The Portland Press Herald reported Friday morning on a lawsuit filed against its owner, hedge fund billionaire and bank roller for many of Maine’s progressive organizations S. Donald Sussman.
The Press Herald report comes less than a day after The Maine Wire first broke the news that Kevin Bunker of Portland-based Developers Collaborative had filed a legal complaint against Sussman seeking nearly a half a million dollars in restitution. The story was also covered by Chris Busby at his Bangor Daily News blog “News, Views, and Happiness Pursued.”
While reporting unflattering facts about its owner is commendable, the Press Herald’s coverage of a shipyard worker’s protest omitted significant facts about how Sussman’s wife, Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-Maine), voted on a measure that will provide funding for Bath Iron Works (BIW) and Portsmouth Naval Shipyard (PNSY).
As The Maine Wire reported yesterday, Pingree broke with the rest of Maine’s Congressional Delegation to oppose a Continuing Resolution that will provide funding for project contracts for which both BIW and PNSY are competing. Pingree’s vote against funding for BIW and PNSY is especially noteworthy given her publicized efforts in February to restore the shipyards’ federal funding to pre-sequestration levels.
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