A Holiday Inn in Marlborough, Massachusetts, has become a hotbed of domestic abuse and child sexual assault since it became part of the state’s taxpayer funded migrant shelter program, which pays hotels to house illegal immigrants.
According to documents obtained by the Maine Wire, taxpayers were paying for the Holiday Inn at 265 Lakeside Ave to house an illegal immigrant, Ronald Joseph, who reportedly raped his 14-year-old daughter numerous times.
As a result of the rapes, the 14-year-old migrant girl became pregnant.
In an interview with Mass. officials, the young girl said Joseph had raped her multiple times on the journey to the U.S. — both before and after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border.
“[Department of Children and Families] DCF then conducted an interview with [the victim] who reported that her father has had sex with her multiple times, both on the journey to the U.S. and in the U.S. DCF then made the decision to remove [the victim] from her father’s custody on an emergency basis,” said the Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC), in records provided to The Maine Wire.

Instead of being arrested for the heinous crime, and prosecuted to the full extent of the law, Joseph lost custody of his daughter, and was given a taxpayer-funded Lyft ride to another shelter.
Joseph was transferred to the Queen Street Shelter in Worcester, Mass., which also houses women. That shelter is also paid for by taxpayers, and residents receive the full slate of benefits while staying there.
It is unclear why the accused child rapist was transferred via Lyft to a shelter which also housed women, rather than being transferred by police to be booked in jail.
The official report did not recommend that any criminal charges should be brought against Joseph.
According to the report, Joseph became agitated and belligerent while he was losing custody of his daughter, began yelling, and police were called.
When police arrived, they “calmed” the belligerent accused rapist, but did not take him into custody.
It is unclear whether Joseph will face any criminal charges or potential deportation proceedings for allegedly raping his daughter, or if he will be allowed to remain in the country, and continue to live off taxpayer money in the Worcester shelter.
Joseph was not the only man who allegedly sexually abused a minor in the Marlborough hotel.
In late April a resident of the shelter, 29-year-old Gladimy Rodene, was arrested after he was accused of sexually abusing a 16-year-old resident of the shelter, and allegedly abusing another victim whose age was not revealed.
A few days before the arrest, a councillor from the Marlborough Public School called the manager of the shelter and informed him that a 16 year-old-high school student living there was having a “consensual” sexual relationship with a 29-year-old also staying at the shelter.
Police were called then, but initially said over the phone that they could do nothing, since they did not know the name of the perpetrator, and the relationship was “consensual.”
“The Marlborough Police Department then decided not to send an officer and took a report over the phone, but without a name of the 29-year-old man and the report of it being consensual, they reported there was little they could do,” said the EOHLC report.

It is unclear why police initially regarded the relationship as consensual, given that a minor under the age of 18 cannot legally consent to sexual intercourse with a 29-year-old.
Days after the call from the school, guards working with the private security firm guarding the shelter, New England Security, were called to a room in the hotel which was housing the victim along with her mother and step-father.
The girl reported that she had been sexually abused, and identified the perpetrator as Rodene.
She claimed that she broke off the relationship when she discovered that Rodene was married and has a child.
Security then called police, who arrived to investigate the situation.
“We gathered with the family, where the girl revealed that she wasn’t the only victim; another friend had suffered similarly,” said the security guard who wrote the report, Andrew Lizotte.

According to that report, Rodene, unlike Joseph, was arrested for his crime.
Following the arrest, Rodene was issued an abuse prevention order, which forbade him from approaching the Marlborough Holiday Inn or the local High School where his victim is a student.

Another security report suggests that Rodene was released following the issuance of the abuse prevention order, and will not face legal penalties for child sexual abuse unless he violates the order.
“He was explicitly warned that if he returns to the premises, he will be arrested, and the police will be contacted,” said the security report.
There is no indication that any of the alleged illegal alien rapists who were staying at the migrant shelter will be subject to deportation proceedings.

The taxpayer funded shelter hotel, has also been the location of violent altercations between residents.
On the same day that Rodene was removed from the shelter, security was forced to deal with a violent altercation in the hotel’s cafeteria.
Around lunch, security responded to a disturbance where two women were arguing loudly about the use of a microwave.
During the argument, one of the women threw hot soup at the other before the property manager intervened and threatened to remove the microwave entirely if the altercation continued.
The police were not called during that incident, and it is unclear if the woman was injured after having hot soup thrown at her, or whether the aggressor will face any consequences.

