Maine Gov. Janet Mills (D) signed an executive order Monday meant to increase the number of women working in construction, a profession which has been, and continues to be, dominated by men.
“Women are a crucial part of Maine’s workforce, and they should be welcomed and embraced in every sector of our economy, including those traditionally dominated by men like the construction industry and the trades,” said Gov. Mills.
Mills’ executive order came as she lamented that only 15 percent of Maine’s construction workers are women, which is nevertheless higher than the national level, where only 11 percent of construction workers are women.
The governor did not specify what she would see as an acceptable percentage of women working in construction.
While announcing her executive order, Mills pointed to the state’s severe lack of construction workers as Maine prepares to reinforce various parts of its infrastructure using federal funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act.
Instead of focusing on acquiring more workers in general, as the state faces a shortage, Mills decided to implement a plan to convince more women to take on a profession which women have historically avoided.
“This Executive Order will create pathways for more women to enter and succeed in these important jobs at a time when our state and the industry needs them most. I strongly encourage women and girls across Maine to consider and pursue life-long, meaningful careers in construction,” said Mills.
Under the executive order, Maine’s Department of Labor (DOL) will survey all contractors, staffing agencies, and labor unions to find out how many women work for them, in an attempt to unravel the mystery of what “barriers” are stopping more women from working in the construction industry.
Mills’ order directs state agencies, including the DOL and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to connect construction workers with women training for trades, trying to encourage companies to hire based on the sex of the employee rather than by choosing the most qualified candidates.
State agencies will also be used to pursue grant opportunities, meant to give employers a fiscal incentive to hire women based on sex, rather than continuing their typical practice of hiring based on ability and experience.
what is she doing to encourage women to have and raise their OWN children? ya know birth rate and alll….
Oh yes , shirtless a must 🤩
“Mills’ order directs state agencies…to connect construction workers with women training for trades, trying to encourage companies to hire based on the sex of the employee rather than by choosing the most qualified candidates.”
just another example of the morons in Augusta & DC Swamps pushing to hire people to check boxes rather than based on merit. Is it any wonder why people love our country but hate our government?
This was tried in the 90’s and failed. Most of the work is too heavy. Most of the women on construction sites drive vehicles, hold signs or some other non physical work.
Just more expensive virtue signaling.
This is hilarious because the USA doesn’t even recognize the international criminal court but these unregistered foreign agents posing as senators are worked up about the arrests warrants for their zionists leaders guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
‘Marco Rubio, Tom Cotton, Other Gays Send ICC Threatening Letter Regarding Potential Warrant for jews’’
Unz Review
7 May 2024
‘Republican senators warn ICC: Target israel, and we will target you’
Times of israel
6 May 2024
What is preventing a free market from hiring women without Mills’ nanny state schemes? Maybe many women don’t dig construction and prefer other occupations. This bone-headed executive order may intimidate hiring supervisors to select female applicants over male applicants to avoid non selection litigation.
If women wanted to be in the construction business as a worker wouldn’t they already be there? Wouldn’t companies hire them based on their ability and interest? Now these companies will hire based on sex rather than ability and merit for fear of lawsuits. Of course she wouldn’t think of promoting marriage and raising kids. No wonder things are going to shit in a hand basket.
How does she know they identify as men? Mis-gendering Gov?
Hiring based on gender, not qualifications! Safety first?
…that’s rich coming from the party who can’t even describe what a woman is, OR, perhaps Jackboot Janet is really referring to men with mental illness wanting to look like and act like women.
Why are none of the clothes the women are wearing in the picture dirty? I always thought construction workers clothes got dirty. I guess I’m just old fashioned.
I don’t see an indian(US or India) in the racial mix. Shame! Shame! Shame!
Einstein is credited with the saying “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result”. Our genius governor has come up with a plan to get more women into the construction industry by forcing the proverbial square peg into the round hole. All she’s done is redefine affirmative action from race to sex by forcing the state to give priority to women over men regardless of qualifications. It’s been proven over and over the free market will decide what’s best based on the best candidate. I am all for women in the construction industry. I also have no doubt if there are women out there that are physically, and intellectually capable of doing the job there would be plenty of opportunities for them. Construction companies, big and small would be stupid not to hire a woman if she’s the best candidate. The PR alone would be a tremendous advantage alone. Another liberal program destined to fail.
Wait I thought *gender* was a “social construct” and isn’t actually real…so why would we need this legislation when women and men are exactly the same according to Democrats? I’m disappointed in Gov Mills for differentiating between women and men. She’s clearly transphobic.
What is this, the 21st century version of “let them eat cake”? THIS woman wants enough cash to be able to pay someone who’s ALREADY in the business to replace my leaking roof! All it takes is CASH.