PORTLAND – A recently elected Portland City Councilor said Friday that if John F. Kennedy were alive today the former president would be a moderate Democrat after the fashion of President Obama.
“Nice Governor LePage honors JFK but “JFK Republican” is absurd. If JFK was alive today he’d be a moderate Democrat, like Obama,” said at-large Portland City Councilor Jon Hinck on Twitter.
Hinck, 59, is a liberal Democrat who served in the Maine House of Representatives from 2006 to 2012 and was elected to the Portland City Council this November with 58 percent of the vote.
He replaced out-going councilor John Anton.
Ridiculous! Portland City Councilor Jon Hinck, and his remarks are “absurd.”
sorry Hinck, but what democrat today believes in lowering taxes,a strong defense, and a “ask not what your country can do for you” statement?
Just shows what he knows about JFK.
I guess all he knows about JFK are the schmaltzy “Camelot” images.