In May, a far more serious altercation occurred, this time it was a domestic abuse incident in which the 45-year-old Cebian Baptiste was accused of attacking his wife.
Winezar Coralin, Baptiste’s wife, called police late at night and reported that she felt unsafe around her husband.
When police arrived, they discovered that Baptiste had bitten, struck, and attempted to strangle his wife; Baptiste claimed that the altercation began with his wife first biting him.
The couple, who have two young children, were allegedly fighting over a Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) card.
Police arrested Baptiste, who was then released later that same day on a $1,000 bail, and ordered to appear in court two days later.
During that interim, he was issued a temporary restraining order preventing him from approaching the Holiday Inn or his wife.
While he was on bail, Baptiste was offered the option to stay at the Queen Street Shelter in Worcester, where Joseph was also transferred after he was separated from his daughter.
Baptiste denied the offer, and instead went to stay in an unspecified location with “a friend.”
He did appear for his initial court date, where he was issued a future court date set for June 28, and forbidden from approaching the Holiday Inn during the interim.
Following the hearing, Coralin claimed that she felt safe, and would like her husband to return to the shelter, but that request was denied as Baptiste was legally forbidden from entering the premises.

Since 2023, while the hotel has been operated as a taxpayer funded shelter for illegal immigrants, emergency services have responded to the shelter 99 times in 2023 and 56 times in 2024 so far according to 911 call records provided to The Maine Wire.
These numbers did not account for police responses to the location that did not involve a 911 call, as was the case when police arrested Rodene for sexually abusing a 16-year-old girl.
After The Maine Wire received records of the numerous crimes committed at the shelter, a reporter drove down to the Marlborough hotel to ask questions.
The hotel’s roadside sign was covered with a white tarp, which is typical of the Massachusetts hotels which have been converted into immigrant shelters.
The doors of the hotel had signs outside warning that there was no public access, but also telling visitors to register at the front desk in the lobby.
The Maine Wire reporter attempted to enter the building through the front door, intending to speak with the front desk attendants.
Before he could enter the lobby, he was stopped by security, who threatened to call police after they were asked about the crimes committed at the shelter.
The reporter then left after being asked to do so by security.
The Marlborough Holiday Inn is not the only migrant shelter in Massachusetts to become a hub for crime and a safe harbor for criminals.
Earlier this month, the Maine Wire revealed that a suspected impostor staying at the Chelmsford, Best Western Inn, which was converted into a shelter, was arrested after sexually abusing his girlfriend’s 12-year-old daughter.
The man, Angel M. Rivera-Laureano, 59, had a history of serious crime, including at least one prior felony conviction, but was nevertheless staying on taxpayer funds in the Chelmsford hotel.
He is currently facing child sexual abuse charges in New Hampshire.
In March, the 26-year-old Corey Alvarez, a Haitian illegal immigrant staying at the Comfort Inn in Rockland, raped a 15-year-old disabled girl.
According to the Boston Herald, 22 individuals have been removed from shelters recently for “inappropriate conduct,” after they were deemed to pose a risk to families in the shelters.
A report from the Boston Globe revealed that Massachusetts has spent $1 billion this year alone housing 7,500 families, many of whom are illegal immigrants.
This does not account for the individuals staying in the shelters without families.
Another report from the Boston Globe revealed that the majority of the hotels being used as shelters have not passed health inspections, and that some are infested with rodents.
An investigation from CBS News found that Massachusetts had spent $116 million on housing contracts this year, with those contracts set to expire this month.
The CBS investigation also found that, in some cases, hotels are charging $64 per day, or $1,920 per month, for food for everyone staying in the shelters, using money which is provided by taxpayers.
Currently, the average cost of groceries per month per person in Massachusetts is $406, roughly $13 per day, which is nearly five times less than the cost to feed the illegal immigrants.
The guaranteed occupancy and lucrative government contracts may explain why hotel operators are keen to transform their hotels into taxpayer-funded migrant flophouses.
Another CBS investigation, showed that, at least in some cases, hotels are able to charge more per night for illegal immigrants than they would for customers.
One Fairfield Inn, in Dedham was able to charge $180 per night for rooms for illegals for which it normally charges $129 per night.
