Author: Heather Sirocki

State Representative Heather Sirocki represents Maine House District 28 including part of Scarborough. She sits on the Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee and can be reached at

Clare Hudson Payne’s June 9 BDN OpEd in support of ranked-choice voting is an example of what happens when people do not do their own research and just repeat talking points. I guess that’s why it was an opinion piece. Let’s review the reality of ranked-choice voting using data from cities that are using it and some places that already have rejected it. Payne reiterates the biggest claim: “The process is repeated until a candidate has more than 50 percent of the total vote.” Proponents say ranked-choice voting guarantees a winner with a “true majority,” citing examples when more people had “voted…

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Until recently, I assumed that all measures placed on the ballot were lawful. I was wrong. Blatantly unconstitutional questions may appear on the ballot as long as enough valid signatures are certified by the Secretary of State. In a detailed six-page legal opinion regarding the ranked-choice voting (RCV) ballot question, Attorney General Janet Mills concluded, “… that LD 1557 does raise significant constitutional concerns…” Armed with the AG’s legal opinion, I am sounding the alarm – if passed, ranked-choice voting would likely face court challenges based on at least two violations to the Maine Constitution. Elected officials are required to…

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