not be overlooked .
It won’t be federal taxes that destroy us , it will be those that come from Janet Mills and the Maine
“ democrats “ .
“ The Times They Are a Changing “
Recipients of Presidential pardons are acknowledging guilt when they accept the pardon. That’s established legal precedent supported by several Supreme Court rulings.
Good news, trumps whole administration just got a get out of jail free card. Let the dismantling of the democrat crime syndicate begin.
Justice takes many forms. It will find them all.
Don’t waste any time on Milley. Go after Fauxie/Fauci AFTER we take care of the most pressing matters.
News flash. The potato just pardoned everyone with the last name biden.
Mr. Science is a Froude. Milley is a trader talking with China.
Senator Independent it is your last chance to find religion.
Innocent people don’t need pardons!
Guilty people need pardons!
And no Biden pardon will protect the guilty from street justice!
Fauci is responsible for perhaps thousands of unnecessary death, millions of people thrown out of jobs, forced to take the jab, thousands of businesses shut down, His pardon exempts him for everything going back to 2014!! He still should be brought up to congress and made to answer, what he and Biden did was criminal!!
No problem, Dr. fuckface’s actions affected the whole world. Lets try hem here, get the facts on paper then extradite him to any country that wants a piece of him. Same goes for all the other pardons.