That means the hotel can make $5400 per month off of single rooms with no kitchens, all coming from taxpayers.
As previously reported by Boston Herald columnist and talk radio host Howie Carr, who has covered the migrant shelter crime wave extensively, the list of taxpayer funded benefits provided to migrants at the shelter hotels doesn’t end with free room and board.
Illegal immigrants who wind up in one of Massachusetts’ shelter hotels can expect to receive free housekeeping, free dry-cleaning and laundry, on site free medical and dental care, free cell-phones, computers, and other electronics.
They also receive free Medicaid coverage in addition to the free on-site medical care
Families with small children will have all their baby needs provided, which includes WIC cards, which range from $400-$800 per month.
The illegal immigrants also receive Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) welfare, which can amount to $2,880 per month for a family of four.
Children are allowed to attend the taxpayer-funded public schools, and everyone staying in the shelter is given taxpayer funded Uber or Lyft rides to schools, grocery stores, and hospitals, among other places.
If, under rental assistance programs available to the illegals, they decide to start staying in an apartment on taxpayer funds instead of staying in a shelter hotel, they will be given numerous gifts as they leave.
Illegals moving into an apartment can expect to receive free U-Haul trucks for their move, free beds for each resident, up to 10 free furniture items, and free household items such as kitchenware.
Illegals who move into an apartment will also be assigned a taxpayer funded case manager social worker who will help them to continue receiving welfare benefits for as long as possible.
That was a long and disturbing read. Profs Cloward and Piven at Columbia University in NYC came up with a scheme to destroy America: place enough non working people into the very geneous US welfare system with people showing them how to obtain the max benefits, and the Country would soon go broke. Perhpas it is not a cooincidence that obama, who runs the democrat/socialist party, attended Columbia.
Our thirty-four Trillion dollar national debt is growing rapidly.
As we continue to slide into a third world shit hole. This is an abomination, what dems keep voting for. This is what democrat compassion gets you. Thanks Chellie, Angus, Jared, Susan! Keep up the good work.
Where is ICE? Send these folks back to their countries of origin.
Mainers don’t forget id only a short drive Through the N. H. from Mass to Maine
And the “FOUR BRIGHT BULBS” will pay the toll!
The age of consent in Massachusetts is 16. There was nothing illegal if it was, in fact, consensual.
Age of consent in Massachusetts is 16.
It isn’t staggered like Maine’s law — it’s 16 with anyone.
Good interview on Howie Carr, Seamus!!
I think it’s about time to remind people that Chellie Pingree lives on North Haven Island — not Vinalhaven but NORTH HAVEN — and that’s where the rich folk live. The really rich folk.
I don’t see anyone suggesting sending a hundred or so illegal alien out to North Haven and I doubt the Maine State Ferry Service would permit anyone to do so.
Pingree doesn’t have to worry about illegals swimming the 12 miles or so of cold Penobscot Bay water and the rest of us don’t have a 12 mile moat…
Not mentioned in any of this is Elliot — a private outfit that receives $130 Million per year from the Commonwealth to deal with mental health issues in Massachusetts: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/eliot-community-human-services-inc
That was $130 M back in 2017 — Lord only knows how much they are getting now…
They’re mentioned in this if you read between the lines, and I have no doubt that they are very much involved in it. From what I’ve seen of Elliot, they are BAD NEWS and I’d encourage the Maine Wire to look into them
imagine being an american citizen, mass resident and taxpayer at the mercy of this system. After fleeing our home from a DV situation, failed by our states DV services and now at the mercy of this migrant crisis. After being homeless for over 60 days because of a wait list you are finally placed in a converted shelter with all migrants. While they have turned the hotel into an apartment complex and get to enjoy all the benefits myself and my children are isolated to our room and terrified for our safety. Nice cars, nice clothes, free meals, phones, ect ect it’s disheartening. The fact is that every migrant family in our shelter system is taking away from a mother and child of Massachusetts that cannot have that spot. I shouldnt have been forced to sleep in a tent or my car while a family that is here illegally gets everything handed to them.
Democrats do not really care about rape. If they did, then Janet Mills would not have pocket vetoed the otherwise passed and cooperatively bipartisan Assault Kit tracking legislation. Because of her action, she has denied 50% of all assault victims in Maine their basic human rights, dignity, and shot at justice.