An email exchange with the South Portland City Clerk and Registrar of Votes has revealed how easily non-citizens can vote in Maine.
“The law does not require Registrars to check on the immigration status of any voter registration applicant as a matter of process for registering to vote,” said Clerk Emily Scully.
A Maine Wire reader forwarded an email exchange with the South Portland clerk about the verification process for voter registration. Although the clerk was outlining the procedures followed in South Portland, the same rules apply to every Maine community.
Maine requires people attempting to register to vote to check a box saying that they are a citizen, sign the form, and present some form of ID and proof of residence.
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Photo ID is not required.
“This is not limited to a photo ID and we may accept naturalization papers, birth certificates, or other documentation attempting to prove the identity of the applicant,” said Scully.
Other documents “attempting to prove the identity” of someone include utility bills or bank statements according to Maine law.
Importantly, Maine will also accept out-of-state IDs such as drivers licenses, as long as the applicant presents some sort of proof of residence.
This means that someone with a Massachusetts or New York driver’s license could vote in Maine as long as he has a piece of mail addressed to him sent to a Maine address.
Maine accepts out of state ID’s even from states which issue driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants who are eligible to vote in American elections.
Currently, 17 states issue licenses to illegal aliens, including Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut, Delaware, and New York.
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The Maine Wire reached out to Scully to follow up with further questions, and learned more details about the ease with which illegal immigrants could register to vote.
“We do not verify signatures as part of the voter registration process, as this is not required by Maine law,” said Scully.
The signature is one of the few verification requirements, particularly if the applicant presents a non-photo ID, yet the state does nothing to determine the signature’s veracity.
Scully told The Maine Wire that, in her time as the South Portland city clerk, she remembers only one instance of a non-citizen being caught attempting to register to vote.
At some point our enemies actions cross a Rubicon that none us can come back from.
This country will be entirely lost to Marxist democrats very soon, if not already.
Took the filthy radical Godless hippy trash six decades, to conquer the most powerful nation on earth, without firing a shot.
Their feeble opposition, greased the ways.
Blah Blah Blah Blah. Whatcha going to do about it? Nuttin’ you right wing fools. We are uttering whipping the floor with your faces. We take 50 advances and you stop 3. Go home. The Revolution is upon us and we’re winning. Nothing is going to stop us. Your so called “red-states” are weak AF, most of them purple at best.
We’ve won the minds of your very children. By the time you even wake up it will be far too late.
Hey Connor. Go Find Yourself. Real patriotic Americans are tired of your commie crap and are taking back our country starting in Maine.
MAGA 🇺🇸 stands with Palestine 🇵🇸
@Randy, MAGA folks are being put in prison daily. We will continue to expand the law and begin charging those not even at the insurrection. We’ll focus on those who ran facebook groups, incited others to go there, organized, etc. We’ll drag them into the prisons and day by day you will watch your friends and family be put away. Meanwhile every one of you will be complaining online while it eventually reaches you too.
Biden said it aloud. Right wingers are the biggest threat to the Country.
We stand with Biden and Democracy.
America is a Republic not a Democracy, learn the significant difference. Communism does nothing good. It enslaved millions and starved them to death. Only an idiot with a death wish would want that
@Miss Nomer, wrong. America used to be a Republic. We’ve been able to successfully erode it so that it no longer resembles what it once was.
Yes, Maine has changed.
In the early eighties the band The Talking Heads put out what was to become an extremely popular album; songs off that album still get radio air play to this day. One of the songs contains the lyrics “you’re talking a lot, but you’re not saying anything”. Every time I see a posting from the commenter Connor these lyrics come to mind.
It is true that this country is at a pivotal point in its history with Marxist/communist such as Conners ilk doing their best to make this country walk the same path as every other failed nation that embraced this ideology. However most of these countries that choose this path have either failed, are currently failing such as Venezuela is, have adopted market based economies such as China, and Vietnam, or have been isolated from the world such as North Korea.
These systems of governance have a shelf life that is much shorter than those countries that have embraced a form of democratic rule. A review of the former Soviet Union, now the Federation/republic of Russian states gave many who are currently alive a real time example from start to stop of this system, it’s problems, and its failures for the world to bear witness to. Ilk such as Conners rail against the market based system, and those who believe in this system not because the system does not work, but because they have embraced a repeatedly failed system, and with their arrogance believe like every other that attempted this doomed ideology, that they will get it right this time.
