As most Mainers were celebrating Independence Day with patriotic parades, barbecues, and fireworks displays, Bangor’s parade saw patriotism of another kind, with marchers waving the flag of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
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While Maine officials struggle to crack down on the influence of Chinese organized crime throughout the state, The Bangor Chinese school was openly supporting the international adversary during the Independence Day parade.
The Pro-China marchers came near towards the end of the parade and were carrying a large CCP flag alongside an American flag, and banners for their school.
The Bangor Chinese school, which doubles as a cultural center, is a non-profit dedicated to teaching Chinese, while also hosting summer camps for children and organizing trips to China.
On the school’s website, they claim to serve as an “umbrella organization that lends its planning and organization skills to a variety of activities important to bridging historical and cultural differences and maintaining productive dialog between the people of China and the United States.”
The website also displays a quote from journalist Jim Rogers in which he called for American children to begin learning Chinese.
“If the 19th century belonged to Britain, and the 20th century to the United States, then the 21st century will surely belong to China. My advice: Make sure you and your kids learn Chinese,” said Rogers in a quote posted on the Bangor Chinese School’s website.
The presence of a CCP flag at the Independence Day event comes as U.S./China relations have grown increasingly strained, in part due to U.S. support for Taiwan, and Chinese support for Russia in its war against Ukraine.
The parade also saw an appearance by Rep. Austin Theriault (R-Fort Kent) who is currently running for the House seat for Maine’s Second Congressional District, U.S. Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) and representatives of U.S. Senator Angus King’s (I-Maine) campaign.
The Bill of Rights is always being tested, even when it use make your blood boil.
WTH? Was this sponored by the CCP pot growers association? Bangor has turned into a wanabe Portland. Just another failed lib social experiment.
No taxes paid by the weed growers. I should learn from them!!!
Have to wonder if that Chinese school gets any donations from the illegal pot grow operators in Maine. Does the school have “training classes” for that kind of enterprise? How about human trafficking? Or do they pretend all the Chinese crime rings don’t exist?
Mrs Zhang (pronounced Jahhnng) is the head of the Bangor Chinese School.
Zhang invited me to an event at Husson University in Bangor in October 13, 2018, during which she played the Chinese National Anthem (with translated subtitles) from YouTube Zhang abruptly stopped the quite disturbing and revealing anthem about ten seconds after the part in which it was revealed that “…China is no longer the sick man of Asia…” and shall soon destroy it’s enemies and conquer the world. Next, a middle-aged Chinese Consulate at New York City gave a speech (read: thinly veiled warning) in which he tried to convince us that China’s intentions towards the United States and other Western countries are good and to never attempt to thwart China lest China’s wrath rain down on any and all countries that attempt to do so
I’ve lived many years in Communist China where I was brutally beaten on China’s National Day on Wu Thing Lu at the entrance to Shanghai’s Korea Town neighbourhood by a xenophobic, racist mob of at least one dozen males and a few females. A South Korean female helped to save my life by persuading the attackers to stop. She then rang an ambulance to take me to the People’s Hospital, which was about eight miles away. The driver made me pay ten thousand Yuan iin advance despite showing him my Expert’s Certificate and Residency-Work Permit, which meant that I was fully insured. In the Emergency Ward I met two White Americans that had also been badly beaten by a mob of locals for being Americans. The man and woman were a mess. The woman was six-months pregnant and had stab wounds on her body; the man’s face was badly disfigured.
For what it’s worth, I was going through a prolonged labour dispute against Mrs. Xu Wen Xui, who has US citizenship and resides part of the year in Arcadia, California. Xu used the assault on me as an excuse to immediately suspend me from my job until my badly injured face healed. A month later she refused to pay me several thousand dollars and bribed the judges in my labour lawsuit against her and her family.
Just because Zhang lives in Maine does not mean that she admires and is fond of the United States of America, as the provocative and insulting display of the CCP flag shows us.
Only one flag should be flying that day! Mariners are so luke warm, granting rights to Foreigners to buy up land ( mainly Chinese for drug houses). Most citizens don’t even realize our state government bypassed it’s citizens and granting those rights to even our advisories. Our founding father would be discussed like a few of us are as well. Not Biden nor any current day Democrat for 2024!
Maybe they’re marching for the Uyghur people, who are currently being held in Chinese reeducation/concentration camps?
Trying to remember history, wasn’t President Eisenhower the President who had the words UNDER GOD put into our pledge of Allegiance because of the threat of Communism. Pay attention Maine and America.
Shomtin wong.
What has this state come to. This is a holiday for the USA and American’s. Iam appalled to see this.
One citizen is pictured turning his back to the flag of the Chinese Communist Party as it passed by. Maybe the man’s father, like mine served in Korea and had bad memories of the Communist Chinese.
Not surprised Maine is democrats and democrats are communists they just try to hide it but I saw the revolutionary communist democratic party March in filly …democrats are communist and if your a Democrat in Maine sorry pal you are now the enemy communist