Petroleum Prices Persistently Plummet
For anyone who’s had to fill their gas tank over the last several days, this won’t be news. Gas prices in Maine have dropped 7.6 cents over the last week to an average of $2.47 per gallon, which leaves prices over $1 lower than they were this time last year. While Mainers may rejoice over unexpected savings at the pump, not everyone is reaping benefits from the price swing.
Portland Representative Moves Forward With Legalization Bill
Rep. Diane Russell of Portland will attempt to get ahead of two referendum initiatives seeking to legalize recreational marijuana with a bill of her own in the next session. This is not her first attempt to convince Maine’s legislature to adopt recreational marijuana. According to Russell, her bill “would dedicate tax revenue, significant tax revenue, to school construction[.]” Heavy taxation of recreational marijuana in Colorado, which legalized the substance last year, was successful in creating revenue for school construction, but the taxes also had some unintended consequences.
2015 Predictions
In cased you missed it (because you spent more time with family during the holidays than reading about politics—shame on you), check out Matt Gagnon’s, MHPC’s CEO, political predictions for 2015.
Search for Missing AirAsia Flight Continues
Indonesian officials said that hopes for finding a flight that went missing Sunday are slim. Authorities believe that the jet is most likely at the bottom of the ocean at this point, although search and rescue efforts will continue. Indonesia does not have the proper resources to adequately search underwater for the missing jet, which was carrying 162 passengers.