Maine Gov. Janet Mills announced Friday that she plans to present a “novel” two-part State of the State Address next week in order to focus on the tragic Oct. 25 mass shooting in Lewiston and recent severe storms that have battered the state’s infrastructure.
[RELATED: Gov. Mills and AG Frey Request Subpoena Power for Commission Investigating Lewiston Mass Shooting…]
“This past year – especially these past few months – has been anything but normal for Maine. It has been a period of extraordinary challenge for our state,” Gov. Mills said Friday. “Traditionally, as Chief Executive, I have stood before the Legislature to address a series of high-profile issues, challenges, and opportunities, but these unique times call for a unique approach.”
“I look forward to delivering this year’s address in a novel way and working with the Legislature to address Maine’s challenges,” Mills said.
Rather than a single televised address, Gov. Mills plans to publish a written State of the State Address on the morning of Tuesday, Jan. 30, covering “Maine’s long-term strengths, opportunities for growth, and longstanding challenges.”
The written portion of the address will also cover Maine’s budgetary outlook and her forthcoming supplemental budget proposal, which is expected to highlight the state’s lack of affordable housing, the opioid epidemic, and the “need to improve child safety.”
The second part of the address will be a speech delivered before a Joint Session of the State Legislature at 7 p.m. Tuesday evening.
The speech is slated to cover the mass shooting in Lewiston, as well as “the impacts of recent severe storms,” and the governor’s plan to strengthen Maine’s “resilience to future extreme weather events.”
[RELATED: Bangor News Outlet Removes “False Criticism” from Headline to Make Storm Story Janet-Friendly…]
Maine’s Democratic governor faced backlash for her response to a devastating mid-December windstorm in which she claimed that the National Weather Service (NWS) did not warn her about the severity of the storm.
That claim was quickly rebutted by a NWS spokesperson, who stated that forecasts and briefings on the high rainfall and potential for widespread flooding were provided to local and state officials beginning three days prior to the Dec. 18 storm.
so instead of screwing us over in one speech she is going to do it in two. like she hasn’t don’t enough damage. the best part is the GOP will clap like barking seals along with the demoncrats.
Only challenge Maine faces is purging out all the communist losers who think it’s their state. FJB. FJB. F democrats.
“Boot on your face! Big disgrace! Kickin’ the GOP all over the place!”
“We WILL! We WILL! Replace YOU!”
None of us fear the right. We just ignore you and keep passing the bills we want. We go to work and move on. You’re being left in the dust of history.
Just kidding. I actually didn’t mean any of that. You all know I’m a far-right republican. I just like trying to get everyone worked up. I’m actually very confused about politics. All I know is that Trump is going to become president.
Vote Trump
Could we possibly swap Gov. Kristi Noem for Comrade Mills? No explanation needed.
You are in the wrong region of America if you ever think there will ever be another GOP Governor or majority. Janet Mills is enshrining our positions of power for the next 50 years by following the same California model. Wasn’t it Reagan that gave amnesty to all the New Americans which changed the landscape of the west coast permanently?
Plan on seeing a mass exodus from the state of Maine just like in California. You won’t be able to find a UHaul to rent! Then who will the socialists have left to pay taxes for all their socialist programs? I have lived here my entire life but I no longer even recognize it anymore and I have no problem leaving it to rot.
Live Free or Die ,or as in my case, Live Free or Move!
Human trafficking is illegal miss Mills. Criminally illegal.
Covering the shooting (aka taking away your guns), covering the storms (aka WEF climate policies)
Not covering: Housing Mainers (because migrants are more important than us), Food Costs (because her WEF masters want us all to starve), BORDER CRISIS (because she wants us replaced) WE ARE A BORDER STATE MILLS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THEY START FLOODING OUR BORDER?????
Janet Mills has been a huge disappointment. Her forced Covid mandate on Maine hospitals and other agencies has caused untold of consequences for doctors and medical staff who lost their jobs. Maine is a state where we already have a shortage of hospital staff. The sooner she is gone the better.bmaybe people in Maine will wake up. Especially southern Maine who are way to leftist.
Too many failures and anti-American actions to mention in just one night.
We’re finished. It took time but they did it.
Will Republican’s get to respond ?
Will the 200+ CCP weed farms be part of the “State of the Union” address?
At this rate maybe “The Daily Janet” will give the message of the day from on high.
The median white age in Maine is 45. Utah is 32. Maine has old white women like janet mills to thank for our aging population. When old white women in Maine start dying off Maine’s median brown age will be closer to 29. Young white women don’t have babies unless it’s with blacks or jews and the babies are no longer white.
There is no such thing as a new American unless they’re babies. Anyone calling themselves that is a liar and a cheat. You have to be born in Maine to be from Maine. It’s a fact. You can move to Maine, unfortunately, but fortunately, that does not make you a Mainer. Even if you have kids in Maine you will still be an outsider. That’s the rule. It goes double if you’re a marxist pig like Connor the mass murdering jew.
President Eisenhower sent millions of dirty illegals back across the southern border following WWII when we no longer needed them to pick our melons or rob and rape our white women anymore. It was called operation wetback. It totally worked too. Like turning on a light and the cochroaches dissapear.
Connor is losing this battle and he’s getting mad. Hahaha
We won,
Connor lost
There is only one reason she is doing this in two parts, she is hiding things and she knows people will not look at the numbers on a written spread sheet!