Maine State Rep. John Andrews (R-Paris) filed an official written complaint Wednesday with Maine’s Attorney General’s Office and Ethics Commission against Senate President Troy Jackson (D-Aroostook).
The formal submission of the complaint comes after a Maine Wire exclusive report detailing Jackson’s years-long legal battle fought over an Augusta home he bought in 2019, potential violations of the Maine Constitution’s residency requirement for lawmakers, misrepresenting his primary residence on campaign documents, and lying to obtain a federally-insured loan.
[RELATED: Pictures Suggest Troy Jackson Still Living in Augusta Post-Session, Not His Allagash District]
Jackson bought a house in Augusta in Sept. 2019, signing a Federal Housing Authority mortgage for the home that required he make it his primary residence — at the same time he told the Maine Ethics Commission he was living in Allagash.
“According to court records and bank records obtained by a Maine news media outlet, Senate President Troy Jackson appears to have violated the requirement in Maine’s Constitution that elected officials reside in their districts,” Rep. Andrews wrote in the complaint, addressed to Attorney General Aaron Frey and Ethics Commission Executive Director Jonathan Wayne.
“More seriously, it appears that Jackson has submitted false information to an insurance company, potentially submitted false information to a bank, submitted false information to the Maine Ethics Commission, and submitted false information to obtain reimbursements for travel,” he wrote. “These are serious allegations that must be addressed.”
As a member of both the Joint Standing Committees on the Judiciary and Veterans and Legal Affairs, Andrews wrote “I feel it is my responsibility to inform you both of my concerns.”
“The integrity of your offices demands that these matters be investigated fully,” he added.
Several other Maine Republicans have also called for the Senate President to be investigated over these revelations, which also include over $80,000 in travel reimbursement from 2020 to 2022 — approved solely by Jackson himself.
“Our office received the attached complaint from Rep. John Andrews. We will be handling it with our normal procedures, which will involve requesting more specifics from Rep. Andrews, determining whether it is within our department’s jurisdiction, and taking the next appropriate steps,” Ethics Commission Executive Director Wayne wrote in an email to Jackson.
In a video posted to his Facebook page Tuesday, Jackson claims “I am from Allagash. I live in Allagash. I’m a fifth generation logger.”
Jackson’s Spokesperson Christine Kirby told the Bangor Daily News last week that Jackson has “always complied” with the residency requirements.
“President Jackson lives in Allagash. It is the address on his license, where he votes, and where he receives his homestead property tax exemption,” Kirby told BDN. “It’s also in the area where he grew up, where his kids grew up, and where his parents live. It is where he calls home.”
Kirby’s statement, however, raises the issue of how Jackson was able to obtain the FHA-backed mortgage for his Augusta home in 2019, which required he make it his primary residence.
Read Rep. Andrews’ full complaint against Senate President Troy Jackson below:

Very glad to read this. It will be a tough fight.
This absolutely should not be swept under the rug. Both the Maine GOP and The Maine Wire needs to stay on this.