Mainers are divided over former President Donald Trump’s (R) upcoming sentencing with respect to what they believe is the most appropriate outcome, according to the Pine Tree State Poll, a States of Opinion Project, conducted by the University of New Hampshire (UNH) Survey Center.
This poll also asked Mainers about President Joe Biden’s (D) recent handling of the border crisis and his overall job performance in office. Just over 50 percent of respondents expressed disapproval, including more than 60 percent of Independents.
Fifty-one percent of respondents indicated that they believe a large fine would be a fitting sentence for former President Trump, while 41 percent said that a prison term would be appropriate.
Other responses included community service (36 percent), house arrest (35 percent), parole (28 percent), and small fine (20 percent).

Answers differed dramatically, however, when broken down by political affiliation.
Republicans were likely to reject the appropriateness of any sentence for the former president, but appeared most supportive of a small fine with 36 percent indicating that they felt it would be appropriate.
For comparison, just 3 percent of Republicans responded that a prison term would be appropriate, and 4 percent said that house arrest would be a fitting sentence.
On the other hand, 78 percent of Democrats expressed support for a large fine, and 70 percent indicated that they felt a prison term would be an appropriate sentence.
Independents appeared to largely agree with their Democrat counterparts, albeit somewhat less enthusiastically, as 66 percent supported a large fine and 50 percent backed a prison sentence.

Across all political demographics, Mainers are generally in agreement that the former president’s sentence will likely not include a prison term. Between 72 and 86 percent of those who took the survey indicated that they feel a prison sentence is either “not very likely” or “not likely at all.”

This poll also asked respondents to weigh in on President Biden’s recent executive order concerning the southern border.
Twenty-nine percent of those who answered the survey said that they had heard a lot about this policy, while an additional 46 percent had heard some.
Of those who said they knew of the executive order, 62 percent expressed support and a combined 16 percent were either neutral or unsure.
A higher proportion — 72 percent — of Republicans were in support of the policy change, compared to 60 percent of Democrats and 43 percent of Independents.

The UNH Survey Center also found that the majority Mainers disapprove of Biden’s job performance as president, with 53 percent either saying they somewhat or strongly disapprove of his handling of the presidency.
His net approval rating of -9 represents a significant drop from the +1 enjoyed by the president in April.
When broken down by political affiliation, Biden’s numbers differ dramatically between Democrats and Republicans.
While 74 percent of Maine Democrats approve of his performance in office, 95 percent of Republicans in Maine disapprove.
Among Independents, just 35 percent approve of his job in office, while 61 percent said that they disapprove.

The UNH Survey Center conducts between 70 and 100 major survey projects each year and has been involved in this type of research since 1976.
Maine Dems are an especially vile example of the genus
80% of Democrats don’t have original thoughts and only do what MSLSD tells them to.
Democrats watch only mainstream media, 6, 8 & 13 and are completely uninformed.
If you asked the same people in this poll about the low ranking of Maine’s schools or about us being one of the highest taxed or about anything that puts a bad light on Maine’s Dirty Dems, they won’t know about it.
Are these the same people pushing for open borders, defunding the police, protecting criminals, climate change, sex organ mutilation on children, full term abortions, the “death jabs”, among dozens of other anti-American public policies? Well, F them!
The United States currently has the most corrupt President in modern times in office and most Democrats either don’t know or care. The mainstream media has continuously ignored Biden’s corruption while inventing Trump stories that Democrats never doubt. With the mainstream media’s abandonment of true journalism America is lost. I don’t see any hope.
So if you want a Convicted Felon,Sex Offender,Thief, Fraudster,Traitor and self Confessed Dictator to be the Representative of this Country,you have NO IDEA,what this Country is about, and should learn some History. Anyone who worships Hitler,Putin and other Dictators are blissfully Ignorant
Not in district 2
Donald Trump should be treated just as any other citizen in our country. I believe in what is engraved above the entrance to our Supreme Court, “EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW’.
I have not complained about Hunter Biden’s conviction as he was found guilty by a jury of his peers. A jury that he and his lawyers help select, just like Trump and his lawyers help select his jury.
The juries convicted both men – that’s how a jury trial works.
They both have the legal right to appeal and will. I fully support that right and hopefully so does everyone else.
And yet not one of these ignorant Maine democrats could actually tell you exactly what he was convicted of which conclusively proves that a vast majority of the citizens of Maine are just plain stupid.
What was Trump convicted of again?
I’ve never ever been polled. Who are they polling , illegals?
Waldo Otto, he was convicted for being President, having the audacity to run again, taking control of the southern border, economic policies that produced the lowest unemployment numbers in decades, and brokering peace agreements in the middle east among other things.
Just A -Holes ….they’re just assholes .
So smug , so virtuous , so liberal , so cool , so beyond reproach .
Don’t question them . They know what is right and wrong .
The majority of Maine people have NO clue what’s happening anywhere .
Not in Washington , not in the world , NOT in Augusta .
They gripe about Fox …and the ones who know about it , gripe about The Maine Wire . “ Right Leaning “ ….LOL …What tools they are !
The local news in Maine is a joke .
You can’t fix stupid if stupid doesn’t want to be fixed .
All you a-holes can vote for Biden Pingree and Golden .
Then see how much better your lives become . Fools !
Go hang another blue and yellow buoy from your mailbox .
Put up a recycled blm poster in your yard .
So cool ….so virtuous ….so Maine .
Any political poll I answer I always provide answers exactly opposite of my beliefs. Doing so will make Democrats confident and Republicans work harder.
Bunch of old farts who sit in front of the TV way too much.
First thing…. I wouldn’t trust anything coming out of N.H….. #releasetherecording…
Then HRC would be his room mate. And Joe should be with them for 85,000 lost illegal childern who crossed the boarder.
Sadly, thanks to the import of out of staters who do not wish to embrace Maine but remold it to what they came from, Maine is doomed to be just like California, New York, etc.
It comes down to the majority of the Maine citizens are on some kind of welfare and just keep perpetuating the Marxist DemoRATS. Also remember 40-45% of the Maine state budget is funded by personal income tax every year.
It will not change because republicans and the people of Maine just don’t care, they are all quite content with what is going on.
The “results” of a “survey” are greatly determined by the form of the questions, by who they are asked and the selection of respondents. Old computer theory: “Garbage in, Garbage out.”
Prison sentence for what?
Not being a Democrat and doing what Democrats always do?
100% of everyone else thinks Joe and Hillary belong in prison — so, there’s that.
…more than 70% of Mainers believe Democrats should be in prison! Fixed the header for you.
That makes 70% of Mainers just plain stupid.
OOPS! I meant 70% of Maine dems.
History says that 70% of Maine Democrats ALSO need serious mental health services, but that’s about as likely to happen as “prison for Trump.”
Hideously political prosecution from team Our Democracy™ and its subsidiary, team Rule of Law™
then 70 percent of maine dems are fascists