Now as I have said before in my comments, Conner is not completely wrong in his thoughts, albeit misguided would be an understatement. The market based economy that the US currently has in place has been grossly manipulated so as a few benefit from it while many struggle to make it from week to week. Rather than seeing this corruption for what it is, and waging rebellion against those who impose the policies that benefit the few at the cost of the many, Conners ilk want to burn the entire system to the ground which in the end results in the few being the last ones standing very much as in Venezuela.
Conners ilk believe that by embracing a DEI agenda that they are acting as saviors of downtrodden while in fact they are destroying what remains of the buffer between the poorest of the citizens of the US, and the wealthiest of the citizens of the US. This equality agenda has nothing to do with elevating those who are the poorest, but by bringing those (middle class) who have gained some traction against the corrupted system down to the poorest levels. Those who make up the middle class have dwindled in number since the inception of agreements such as NAFTA.
The issue with this is by destroying the middle class they are shutting off the revenues that are used to provide the safety nets that currently aid those at the poorest levels of society while thinking that the wealthiest will then be taxed to supply the needed revenues for the programs. The problem with this thought process is that it will be only the wealthiest that remain at the helm of the political system, and these people are not going to part with their wealth, influence, and status. Again look at Venezuela as a real time example, or at Ukraine where the corrupted leaders of that country are purchasing multi million dollar homes in Florida while they send others to die for their personal benefit, and causes.
Conners comments offer no plan of action to correct the problematic issues that stare the majority of American citizens in the face, and these same people are so blind that they assail President Trump, the only person to engage in the political system for years that has actually made effort to correct these issues.
Part of me wants to be giddy when the hammer falls on those supporting these agendas which is taking place in slow motion now, and which can be seen in polls that show the lowest ratings of any sitting administration, however it is in me to forgive those who are being used as tools/pawns by those who will discard them once they have served their purpose. Even Michael Rappaport a loud mouthed NY far left liberal actor who has been speaking out against President Trump for years has now said that he will most likely vote for President Trump. If the DEI, and green agenda policies have such overwhelming support as Connor seems to believe that they do, how is it that so many are jumping ship, and revolting against these policies?
Conners rants are just that, and are nothing more than the last screams of a dying ideology that is failing by the minute, and this is driving these people mad because as Connor has so non eloquently stated they have worked so hard to achieve, however is now disintegrating before their eyes just short of their desired end game results.
Whom the gods destroy, they first drive mad.
Thank-you for publishing this.
A lot of people don’t know how easy it to game the system.
Now we need to push for legislation to stop this.
Governor Mills’ plan to bring in 75,000 more illegals is all to secure we are a Democrat stronghold forever.
Make sure your family and friends know that Voting has Consequences.
And who are the pole watchers.
xsnake on January 10, 2024 3:24 PM
Took the filthy radical Godless hippy trash six decades, to conquer the most powerful nation on earth, without firing a shot.
Their feeble opposition, greased the ways.
Everybody is laughing at Connor the “grammar guru”. What a dope.
“We are uttering whipping the floor with your faces.”
1. Stop drooling on yourself.
2. We??
3. No, you’re not.
“Connor” will be in the group that is erased first. Useful idiots are always the first to go. They have no practical skills and are thus deemed useless to the ruling class immediately. This group always believes they will be rewarded by their Marxist overlords, but history proves otherwise.
@C R White, Sr. You missed Commie Connor proudly bragging about his ability to use Reddit, like it was an important and impressive life skill to have.
Hahaha. The kid is a laugh a minute….classic example of useful idiot.
Cannon fodder for the Chinese.
In 2022 I was unable to vote in person due to work trip scheduled for early November. I applied for and received an absentee ballot. I was told at the time I could just drop it in the mail or in the ballot box outside of the Town Hall building. A few days later while I was filling out the ballot I noticed on the return envelop a series of numbers followed by the letter “R”. I sealed my ballot inside and went to the Town Hall. When I went to hand the envelop with the ballot in it to the young woman at the counter she said, “you can just drop that in the box outside.” I said I preferred to hand it to a real person. I then asked about the numbers and letters on the outside of the envelope. She said the numbers stood for the district, ward etc. I said what about the letter? She said, and I quote, “that says whether you are registered as a Republican or a Democrat.” I almost fell over on to the floor. I asked her, “how do I know that someone handling this doesn’t see the letter and then just destroy the ballot?” She said, “you can trust me.” I said, “I trust you because I am talking to you, but how do I know who else handles this ballot? If I had stuck this in a post box, how do I know that a postal worker doesn’t just throw it out?” She just stared at me. Has anyone else noticed this obvious flaw in the voting system?