Westbrook High School went into lockdown earlier Thursday morning when a student reported to school officials that another student was in possession of a firearm — which was later determined to be unloaded — according to News Center Maine.
Westbrook Superintendent Peter Lancia told News Center Maine that school officials, including the school resource officer, were able to immediately locate the 14-year-old male student and recover the weapon.
The student was then taken to the Westbrook Police Department where he was interviewed by investigators and charged with the theft of a firearm and terrorizing. The police reported notifying the student’s parents.
According to the Superintendent, the student was in possession of the weapon but did not point it at anyone, noting that it was unclear where the weapon was shown or seen in the building.
The Superintendent told News Center Maine that the gun was reported around 10 A.M. this morning, and the resulting lockdown lasted for approximately thirty minutes.
“The safety of all students and staff has been our top priority through this situation. All students and staff are safe,” Lancia said in a letter to parents.
“We are thankful to the Westbrook PD for their immediate response and to the responsible students who alerted administration to the situation. We are also thankful to the entire WHS community for their response to this situation,” Lancia said, according to Fox 23 Maine.
“The student who reported the incident deserves all the credit for bringing this incident to a quick and safe resolution,” Westbrook Police Chief Sean Lally said in a release this morning. “Law Enforcement constantly reiterates the slogan, ‘If you See Something, Say Something.'”
“The reporting student put his classmates and school community first and had the courage to speak up. I commend them for it,” Chief Lally said.