This is a developing story. The Maine Legislature’s Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability (OPEGA) today released their report on spending practices at the Maine State Housing Authority(MSHA) under former Executive Director Dale McCormick.
Below is the report:
MSHA Report
Seems like there are two sets of standards…one for govt. agencies and one for quasi-public agencies.
It also seems like OPEGA is saying that the legislature closed the ‘barn door’ and tightened the regulations with the new statute.
This done, they didn’t exactly o.k. the distribution of the gift cards; nor did they scrutinize the ‘crony’ memberships and selection of vendors.
All in all, we forced a review of a major quasi-public agency and put all the others on notice, it could happen to them and here’s why…..VOX POPULI!
This article was posted just after 10 o’clock Friday morning, and yet 2 1/2 days later hasn’t been updated.
Is it because OPEGA found no fraud at MaineHousing? Or that nearly all the spending that it examined at MaineHousing was consistent with its mission statement?
MaineWire and MHPC spend months promoting this idea that MSHA was rife with fraud, that former director Dale McCormick was profligate with the agency’s funds.
And when those claims are shown to be false?
Lets not forget that OPEGA gave the MTA a clean bill of health as well! And Mr Violette is now on his way to a long time at the ol’ iron bar motel!
The Dems set the rules for 35 years . When your rule is “we can spend all the money we can get our hands on and spend it on anything”, of course an investigation will find you were within the rules.