State House staff have published the final list of legislative proposals that state lawmakers will consider during the 132nd Legislature — most of which are certain to die a quick death.
The pile of nascent legislative bills and resolves includes 394 bills related to taxes and 115 bills related to energy, with 29 concerning solar, seven on wind power, and nine having to do with nuclear power. Forty-nine of the bills would change Maine’s election laws or practices, while 88 bills relate to Maine’s adult-use or medicinal cannabis programs.
The full text of the bills is not yet online but will become available on a rolling basis over the next few weeks. For now, however, the steaming pile of representative government gives Maine politics watchers a sense of where the legislative session is heading.
Here are the lists published Friday by the Revisor’s Office. If you’d like to share information with the Maine Wire about any of these proposals, you can always drop us an email at
Legislative Requests listed by sponsor
Legislative Requests by agency
Legislative Requests by Subject
Good God, this is insane. They are like a bunch of dogs peeing in the corner to leave their mark. How much does it cost for all these bills to be considered, printed etc. It is past time to go to a PART TIME legislature.
Eid-Al-Fitr ?
Eid – Al – Adha . ?
New State Holidays ??? WTF ?
You start feeding stray animals and THIS is EXACTLY what you get ….
Now this damn Somalis in Lewiston want to dictate our “ State Holidays “ !
Get these people the f***k out of OUR state !
Islam is NOT compatible with Our American Way of Life . Period .
If these Muslims want to celebrate their Islamic Holidays, let them practice their kabooki dance moves inside their Maine tax payer funded luxury apartments in Lewiston .
Or BETTER YET …..Let them go the f**k back to where they came from .
Give them an inch and they will take a mile .
Voting is a numbers game . Get enough of these illegals in one place and we’ve got real trouble ..
Maine had better wake up to the Janet Mills “ New Mainers “ project .
This is what you can expect to get from these Muslims .
Eric H . is absolutely correct . “ Feed Them and They Will Come “
The only ones needed:
#1 cut all taxes and fees by 10%
#2 Increase police by 5%
#3 reduce all building rules by 10%
#4 Tax all EV 10% of sales price each year for road construction.
#5 lawyers provide 10% of their billable hours free to the defense of the poor
We’re screwed.
It would be tremendous to get a big public turnout to tell our servant legislators to get rid of ranked choice voting.
I think if there was a regulation stating that any resolution must include where the financing comes from that would send most of the potato picken, wanna-be relevant hicks back to their caves. maine politics, say anything even if its stupid and hope no one notices.
Need more tax money? Then tax the EV.
All to create the perception that they are needed, The reality – 80% Of time the bills are time wasters, stealing the energy of good people and frustrating the intelligent
Don’t miss a vote on a mindless bill or the accusations will fly. You must vote on trivial things to maintain your image. Important votes will done at midnight. After 23 hours of stalling so debate is tired and unread
The Center for Immigration Studies said there were between 225,000 to 250,000 U.S. births to illegal immigrants in 2023. To put the figure into context, those figures are greater than the total number of births in all but two states taken individually. Legal immigrants accounted for 12.4% (494,000) of all births and illegal immigrants accounted for 7.5% (297,000). The liberals are to dumb to see that they’re replacing themselves.
I just started 3 weeks ago this web income system that my friend recommended to me and I’ve gotten 2 checks for a total of $9,200… this is the best decision I made in a long time! v5 This extra cash has changed my life in so many ways, thank you!
Here is I started_______
Who will let the DOGE out, and weed out that list of greed? The experimental DEI government fails Mainers, we lack welfare services for our legal citizens, public services are overwhelmed by ILLEGAL ALIENS and soon we will be
taxed into absolute slavery and injustice for all.
This list looks like mostly controlling and spending
Every tyrant’s dream.
The few decent bills probably won’t make it out of committee with the leftists running this state