The U.S. Department of Education (DOE) launched an investigation on Tuesday into the Denver, Colorado Public Schools District for converting the women’s restroom at its largest school to an “all-gender” restroom.
“The alarming report that the Denver Public Schools District denied female students a restroom comparable with their male counterparts appears to directly violate the civil rights of the District’s female students,” the DOE’s Acting Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Craig Trainor said in a statement.
The investigation will primarily focus on the district’s largest school, East High School, which reportedly converted its second-floor women’s restroom into an “all-gender” bathroom over the recent Christmas break.
The federal DOE accused the school of violating Title IX laws against sex-based discrimination because boys will continue to have the option to use a male-only second-floor restroom, while girls will be denied a gender specific bathroom and by default forced to share their facilities.
“We, as adults, should be protecting students at all costs. Not using minors for this social experiment. This in my opinion is unlawful, immoral and is, in fact, a form of abuse,” said Lori Ramos, a concerned parent, during a January school board meeting.
School officials defended their decision by claiming students requested it, although this would in no way protect them from a discrimination lawsuit or investigation.
“Let me be clear: it is a new day in America, and under President Trump, OCR will not tolerate discrimination of any kind. I have directed OCR’s Denver regional office to investigate this matter fully,” said Trainor.
The DOE’s investigation came one day before President Donald Trump signed an executive order threatening to remove federal funding from schools that promote racially discriminatory Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) education, or radical gender ideology that encourages children to undergo irreversible surgeries to appear more like the opposite sex.
The investigation shows that the second Trump administration is serious about enforcing its rules on the nation’s schools.
Maine’s schools could come under threat of similar investigations if they continue to uphold DEI and gender ideology, including allowing males to compete in girls’ sports.
The Maine DOE has not indicated any change in its policy regarding DEI and gender ideology, although the threat of a loss of federal funding could ultimately force Maine schools to capitulate.
What are the bathrooms in the Maine Dept. of Ed?, in the State house?
Coming soon to a school near you! An end to the sexual harassment of our children inside the ideologically sick government schools.